Russian invasion of Ukraine

Information about the flight number of the
Russian A-50U (42, RF-50610) that was shot down yesterday has appeared.It is also reported that 10 Russians died in the downed A-50, five of them majors -
Ukrainian Pravda with reference to GUR.In addition to the majors, three captains, an ensign and a lieutenant were killed. The Russians have about 7 such aircraft
If the Ukraine fails, the world at large has failed. Those people in the US slowing the military aid should be ashamed of themselves. There is a time for politics, and there is a time to just do the right thing.

Trump is so obviously a liar and a fraud, how the hell does he get so many supporters?
Then i see photos in America like this...


At least Trump says it cures Covid, so hopefully many of his supporters take his advice!

On February 24, 2022, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were not afraid of Russian missile attacks and huge convoys of equipment, and volunteered to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine.Thanks to the courage and sacrifice of Ukrainian citizens, we managed to resist. We managed to save ourselves and our country.Thank you to everyone who is defending our country on the battlefield these minutes. Thank you to everyone who helps the Ukrainian army. Who remembers, believes, prays and does everything possible for Victory.Eternal memory and honor to the soldiers who gave their lives for the freedom of the Motherland.I believe and know for sure - we will win!Glory to Ukraine
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format of the meeting with the President of the
European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Prime Minister of
Belgium, Alexander De Croo, emphasizes our priority in relations with the European Union for this year. We must be no less active in the direction of the European integration of Ukraine than last year.We must together resolve each of the contradictions existing in Europe, and we must together defend our Europe from all forms of Russian aggression against Europe. Our Europe is and will be among the global leaders
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