Russian invasion of Ukraine

From "The Analyst":


I spent much of the last four months of 2021 and the early weeks of 2022, trying to convince people Russia would invade.
When they asked why I thought it, I said, “You know me, you know my reputation. If I was Putin and I had spent this much time and money mobilising this size of a force, I would do it. If I would, he will.”
I admit that I expected Ukraine would resist, I was just as convinced of that. But I also admit that the theoretical possibility of defeat was easily 80-20 in Russian favour. It was shocking to see how badly the Russians screwed up, in fact it was one of the most catastrophic invasions since Barbarossa.
The people of Ukraine pulled off a miracle.
Zelensky inspired the world and he still does. Rarely is the right person in the right place at the right time. When they are it can be transformative. His determination to stay, to put his country above and beyond his family and his personal safety, contributed hugely to the will to resist.
There have been staggering successes and there have been dismal failures since. That is the way of war. Britain went through hell and back and daily wondered if it would ever get through the 1940-42 period. There were terribly dark days interspersed with glimmers of hope. Defeats were common, the tide of evil
seemed determined to stifle the world.
But like Russia now, the ideals and ideology the short lived Nazi empire were based on, simply could not stand. It was morally, ethically, politically and socially corrupt on a scale unprecedented in human history.
It extorted the evil and the worst of people to do terrible things for all the worst reasons. That is against the basic good of human nature. Putin has done the same thing. He has taken and corrupted Russia, its people and its resources, and bent them into a twisted ideal chasing a fantasy that never existed and must never be allowed to thrive.
Ukraine is fighting for all of us. We must be prepared to stand and fight with it.
They don’t ask us to die for their freedom. They are fighting for it with their blood.
We must give them our treasure in terms of money and resources to win this war.
For Ukraine, for democracy, for the freedom we hold so dear.
Thank you Ukraine. Thank your heroes, thank your people, your leadership, your national determination.

Slava Ukraini !
I mean I can happily start with the speaker of the House Mike Johnson who is currently blocking funding for Ukraine.

His campaign was financed by American Ethane corp, owned by Konstantin Nikolaev, Mikhail Yuriev, and Andrey Kunatbaev. Nikolaev is well known to be close to Putin. American Ethane also donated extensively to other Louisiana Republicans’ campaigns.

Or we could talk about the Trumps who have openly bragged they don’t need US financing as they get their money in Russia.

If those don’t tickle you, we could talk about Tommy Tuberville who has been long parroting Russian propaganda and even last week praised Putins interview with Carlsson as ‘eye opening’.

Those aren’t too glamorous so we could talk about Jim ‘Gym’ Jordan who has been pushing the Hunter Biden indictment based upon information he got from a Russian ‘informant’ Alexander Smirnov who has admitted to being close to the KGB.

If you want we can discuss Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham and John Kasich’s combined $7.35m in campaign funding from an oligarch close to Putin…
So you're basically saying the Russians have bought the GOP
We have to do better to support Ukraine, we should be treating this like it's our war. Not only physically but idealistically.

To support Ukraine to victory can breathe new life into the flagging Western democracies. It's a definitive moment where we can categorically say we are on the right side of history.

As it stands our support is borderline pathetic imo. Where is the ammunition? The equipment? The long range weapons? We have the capability to defeat this invasion in the palm of our hands, but instead we see a drip drip of obeselete gear and insufficient ammo.

We have to step it up before it's too late. Ukraine is paying with the lives of it's people. I'm essentially pacifist, however in this scenario there is no question, we have to do everything in our power to defeat this Russian aggression as soon as possible, for everyone's benefit.
Russian propagandist Solovyev threatens Poland.

"Do the Poles want to be next? They are not Ukrainians. We will not treat them like brothers. We'll bloody destroy all those cities in an instant, without using ground troops. It's Ukraine we feel sorry for, but there [in Poland] we'll fight like the Americans in Iraq. We will simply, I am not sure about nuclear strikes, but with missile strikes and air strikes, I am sure, we will just freaking destroy them. And we won't even think twice."

Pure drivel, hope we get to see this **** hang one day.
Russian propagandist Solovyev threatens Poland.

"Do the Poles want to be next? They are not Ukrainians. We will not treat them like brothers. We'll bloody destroy all those cities in an instant, without using ground troops. It's Ukraine we feel sorry for, but there [in Poland] we'll fight like the Americans in Iraq. We will simply, I am not sure about nuclear strikes, but with missile strikes and air strikes, I am sure, we will just freaking destroy them. And we won't even think twice."

Pure drivel, hope we get to see this **** hang one day.
It reveals the truth of much of the Russian psyche, though. It’s an imperial history, more than any other (when sustained over a period of decades and centuries) that is founded on the subjugation of other peoples in conjunction with expansion. More than the Roman, Ottoman and British Empires. The bottom line is that the people of Ukraine, Poland and virtually all of Europe don’t want to be subject to or part of that, or even under its sphere of influence more than is presently the case. This is hardly surprising when you look at the oppression, endemic dishonesty in society, levels of education, manners and terrible taste in clothes and music in the Russian federation.

Is there a single poster on here who would currently choose to live there? The answer to that question is why Ukraine are defending their nation as they are. They don’t want to be part of something so utterly terrible.

And who can blame them?

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