Russian invasion of Ukraine

Fuck me,article on Sky news saying 10 year old boy died en route to hospital in an ambulance......said ambulance was under gunfire.
Switzerland condemning Russia now. You know you've done something wrong when the Swiss are upset and come down off the fence, taking your Swiss bank accounts with them.
No, but he's not the one doing the firing. Someone ordered that weapon to be used, and someone fired it. War crimes trials aren't only for the people at the top.

It's not happening mate, prosecuting war the way Putin is prosecuting it means anything goes. The only way that people will be brought to book is if Russia gets invaded and taken over.

Even if Russia get taken over the ensuing upheaval and civil war will make this war look like a playground spat.
BTW does anyone know where OPEC and the Saudis are in all of this? They could easily satisfy world oil demands and stabilise prices (with Russian oil embargoed) by simply turning the wick up a bit. I haven't heard a peep out of Saudi Arabia.

Or - unrelated - out of Japan either. What are the Japs saying / doing?
I'm pretty sure that OPEC will be guided by their shameless obsession with extracting as much profit as possible from any global crisis.
From the meeting , ukraine demanded all russian troops out of the country , third round of talks about to get underway , sky

I’m taking the fact that they have reached they 3rd round of talks as a positive. Clutching at any straws possible here!

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