Russian invasion of Ukraine

Most of the thread is news and updates and people speculating about Putin’s next moves or how boss the Ukrainians are.

There’s not much evidence to say we’ll all die in a nuclear Holocaust so I think it’s pretty meaningless to discuss at this stage. We cannot affect or escape it if it happens and the UN have confirmed there’s no physical change to Russia’s deployment. It’s just words at this point to help the **** negotiate
Agree with all of that, and in fact never suggested otherwise.
Top tips for a nuc weapon detonating in your vicinity:

1. Put earplugs in your ears (or put your fingers in your ears). The noise will be very loud and it may rupture your eardrums, which, if you have experienced before, is painful.

2. Wear sun glasses. The blast will be very bright and you could end up with arc eye. Worse, you may experience loss of sight.

3. Under no circumstances, wear anything nylon as it will melt and burn your skin.

Thank you :)
4. Jump 200 feet into the air and scatter yourself over a wide area
I remember in the early 80s as a kid hearing the air raid sirens regularly being tested in the event of a nuclear attack.

It was terrifying to hear and I would have terrible dreams of me being stuck at school and whether I could run the three miles from to home in four minutes and get to say goodbye to my folks.

Stupid, I know. Goodness knows how the people of Ukraine deal with this very real nightmare.
If you are ever in a position to have to worry about being able to run three miles in four minutes I can help to allay your fears; you can't. :-)

I remember the sirens, our school had one on a tall pole; eerie sound, especially as WW2 was still reasonably fresh in our parents generations minds and by association ours.
I wish you were wrong but suspect you are right, no matter how much I want the Ukraine to win, Russia are far to large and strong. They have too many expendable troops and weapons I fear

It's not all doom and gloom, this clip outlines where we are. A face saving out that contains some elements of "victory" for Russia needs to be cobbled together and fast.

Question is by whom?

The really staggering thing about the endless Russian lies, is not the lies in themselves, but that they are so completely and utterly pigshit thick as to believe anyone remotely believes a word they say. Just who on planet earth are they trying to kid? Beggars belief really. They'd be better off just saying "Look, we're all cunts. We know we are. You know we are."

Many will lap it up though. Primarily, those who wear tin foil hats. There are many of them. Including many in the far right.
I wish you were wrong but suspect you are right, no matter how much I want the Ukraine to win, Russia are far to large and strong. They have too many expendable troops and weapons I fear

You know that Russia are massively outnumbered?

Russia's invasion force is 150,000. Ukraine's army is 250,000, and they've got their trained reserves of 200,000 activated.

That's not including the conscripts/civilian militias being enlisted in that last couple of weeks.

As for expendable weapons...Ukraine is getting so many weapons from all over the world they won't be able to use them all.

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