Russian invasion of Ukraine

Bosphorus strait?.......major shipping route in and out of the Black Sea......Turkey have close ties with Russia though,don't they?

It's all military ships, not just Russia. Erdogan saying he wants to maintain a relationship with Russia and Ukraine. Turkey are a part of NATO though.
Who said they were?
My only arguement would be about economic refugees v war torn refugees.
I have long supported the Rhohinga people, on here and elsewhere.
Several on this board call me an anti semite for my support of genuine Palestinians. The powerful bully the weak. I support the weak.
So you must be up in arms over us hardly taking any Syrian refugees and I must have missed all your posts concerning them?
@spectatorindex: BREAKING: Moscow says countries sending military equipment to Ukraine will be responsible if they are used against Russian forces.
Be interested to see how they tackle the supply issues.

The lack of Ukrainian air control is a big big issue though and will start to be telling over the coming days.

If you are making reference to civilians who are armed, they are next to useless vs hardorned soldiers. The girl who threw the molotv at the tank earlier nearly set herself on fire in the process.
Maybe, for some reason, they are keeping their powder dry. I would have thought all those convoys parked up would make interesting targets but with a huge Russian airforce 20 minutes or so away I can see why.
Bollocks. I voted to leave, I vote tory but if I could take just one Ukrainian family never mind 4 I would.
That's great but why limit your altruism to a Ukrainian family? I'm supplying a link which might be of interest.
What does the Z mean on the tank, seen it mentioned a few times leading up to invasion
Z is Russian
V is Belorussian

I think the argument could be made that there are more Ukrainians fighting this war though, I think the numbers are there for Ukraine. As of right now Ukraine has no supply issues either.

Around 400k people have evacuated Ukraine, when there are 40million citizens. It’s obvious there aren’t going to be 39million fighters, but they’ll still massively outnumber Russia’s army.

It’s just if it when Russia really ups the bombing that them gain the upper hand.

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