People keep talking about a way out for Putin, but imagine if he keeps going for a minute.
Imagine an occupation like Afghanistan.
Instead of 40 year old soviet weapons the enemy is armed with the best modern technology in the world.
Then imagine there’s a real army of 400,000 to defeat first not an untrained rabble.
Then imagine instead of 1% of the population being against you, it’s more like 80%.
Then imagine that As long as it goes on, your economy is in the worst depression in history and inflation is reaching Zimbabwe levels.
Then imagine how low morale is back home now that you’re kicked out of all international sport, films aren’t released, there’s no gigs because bands don’t tour - not that you could afford it anyway.
People can’t buy a new phone or computer or to unless it’s Chinese. They can’t get parts for your cars. They can’t get flights anywhere.
Tens of thousands of mothers just lose contact with their sons and never hear from them again, never get to bury them or properly mourn.
Every political ally you have just lost 80% of their money and every day a coup is more likely.
This is Vietnam and the Great Depression and North Korea pariah status all in one.
Imagine knowing that you’ll go down as the worst president in the country’s history.
The off ramp is avoiding that. Come up with whatever lie and excuse you need to bring your “Special Military Exercise” to an end.