Russian invasion of Ukraine

Totally accept and acknowledge that @mossideble, but could we not act as an enabler to help facilitate a peaceful settlement? It's better than trying to enforce an Air Exclusion Zone or leaving the Ukranians to fight and suffer alone?
Which do see as the best outcome - Russia controlling Ukraine, or the majority of the world destroyed in a nuclear war?

Enforcement of a no-fly zone would likely involve NATO shooting down Russian aircraft, and striking Russian air defence units. Putin has already effectively said he is willing to resort to nuclear weapons if there is any such interference.
I’m expecting some here to jump on this but I’ve actually been impressed with Boris this last few days.
My wife is Russian, she’s lived in the UK for 25 years and whilst definitely not a Putin supporter fits into that 70% as does her father, a very intelligent man, whom I respect a lot. It’s honestly very difficult for me to get my head around their views which are basically that Russians in East Ukraine have been persecuted, murdered etc by a fascist Ukraine over the years and that Putin has up til now done everything he can for a peaceful solution but now has been left with no other option (oh and NATO takes is share of the blame in all this too). These are of course completely opposite to my views but arguing has become impossible - it’s literally like arguing to a mirror - I say ‘you’re being lied to’ - they say ‘no, you are being lied to’.
It’s difficult for me to understand how smart people can think like this, all I’ve come up with is that this belief that the west manipulates the truth has been ingrained in them for decades that it just becomes who they are.
The whole situation is very sad
If Russians in East Ukraine have been persecuted for years, surely ther is some evidence posted somewhere.
I’m expecting some here to jump on this but I’ve actually been impressed with Boris this last few days.

It’s covid all over again.

Jump out quickly and do something first, then when everyone else overtakes you just remind them you were first to the 1 mile marker in the marathon.

Suggest sanctions first but implement weaker ones than the EU and more slowly.

The fact he was completely incapable of agreeing with Starmer that there shouldn’t be an 18 month loophole for Oligarchs to move their money and property before being named* by the new bill just tells you everything you need to know, he’s protecting someone and doing just enough to appear to be doing something.

His Churchillian fantasy is in an eternal battle with the small time corruption that got him the job.
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Anyone else as infuriated as me that the Olympic committee has approved that the Russian and Belarus Paralympic teams are allowed to take part?

Which do see as the best outcome - Russia controlling Ukraine, or the majority of the world destroyed in a nuclear war?

Enforcement of a no-fly zone would likely involve NATO shooting down Russian aircraft, and striking Russian air defence units. Putin has already effectively said he is willing to resort to nuclear weapons if there is any such interference.

Putin says alot of things, like Ukrainians committing genocide in the name of their Jewish Nazi leader.
People keep talking about a way out for Putin, but imagine if he keeps going for a minute.

Imagine an occupation like Afghanistan.

Instead of 40 year old soviet weapons the enemy is armed with the best modern technology in the world.

Then imagine there’s a real army of 400,000 to defeat first not an untrained rabble.

Then imagine instead of 1% of the population being against you, it’s more like 80%.

Then imagine that As long as it goes on, your economy is in the worst depression in history and inflation is reaching Zimbabwe levels.

Then imagine how low morale is back home now that you’re kicked out of all international sport, films aren’t released, there’s no gigs because bands don’t tour - not that you could afford it anyway.

People can’t buy a new phone or computer or to unless it’s Chinese. They can’t get parts for your cars. They can’t get flights anywhere.

Tens of thousands of mothers just lose contact with their sons and never hear from them again, never get to bury them or properly mourn.

Every political ally you have just lost 80% of their money and every day a coup is more likely.

This is Vietnam and the Great Depression and North Korea pariah status all in one.

Imagine knowing that you’ll go down as the worst president in the country’s history.

The off ramp is avoiding that. Come up with whatever lie and excuse you need to bring your “Special Military Exercise” to an end.

I agree with everything but .....and it's a big're talking about Putin here. A man so deranged and up his own arse he makes a Liverpool fan look normal. Losing face to him is the worst possible scenario. I honestly believe he'd be willing to see the whole world nuked to oblivion including Russia first. I'm just amazed the more rational in his party haven't ousted the lunatic.
It’s covid all over again.

Jump out quickly and do something first, then when everyone else overtakes you just remind them you were first to the 1 mile marker in the marathon.

The fact he was completely incapable of agreeing with Starmer that there shouldn’t be an 18 month loophole for Oligarchs to move their money and property before being naked by the new bill just tells you everything you need to know, he’s protecting someone.
Speaks volumes.

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