Russian invasion of Ukraine

Will you condemn Zelensky’s dangerous lies?
How do you know it’s a lie?
We have no idea whether he believed it to be true at the time he said it.
Irrespective of that it wouldn’t have happened if the Russians weren’t firing missiles at Western Ukraine.

Looking at your post history on this thread I find it quite telling that in none of your 21 posts have you directly criticised Putin yet you’re straight in with calling Zelenskyy one of the most dangerous men on the planet.

Seems fairly clear that you’re an apologist for Russia.
Lies? What lies? He made an assumption that turned out to be wrong based on the information that was available at the time, ones that the majority of the western media were parroting before more facts came through.

A LIE is when you KNOW something isn't true, but give an account of something that is by deception. What proof do you have that Zelensky knew the missile wasn't an act of Russian aggresion BEFORE any of the facts came in? You don't, so kindly STFU.

Said around the same time when western media sources, via US Intelligence sources stated "Poland has been hit by a Russian missile"

What proof do you have that shows that Zelensky knew at that time that the missile wasn't Russian and told the world it was?

He either knew it was one of his missiles and lied about it or he didn’t know who’s it was and lied and said it was fired by Russia.
Serious post (for a change)

I would support any western allie (including us) going into the Ukraine to fully support them.
NOT to invade Russia. But to push them back over the border.
I've wanted us to do this since day one. Not since we have seen how weak Russia really is.

Now i know that would be dangerous and possibly start a wider conflict. I would risk it.

I have always thought that after WW2, we would never allow another Hitler situation. Yet here we are watching another nation targeting civilians, and committing war crimes on a mass scale.

Now as others will probably point out, i'm gagging for WW3.
No i'm not. But if Russia didn't have nukes, we would have already been in there.
They do, so i agree it's best that i don't make these decisions!

But it will never sit right with me us just arming the Ukraine. I thought the world would have reacted better than this.
Fuck Putin and his threats, he needs taking out by us. Hopefully one day the Russians would see the big favour we did them.
We can't take the risk of escalation, the Russian military are a complete rabble and are losing badly anyway. We seem to have told the Russians exactly what will happen, if the overstep the mark by using wmd's, lets not give them an excuse by putting boots on the ground. Best to keep a lid on it best we can for now, while supplying Ukraine with what they need.
What dangrous lies?
100 ballistic missiles were launched at Ukraine yesterday from Russia and Belarus. Most were destroyed in the air. Many of the anti-missile missiles (AMM) fired to stop them fell to earth without hitting a target or exploded in mid-air putting debries everywhere. Dangerous yes but not in the same league as allowing the Russian missiles to explode on target.
108....sorry to be pedantic.
Slava Ukraini

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