Samir Nasri

Posted this in the Mancini thread but it's just as relevant in here.

BillyShears said:
Just to clarify a few things ... I watched the i/v on Bein Sport last night. He was relaxed and talked well. The comments about Mancini were not particularly malicious, although it obviously stung him that Mancini had said he doesn't put it in in training and in that sense he basically said Mancini wasn't being honest, but also that Mancini's poor English often led to him saying inappropriate things to the press about players.

He's not going to leave City this summer btw. That much was clear from the interview. His comments about Wenger are nothing new, as are his comments about the direction Arsenal were heading in.

I think the really interesting part about the interview hasn't made it over to the British papers, and that's when he talks about le generation 87. Very honest in admitting that as a group they are mentally quite weak. He also speaks about talent alone not being enough at the very highest level and how mental strength is as important as ability.

All very interesting to be honest. Very clear that Nasri's a player who needs coaching both on and off the field. I suppose that it's a choice City will have to make with regards to our playing staff and Mancini. If we are going to persist with him, then we are going to have to sign perfectly rounded players who need nothing from the manager other than instructions on where to play, how to play, and when to play.
When the inevitable happens in the summer and Mourinho exits Real Madrid, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see the Wenger to Madrid links resurgace again whereas I would be surprised to see a Mancini to Madrid link.

Football fans are fickle, none more so than the Arsenal lot. If Wenger grabs 4th again this season, which is absolutely essential with regards to getting the top-level players they ultimately need should Arsenal finally have a "warchest" of some kind to spend, then all those Piers Morgan-like Arsenal fans who have been chanting "Wenger Out!" will be backing him again for next season.

For a team that has had to sell Fabregas, Nasri, Song, RVP and others in order to fill Kroenke's pocket, whilst only being able to bring in the likes of Arteta and Mertersacker and yet they continually qualify for the CL, although may come unstuck finally this season, is quite impressive.

There seems to be a misconception that Wenger has tens of millions of £££ to spend every summer and he just plain refuses to. That's bollocks I'm afraid. If it wasn't, then what club would continue to employ a manager on the highest salary in the league, who refuses to spend the money he has, whilst failing to win a single trophy in 8 years? The fact is, the board know the situation Wenger is in and believe he is performing admirably given the resources at hand. Rumour has it that those resources may finally improve considerably in the summer.
The cookie monster said:
Them arsenal fans must be wrong uns nip with their wenger out banners :)

They are right to be vexed with him.

Wenger needs to stop toeing the party line and call a spade. Usmanov is Arsenals hope of challenging again and they already have him on board. Instead Usmanov is treated with contempt and fans are brainwashed that us, Chelsea etc are evil and ruining the game whilst they do everything 'organically'.

The sold rights to stadium 'emirates' so that isn't organic really.
They charge higher prices for a ticket than we do and they haven't won fuck all for years.

Their fans are being mugged off to use a cockney phrase and Wenger is allowing his good work to be undone and his legacy is tarnishing by the day.

Wenger treads carefully but his qoutes tell you a lot.
'We cannot sell Nasri and Fabregas and call ourselves a big club'
'Every season I must make a profit'

Basically the boards selling players off for gain and he's not allowed to spend because club pocket revenue raised rather than invest. On that basis it is incredibly naive and unfair to discredit Wenger for the lack of silverware when his hands are tied and the spend budget slashed.

Fuck sakes their top wage is £100k less than what we pay Komapny, Silva, Yaya, Tevez and Aguero.

It's ok though, inners or blinkered can still argue Mancini is better and things are equal though, let's not start off on an equal footing to debate ;)
Love how people on here desperate for this to be a non event when it quite clearly is a new interview and is clearly a problem
Benarbia said:
Love how people on here desperate for this to be a non event when it quite clearly is a new interview and is clearly a problem

Why is it a problem?
olddirty said:
Rolee said:
Don't get me wrong Nip, I believe Wenger is brilliant, I just believe Mancini is better.
Mancini better than Wenger ? Seriously ?

At winning stuff. Undoubtedly.
Wenger is a good youth coach but when it comes to winning stuff he's not that good.<br /><br />-- Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:05 pm --<br /><br />
Rolee said:
Benarbia said:
Love how people on here desperate for this to be a non event when it quite clearly is a new interview and is clearly a problem
Why is it a problem?
Why indeed.
Nasri is gone in the summer. Monaco or PSG
sjk2008 said:
There seems to be a misconception that Wenger has tens of millions of £££ to spend every summer and he just plain refuses to. That's bollocks I'm afraid. If it wasn't, then what club would continue to employ a manager on the highest salary in the league, who refuses to spend the money he has, whilst failing to win a single trophy in 8 years? The fact is, the board know the situation Wenger is in and believe he is performing admirably given the resources at hand. Rumour has it that those resources may finally improve considerably in the summer.

Arsenal have had the resources to spend big (or keep the players they had) for several years now. They have well over £100m in the bank, make profits year after year (player sales have contributed to that) and a pretty well placed as far as debt goes.

It's either a board decision not to spend or a Wenger decision. I suspect a bit of both.

I also think a big problem of theres is not so much that they don't pay the biggest wages, but the gap between their top earner and lower earners isn't very high. So they have a pretty high wage bill, but a lot of that is taken up by player that don't really contribute much. So if an when they do spend again a pretty big clearout will be needed.
moomba said:
sjk2008 said:
There seems to be a misconception that Wenger has tens of millions of £££ to spend every summer and he just plain refuses to. That's bollocks I'm afraid. If it wasn't, then what club would continue to employ a manager on the highest salary in the league, who refuses to spend the money he has, whilst failing to win a single trophy in 8 years? The fact is, the board know the situation Wenger is in and believe he is performing admirably given the resources at hand. Rumour has it that those resources may finally improve considerably in the summer.

Arsenal have had the resources to spend big (or keep the players they had) for several years now. They have well over £100m in the bank, make profits year after year (player sales have contributed to that) and a pretty well placed as far as debt goes.

It's either a board decision not to spend or a Wenger decision. I suspect a bit of both.

I also think a big problem of theres is not so much that they don't pay the biggest wages, but the gap between their top earner and lower earners isn't very high. So they have a pretty high wage bill, but a lot of that is taken up by player that don't really contribute much. So if an when they do spend again a pretty big clearout will be needed.

I'm not denying they don't have money in the bank. However, that's something Kroenke likes to see. I have no doubts that the decisions they've made in recent years fall squarely with him and his people.

Why would Wenger be happy to sell, year on year, their best players and replace them with comparitively average players? It's nonsensical. His quotes about how they cannot seriously expect to challenge for the title when you sell your best players every year backs that up.

I agree with you about their wage structure though. Rather odd to see so many bog standard players getting high wages.

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