Samir Nasri

sjk2008 said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
sjk2008 said:
You can say he's lost his touch but as I've said, other people will revert you to the situation he has to deal with from above. Nowadays, you can't go out and buy a Vieira, Overmars or Henry for less than £15m on total. It'd cost you that for one of them in today's market. Unfortunately for him, he's not given the finances to either fund such transfers or when he does, he isnt able to hand out the wages which will attract the more stella names and, as such, ends up with Arteta, Mertersacker or Gervinho, aka panic buys.

Do you think if he was in charge of either City, Real, Barca, Bayern or Chelsea, with the backing of each of those respective boards, he'd win absolutely nothing? If not, then you're comparing apples with oranges.

On the flipside, if Mancini was at Arsenal, and had to work within the situation created by Kroenke and his men, do you believe Mancini would win league titles and FA cups? I'm not so sure.

I don't agree, I think as Newcastle prove if you scout well enough there is value in the market, especially in territories where Wenger used to have the advantage.

Panic buys are like we proved last season the result of a poorly thought out transfer policy and whilst the board have a huge influence by now Wenger would know who he's inevitably going to lose and should have a contingency, he doesn't. He buys poorly or averagely on the whole.

Mancini won cups on tight budgets in Italy so I think he'd do a fair job, you have to question the mentality of Wenger and his modern Arsenal when they bottle Carling Cup finals to Birmingham and the like, there's a genuine issue there.

Whether he'd win trophies or not elsewhere is a different matter and one that cannot be proven without him doing so obviously. The fact remains that once the backline previous managers had built for him retired and his failure to replace the spine of his team properly in the early mid noughties started to take place we then see a whole host of flaws seeping through.

What we see is a manager who had a top class run but has slowly let his good work slip into mediocrity. That tells me that he's either been there too long, has lost his way and needs a fresh start and motivation to prove how good he is or he;s sold himself up the creek without a paddle in order to have a comfortable time of it. To me it's more the latter than the former and that's the wrong mentality for a top class manager and therefore I wouldn't consider replacing Mancini with him. If he had ambition he'd have done what many of his star players did and walked out of Arsenal or shown some backbone and stood up to the board, the fact he didn't sends alarm bells and along with everything I mentioned he to me is a massive gamble and a manager you would have picked 6/7 years ago, not now, he's let it ebb too long and there's other managers who set about challenging themselves everyday and are ambitious and are proving themselves. They have the right attitude and that is why they succeed whilst Wenger's legacy gets gradually turned to mush.

Or Wenger is just showing a breed of loyalty rarely seen these days and is biding his time for when a potential warchest becomes available?

He's the highest paid manager in the PL. 4 years ago, Madrid would have improved on that salary to bring him to the Bernabeu. You say that could be down to him preferring to take the easy ride with Arsenal and I say he could be an extremely patient man. As it happens, with the amount of shit he's received from some corners of Arsenal's fanbase, I wouldn't class the ride he's having at the moment as an "easy" one. Perhaps there's something in the offing within Arsenal that's keeping him there, other than his lucrative salary.

Let's face it - there will be teams in MLS, China, Qatar etc that will more than match the salary he currently gets.

As for building on the backbone of previous regimes, the general starting Xi for that Invincibles season was:


Only Bergkamp wasn't a Wenger signing, so that tells me that he built a side, rather than failed to build on past regimes.

I can see your point a little, in that he's failed to continually build. However, I again refer to the current regime he's had to work under, incidentally once David Dein had left. It's completely different, especially when it comes to finances. As the market value of players and their wages has changed dramatically, Arsenal haven't been able to follow suit accordingly. Whilst they pay average players like Gervinho & Mertersacker 60-70k p/w, the likes of RVP were only getting 90k p/w. Laughable in the extreme.

It can't be put down to pure chance than their regression (or failure to progress) began when they moved from Highbury to their expensive new stadium. I refuse to believe that should a new manager come into Arsenal tomorrow, that he'd have £100m to spend simply because Wenger has been too stubborn to spend it himself. I don't believe that kind of money has been available to him for some time, perhaps never.

You point me in the direction of Newcastle. Yes, they've bought some good players but how are they doing. Cabaye is decent, I'll give you that. The likes of Cisse, Sissoko & Debauchy are good but not world beaters either. Maybe Wenger thought the same. You'd think so considering his history of acquiring French players for little cost and turning them into World Class players.

When past players such as Fabregas, Henry, Vieira & Nasri state their admiration for Wenger and his abilities, it should not be ignored. He's a top class manager who's not had the resources to continually build year upon year. You only have to presume such an opportunity will finally arise soon enough.

I used Newcastle as an example, Wenger is unarguably a better manager so can get more from those players.

The invincibles season where he still only won 1 trophy, and that's the best he put together and it fell away after that. It was a great team no doubt but time and time again bar the odd final(and even then they couldn't get it done) Wenger's teams seem to implode mentally and don't get the job done. There's something missing in that psyche that transferred over to the league 5/6 years ago, especially after the Eduardo injury. Each March they'd be up there or leading the table and then they would completely implode on all 3 fronts. It's no surprise that fans from other teams then get amused around the end of February/beginning of March as they know Arsenal will implode. The last 2 seasons have been different but only because they either started so poorly or were just downright inconsistent.

Vorm(£1.5m), Zabaleta(£6.5m), Kompany(£6m), Clichy(£7m, funny?), Cabaye(£4.5m), Lucas(£5m), Ben Arfa(£7m), Mirallas(£6m), Ba(£7m), Benteke(£7m).

Proof that there are still plenty of good value players to be found if you look in the right place. Some that he couldn't see under his own nose, but let's not dwell on Andre Santos shall we...

May not all suit Arsenal by any means, but a couple of them added to what they have would make them quite a lot stronger. If you look hard enough you find value, he did 10 years ago, he doesn't now, something's telling me all those great purchases may not have been down to him.
I just don't understand why players can't keep their thoughts to themselves. Why not be professional and keep any issues behind closed doors. Our players seem to be ready to give the press ammunition because they make ill considered remarks. I include Mancini in this. The press are already willing to slaughter us why help them. I can understand Wenger maybe a nicer manager in fact I believe it but did it need saying. We have had,

Aguero/ Real Madrid
Tevez/ just about everything
Yaya/ threatening to leave
Micah/ players don't like playing 3 at the back
Mancini/ critising players, Marwood, Transfers

All of their comments might be true but do they really need saying to the press. They are City employees they need to learn not to bite the hand that feeds them.
NipHolmes said:
chrismcfc1 said:
Rolee said:
Mancini is a better manager

Mancini is a winning manager. Wenger is a great mate to these guys because he never slags off his players if they are not putting a shift in. Which by the way is arsenal for the last 7 seasons. You can slag of mancini for having a pop at Samir but has it worked ? Yes as he now knows if he doesn't play to a 100% he will be benched.

Well done roberto great man management.

If you believe that you want to order a brain for xmas coming.

Wenger has had the exact opposite of the backing Mancini has had here.

He's had to combat both the stadium and a profit taking board, yet he gets judged on winning nothing for last 8 years. Imagine if Arsenal had the same investment as us, do you think they'd still be potless, I dont.

Wenger was lucky he knew all the French youngsters that were coming through at the same time, Henry, anelka, viera. If you add that to the perfect defence he already had and Dennis bergkamp he had the makings of a great team. He was also able to splash top dollar £18 million on Reyes flop , wiltord £15 million flop. Plus a number of others.

Mancini by far the better manager and more consistent.
kalouk said:
I just don't understand why players can't keep their thoughts to themselves. Why not be professional and keep any issues behind closed doors. Our players seem to be ready to give the press ammunition because they make ill considered remarks. I include Mancini in this. The press are already willing to slaughter us why help them. I can understand Wenger maybe a nicer manager in fact I believe it but did it need saying. We have had,

Aguero/ Real Madrid
Tevez/ just about everything
Yaya/ threatening to leave
Micah/ players don't like playing 3 at the back
Mancini/ critising players, Marwood, Transfers

All of their comments might be true but do they really need saying to the press. They are City employees they need to learn not to bite the hand that feeds them.

I agree with you completely but would argue that your manager sets the tone. When the manager starts slating players in the press it comes as no surprise when the players respond back. Fixing this starts with Mancini, then you can and must address the same issues with the players.
coops said:
Ian Ladymsn just tweeted "@Ian_Ladyman_DM: Samir Nasri has just walked thro the PSG mixed zone. I PS have no idea why."
Tell PSG they can have him for 40 mill plus Ibra.

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