Sanchez [Continued]

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Guys, think this thread has reached it's conclusion.
He's finalised a move to Barca according to Cruyff.
<a class="postlink" href="!/Cruyff_Official" onclick=";return false;">!/Cruyff_Official</a>
Manchester1894 said:
Guys, think this thread has reached it's conclusion.
He's finalised a move to Barca according to Cruyff.
<a class="postlink" href="!/Cruyff_Official" onclick=";return false;">!/Cruyff_Official</a>

Seems to be an account manager rather than Cruyff himself though. Can't see any confirmation anywhere unless Cruyff himself told the person managing his account.

Mirror claiming United still hope to sign him: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... um=twitter</a>
Good I really hope he's gone to barca. Then we can get on with signing nasri, mata or similar. Or both !
personally i have given up any hope of signing sanchez, however i still think we need someone of a similar ilk. Realistically even if we sign nasri, we still dont really have anyone who can beat a player and whip in a cross. Swp used to be able to do it, and Johnson seems like more of an impact player.

We desperately need a right winger who can beat a man and stick in a decent ball. Otherwise Dzeko is essentially wasted. but who is out there???
ethan23 said:
personally i have given up any hope of signing sanchez, however i still think we need someone of a similar ilk. Realistically even if we sign nasri, we still dont really have anyone who can beat a player and whip in a cross. Swp used to be able to do it, and Johnson seems like more of an impact player.

We desperately need a right winger who can beat a man and stick in a decent ball. Otherwise Dzeko is essentially wasted. but who is out there???

who ever they are they will have to be cheap if the reports from Mancini are true

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 06331.html</a>
Good luck to him, i'll be keeping an eye on his performances. Jesus, it's scary to think how powerful they may become with Fab too
whats all this shit over twitter that if barca don't get him then the scum are favorites why????
skybluelyon said:
whats all this shit over twitter that if barca don't get him then the scum are favorites why????
really??? thought we`d left our offer on the table??
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