Sanchez [Continued]

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kinkladzestwinkletoes said:

14:34 - Sanchez is on the verge of signing with Barcelona. You are about to unlock the negotiations, ongoing for over a month, between Udinese and Barcelona for the Chilean Alexis Sanchez. The two clubs have overcome the impasse in recent weeks, represented by the technical counterpart to turn to Udinese. In the business should be part of the striker Jonathan Dos Santos, Young's brother, 21 years, Mexican, and Cantera product of the Barça.
It's amazing how Barca get clubs to agree to take their youngsters as part of the deal. It would be like us trying to sign Aguero and then using Greg Cunningham to break the impasse.
Neville Kneville said:
BringBackSwales said:
Neville Kneville said:
He's making a perfectly valid point & doesn't deserve the abuse for it.

How much would Rooney, Lampard or Gerrard be worth combined based on most of their England performances over the last few years?

Paul Scholes in his England career?

I wasn't abusing him, I was supporting him in being entitled to his view, and I commented that I was interested to hear how he played last night???

I'm talking about Mancio's comparisons with Tevez & the fact that he's saying you can't judge a player on an international game, hence Tevez looks poor for Argentina sometimes & I'm drawing the comparison with Rooney & Co who also often look poor in internationals.

you've lost me, I was talking about Dribble not Mancio<br /><br />-- Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:42 pm --<br /><br />
Tricky_Trev said:
kinkladzestwinkletoes said:

14:34 - Sanchez is on the verge of signing with Barcelona. You are about to unlock the negotiations, ongoing for over a month, between Udinese and Barcelona for the Chilean Alexis Sanchez. The two clubs have overcome the impasse in recent weeks, represented by the technical counterpart to turn to Udinese. In the business should be part of the striker Jonathan Dos Santos, Young's brother, 21 years, Mexican, and Cantera product of the Barça.
It's amazing how Barca get clubs to agree to take their youngsters as part of the deal. It would be like us trying to sign Aguero and then using Greg Cunningham to break the impasse.

I dunno if Barcelona have a head of international scouting, but whoever it is might be well worth poaching (no, not in hat water, not that sort of poaching)
BringBackSwales said:
you've lost me, I was talking about Dribble not Mancio
So he was the one you were calling a snidey twit ?

BringBackSwales said:
I think it is fair to say that the poster qualified his post several times with "based on what I saw" and "in this one game", so why come in and make that cheap shot at him? He is entitled to his view, and I for one am more interested in someone's views on the latest performance of our major summer target than I am in some snotty comment from a snidey twit
Tricky_Trev said:
kinkladzestwinkletoes said:

14:34 - Sanchez is on the verge of signing with Barcelona. You are about to unlock the negotiations, ongoing for over a month, between Udinese and Barcelona for the Chilean Alexis Sanchez. The two clubs have overcome the impasse in recent weeks, represented by the technical counterpart to turn to Udinese. In the business should be part of the striker Jonathan Dos Santos, Young's brother, 21 years, Mexican, and Cantera product of the Barça.
It's amazing how Barca get clubs to agree to take their youngsters as part of the deal. It would be like us trying to sign Aguero and then using Greg Cunningham to break the impasse.

well their youngsters are on another level compared to others. also its not just players plucked out the B team. all the names linked have has at least a few first team appearances under their belt.
Inzi said:
Tricky_Trev said:
kinkladzestwinkletoes said:

14:34 - Sanchez is on the verge of signing with Barcelona. You are about to unlock the negotiations, ongoing for over a month, between Udinese and Barcelona for the Chilean Alexis Sanchez. The two clubs have overcome the impasse in recent weeks, represented by the technical counterpart to turn to Udinese. In the business should be part of the striker Jonathan Dos Santos, Young's brother, 21 years, Mexican, and Cantera product of the Barça.
It's amazing how Barca get clubs to agree to take their youngsters as part of the deal. It would be like us trying to sign Aguero and then using Greg Cunningham to break the impasse.

well their youngsters are on another level compared to others. also its not just players plucked out the B team. all the names linked have has at least a few first team appearances under their belt.

Jonathan Dos Santos is shit though friend. So in this instance, he is correct.
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