Sat down at Chelsea

every time the camara showed the City fans, there were loads of Kids aged about 10. I have got 4860 points and couldn't get a ticket for the game, where did they get them from??
The Blue said:
every time the camara showed the City fans, there were loads of Kids aged about 10. I have got 4860 points and couldn't get a ticket for the game, where did they get them from??

I noticed this aswell. theres no way they have more points than me.
It was strange because on the odd one when Bluemoon/WNRH got going it seemed like a lot of people joined in.

And as much as I'd like to place the blame on the 'cockney corps' etc. I think you'll find that there was probably more people interested in making noise there yesterday throughout the match than there was amongst the 5,000 that went to Wigan (before we scored)

To be fair, this could all be made up; from about 1pm onwards yesterday is a bit hazy!
Originals said:
Makes me cringe threads like this.. Every time we're in London people give it out how they don't recognize some fans. Not everyone looks for each other so you can post on here and go 'yeah normal fans today' or we sat down all game.

Hate it when we sing stuff aimed at our own fans aswel like the "If your watching on the telly your a ****" and also if we sang Stand up your embarrassing.. Well that is pretty embarrassing itself.S
eems to have a select group of super fans that don't want different fans to go.

Agree and its wrong.
Atmosphere was good at times and flat at others.
I sat down as had a family behind me with a little kid. didnt stop me singing.
Singing fellow city fans are c**ts is wrong.
If songs like this get sung again aimed at fellow city fans - i guarantee there will be some mither and falling out, there were a number of not impressed blues.
I can only assume that those singing these songs were frustrated and trying to show there passion.
Lets cut it out, get behind the team and celebrate what a great season were having.
Stand up your embarrassing, first thing I read this morning in work has cheered me up.

All you sitting down need to get a grip. Sign of a bad away following in my eyes.
I sat in the home end at the shed end and its worst experience I have ever had. That’s because I didn’t have enough points to get away tickets. Then after find out we gave some of the allocation back.
im_still_here said:
The Blue said:
every time the camara showed the City fans, there were loads of Kids aged about 10. I have got 4860 points and couldn't get a ticket for the game, where did they get them from??

I noticed this aswell. theres no way they have more points than me.
My mates lad who is 4 has 3000 points, so it could be possible.
snipes62 said:
What planet are some of you on, I was there and it was not cockney wankers in our end that caused the lack of atmosphere. How dare it be city fans from Manchester, cant be woudnt be surely lets blame every other fucker but us. It was not full of corporate people. Some times you have to face facts and stop this crap about its the cockneys its the corporate people. The team gave us little to sing about but its up to all blues fans to try and pick the team up with our support where ever you live, we are all city fans regardless of how you talk. Rant over, tin hat on. CTID

To be fair at O.T the club allocated 900 corporate tickets in our end for a 2,600 allocation.

So how is it any different that they may have give a few hunded out of that measley 1k yesterday?

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