Saurez [FA release investigation findings]

Re: Suarez (merged)

DiscoSteve said:
this ban is a fecking disgrace for two reasons:-

1. It was on Evra's word alone (I shall ignore the fact he is a Rag)

2. Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century
Black people still are...Ask them, they'll tell you in a heartbeat.
Re: Suarez (merged)

Akai said:
Blandy123 said:
I cant see how liverpool fans can still be defending him, unbelivable

they know they will sink faster than the titanic without him.


I definitely don't think Liverpool FC is the racist club, I don't think Dalglish is racist supporter or Liverpool fans in general are racists (thought some of them certainly are just like unfortunately some of City supporters are) but Dalglish created so desperate situation to make success that they're all completely blinded.

Not strange since man spent 100+ millions on some rubbish players and Suarez is probably the single good buy from pure football aspect he made since he came there
Re: Suarez (merged)

DiscoSteve said:
this ban is a fecking disgrace for two reasons:-

1. It was on Evra's word alone (I shall ignore the fact he is a Rag)

2. Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century

Re: Suarez (merged)

DiscoSteve said:
this ban is a fecking disgrace for two reasons:-

1. It was on Evra's word alone (I shall ignore the fact he is a Rag)

2. Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century

Point 1. It was not Evras word alone. The toothed one has admitted using the words himself. Didnt bother with point 2.
Re: Suarez (merged)

I am totally shocked that some people are so naive (if it's only naive) to not understand that racism is all around us in 21st century too and that only difference is that is not legal as it was few decades ago.

I suggest everyone who are closing their eyes on that fact to go to some of youtube videos about drought in Somalia from few months ago to see what level of racism is still out there when people think they're anonymous and are not afraid of legal consequences.
Re: Suarez (merged)

corky - correct! its the special status that this gets over everything else that fecks me off - and I have been subjected to one or two of the others I mentioned above on a regular basis all my life and if I wanted to, there is not a damned thing I can do about it.

So Zin Zimmer, you can feck right off because you've missed the point ENTIRELY
Re: Suarez (merged)

DiscoSteve said:
Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century

Re: Suarez (merged)

Sabster said:
DiscoSteve said:
Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century

It'd probably be "This" if you're white ;).

As I'm not, white, in fact, I am biracial (black+white). I do not concur. Sorry.

21st century? Laughable. Venture into the real, cold world.

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