Saurez [FA release investigation findings]

Re: Suarez (merged)

If Suarez was at Liverpool when he got a 7 match ban for biting an opponent they would object on the grounds that its socially acceptable in Transylvannia.
King Kenny's Koppities ( K K K)
Re: Suarez (merged)

Jumanji said:
Sabster said:
DiscoSteve said:
Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century

It'd probably be "This" if you're white ;).

As I'm not, white, in fact, I am biracial (black+white). I do not concur. Sorry.

21st century? Laughable. Venture into the real, cold world.

I'm as white as one could be mate. And I live in society where black people almost don't exist at all. And I'm shocked how some people think that it's strange that racism is and should be taken seriously in 21st century too.
Re: Suarez (merged)

Jumanji said:
Sabster said:
DiscoSteve said:
Even if Suarez used the N word, to my mind there is no difference between the use of that as a "slagging off" word as compared to a whole multitude that exist in the Male Workplace which are used equally to derogatory effect - calling someone fat, thin, short, tall, bald whatever - its all the same - you are making a derogatory comment about someones physical appearance - why does the colour of someones skin STILL have special status in this respect in 2011? Its fecking ridiculous and society needs to get hold of itself and say - its either all or nothing? not some half baked situation rooted in history - don't get me wrong blacks and asians were treated disgracefully in the past, but that was then and this is now, the 21st Century

It'd probably be "This" if you're white ;).

As I'm not, white, in fact, I am biracial (black+white). I do not concur. Sorry.

21st century? Laughable. Venture into the real, cold world.
I'm going to concede that the last 11 words may not be 100% accurate (and I regret writing them because its took the edge off my main point) BUT I absolutely stand by the rest of it - my point is about discrimination ACROSS THE BOARD, the law is an absolute disgrace in the way it picks and chooses what it wants to in this respect AND the way the high and mighty kow-tow to that law as it stands.

So if you read the Liverpool statement on the BBC website
"The club takes extremely seriously the fight against all forms of discrimination and has a long and successful track record in work relating to anti-racist activity and social inclusion. We remain committed to this ideal and equality for all, irrespective of a person's background."

But I'll bet my house on the fact that if a Liverpool Player got caught calling someone a Fat Bastard there'd be no comeback.

So their statement is GOOD and what we all want (including me) BUT I'm pretty sure you'll find that this is only backed up in law on the Race and Disability angle - I think Employment Laws are pretty good in this respect, but in general law? No. Hopefully a legal eagle blue will come along and give us the details on this.
Re: Suarez (merged)

I actually had this out with some bloke in the ground a few weeks ago, all be it about John Terry.

His argument was 'if someone had called him a white **** then the white person would not complain or get in the papers'. My answer was well the white bloke should and in my opinion it would get in the papers

He then moved on to 'what's the difference between calling his mother or saying other insulting language'. I tried to explain that racism is a way of thinking and an attitude that should be addressed and that people who still have these beliefs or language in their vocabulary, especially in the public eye should not be able to get away with it

He then defended it by sayin 'it happens in every workplace'. I was starting to lose my rag because of course it doesn't

Then his mate butted in an said 'John Terry is from a different generation to you(being me). I then pointed out John Terry is 31ish and I'm 28, hardly a massive gap

How I kept my cool I'll never know, their attitude of trying to explain it all away, similar to the L'pool statement fucking astonished me. Its 2011 for fucksake!!
Re: Suarez (merged)

The fact that people are trying to explain it away in any way shape or form just shows that people are nowhere near where we would like to be and look at it this way if the person wasnt racist then the insult would never have been about the persons colour if someone calls me a **** then thats an insult and my race has in no way been made reference to, if someone calls a black person the same then thats an insult and once again no reference to the persons colour.

If someone insults you by adding a preface to your colour then thats when it turns racist and before we start this its no different to calling someone short, fat, thin, tall or any other physical malady it is because those things are prevalent to all races and are just insults the moment you throw someones colour into the equation you are adding a negative conotation about the persons colour as well as the initial insult.
Re: Suarez (merged)

mancboy123 said:
If someone insults you by adding a preface to your colour then thats when it turns racist and before we start this its no different to calling someone short, fat, thin, tall or any other physical malady it is because those things are prevalent to all races and are just insults the moment you throw someones colour into the equation you are adding a negative conotation about the persons colour as well as the initial insult.
And that is BOLLOCKS - you obviously haven't been on the end of "short, fat, thin, tall or any other physical malady" have you? Discrimination (or just plain bullying) by reference to difference in physical appearance - its ALL the equal, except (and I quote) "some are more equal than others...." its a fecking joke it really is
Re: Suarez (merged)

DiscoSteve said:
mancboy123 said:
If someone insults you by adding a preface to your colour then thats when it turns racist and before we start this its no different to calling someone short, fat, thin, tall or any other physical malady it is because those things are prevalent to all races and are just insults the moment you throw someones colour into the equation you are adding a negative conotation about the persons colour as well as the initial insult.
And that is BOLLOCKS - you obviously haven't been on the end of "short, fat, thin, tall or any other physical malady" have you? Discrimination (or just plain bullying) by reference to difference in physical appearance - its ALL the equal, except (and I quote) "some are more equal than others...." its a fecking joke it really is

You're fucking kidding me. Have you ever been racially taunted?

I agree to a certain extent that calling someone short, fat etc is wrong but it is not equal at all, because some of the most horrific crimes in the history of the world have been committed due to racism and racist ideologies.
Re: Suarez (merged)

DiscoSteve said:
mancboy123 said:
If someone insults you by adding a preface to your colour then thats when it turns racist and before we start this its no different to calling someone short, fat, thin, tall or any other physical malady it is because those things are prevalent to all races and are just insults the moment you throw someones colour into the equation you are adding a negative conotation about the persons colour as well as the initial insult.
And that is BOLLOCKS - you obviously haven't been on the end of "short, fat, thin, tall or any other physical malady" have you? Discrimination (or just plain bullying) by reference to difference in physical appearance - its ALL the equal, except (and I quote) "some are more equal than others...." its a fecking joke it really is

whys racism only colour based? what about all them sweaty socks?
Re: Suarez (merged)

DiscoSteve said:
corky - correct! its the special status that this gets over everything else that fecks me off - and I have been subjected to one or two of the others I mentioned above on a regular basis all my life and if I wanted to, there is not a damned thing I can do about it.

So Zin Zimmer, you can feck right off because you've missed the point ENTIRELY
For the most part, especially in the UK, those who dont realise theyre racist are the ones who do the most damage...
Re: Suarez (merged)

DiscoSteve said:
mancboy123 said:
If someone insults you by adding a preface to your colour then thats when it turns racist and before we start this its no different to calling someone short, fat, thin, tall or any other physical malady it is because those things are prevalent to all races and are just insults the moment you throw someones colour into the equation you are adding a negative conotation about the persons colour as well as the initial insult.
And that is BOLLOCKS - you obviously haven't been on the end of "short, fat, thin, tall or any other physical malady" have you? Discrimination (or just plain bullying) by reference to difference in physical appearance - its ALL the equal, except (and I quote) "some are more equal than others...." its a fecking joke it really is

Can you tell me of an organisation or political movement expressing its superiority to short, fat bald people. Or a time when all the skinny lanky guys were forced into slavery or killed in gas chambers. Your argument is a joke my friend.

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