Scariest away day following City

I think I might have met you. But I have got a lad from Boro in my memory. Early 80s. Some top lads from Shewsbury too.

Not sure, Ive been going for years to Darlo but it was only maybe 5/6 games a season as it would clash with City.

As City have been on TV more I find myself doing both clubs most weekends although I do 80% aways v home games with Darlo.

Go with some lads from Darlo that do every game home and away.

Its a crime what happened to the club and cant see them making it back the league as a fan owned now.

Ps My Dads from West Gorton, I was christened at the Monastery.
Not sure, Ive been going for years to Darlo but it was only maybe 5/6 games a season as it would clash with City.

As City have been on TV more I find myself doing both clubs most weekends although I do 80% aways v home games with Darlo.

Go with some lads from Darlo that do every game home and away.

Its a crime what happened to the club and cant see them making it back the league as a fan owned now.

Ps My Dads from West Gorton, I was christened at the Monastery.

Who were Darlo Vagabonds? I remember seeing them away at Scarborough and a banner with that on it.
Chelsea away 1978, a game we won, while in the away end celebrating a goal,was threatened by some Chelsea thugs that if I jumped up again , they would stab me up, ended up walking around to the home end, keeping my hands in my pocket and didn’t celebrate any of the other goals, but glad to get out unscathed.just 16 at the time, the game was not good in them days.
I have followed City and Darlo (im a Manc 2 club wanker)for more years than I can remember.City as born in St Marys and Darlo too long a story for now.

Darlos not a place to mess around in if they bring everyone out.

Hereford is similar, you would imagine.
One of my scariest away days ever,was at Darlo...pre season friendly v the monkey hangers ; )
I have followed City and Darlo (im a Manc 2 club wanker)for more years than I can remember.City as born in St Marys and Darlo too long a story for now.

Darlos not a place to mess around in if they bring everyone out.

Hereford is similar, you would imagine.

I lived in Hereford for a while as a kid, always had a soft spot for them and watched them away quite a lot in the 80s & 90s. They certainly have plenty of nutters and could easily hold their own and kind of knew a few of their lads. At the end of the day though, it’s not that big a town and there’s not that many of them. I went to Edgar Street a couple of years ago for the first time in a while and it seemed a lot more genteel now though. That could be National League vs Football League though.
Dont condone violence, but as others said, it was a different time and sometimes unavoidable if you wanted to stay in one piece. that being said i wouldnt swap those times, scrapes, warts and all for the sanitised orwellian offering we have today. Give me a battered old Football Special Saturday afternoon jaunt to Brum/ Leeds etc anyday of the week
I think some of us oldies aren't reminiscing about the violence. Just looking back on the fond memories of following City and things you had to endure to do that. Violence was part and parcel so inevitably the subject will come up. As you say, it was a different era and unless you actually lived through it, it is hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced it and for them to understand. I lived through it and think to myself now, why would I willingly endure something that had the high possibility that I could be seriously assaulted, just to watch a football match! I can't explain it. Violence came with the territory. It's something you knew you were likely to encounter and you felt lucky if you didn't. The demograpic of the match going fan was a lot younger than today, as it was more affordable. I was 13 when I went to my first away match with my mates. I didn't go looking for trouble, but the odd occasion it couldn't be avoided. Ended up in Birmingham hospital in 1978, about an hour before kick off having stitches. Missed the coach home so my brother came down in his little Fiat 126 with my mum to pick me up. Travel, communications etc were a lot less convenient as nowadays. Remember going to an away match at Bristol City on a Friday night! Don't know why played on a Friday unless Rovers were in FA Cup the next day. That was either 77 or 78. Maybe Gary James could through some light on it. Snowing all the way and not knowing if the match was going to be on. Mr Bennett who took us in his car and nearly wiped us all out on way home when he dozed off at the wheel.The buzz of getting on the Special at Piccadilly and trundling off to places like Ipswich, Norwich with the journey seeming to take half a day. I'm almost certain the Norwich game in 1978 was when we adopted the "Vikings" theme. As the train rolled out someone stuck their head out of the window and started "Da da da" etc. In no time the whole train was doing it, must have looked like a cattle truck, and still are today with lyrics. But as a teenager, going to places you'd never been before, and apart from football reasons never gone to again, it was an adventure. Not knowing what to expect as you walked out of the station or coach park. Having to have your wits about you at all times. The adrenaline rush, worrying if you'd get jumped or not. And all for what? Just to watch your team in all parts of the country. All part of the match day experience. I went for the football, but the possibility of violence was always there. Wished it wasn't. My only worry now when I go a game is that they don't run out of chips again before half time! Scariest for me. Swamp for Denis's backheel. Me and my mates were only 13, the rag hoardes seemed like grown men with long hair, sideburns, tash's, suit jackets, trousers and platforms, dressed more for Pips than a match, as they chased us. In reality they were probably only 18 or 19. Don't regret a minute of the times I spent, more often than not, scared shitless at an away ground. It's just something you had to endure for your passion.
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I have followed City and Darlo (im a Manc 2 club wanker)for more years than I can remember.City as born in St Marys and Darlo too long a story for now.

Darlos not a place to mess around in if they bring everyone out.

Hereford is similar, you would imagine.
Yep.we have spoke before re Darlo
I do know Darlo...back in the day.
Oh yeah oh yeah sums it up perfectly, went Leeds in early 70s, the day rangers were at utd, not as many city went as a lot stayed in town with rangers.come off station at leeds and the escort was attacked by hundreds of leeds, we backed them off at first, but gradually they kept coming back and moved into escort asking where bulldog was, by the time we got to the ground it felt like we were in a leeds escort not a city one!!! After the match about 30 off us were walking back to station followed by leeds, coppers said we will give you a 30 second start then we cant hold them back, I got back ok but 2 mates had their shirts ripped off them and battered, got back to victoria and a utd fan met us at the gates and said are you joining up with utd to do rangers, someone knocked him out.!!
I lived in Hereford for a while as a kid, always had a soft spot for them and watched them away quite a lot in the 80s & 90s. They certainly have plenty of nutters and could easily hold their own and kind of knew a few of their lads. At the end of the day though, it’s not that big a town and there’s not that many of them. I went to Edgar Street a couple of years ago for the first time in a while and it seemed a lot more genteel now though. That could be National League vs Football League though.

County fans might disagree lol

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