Scholes, ITV disgrace

Pigeonho said:
dario2739 said:
The point is that ITV, the BBC, Sky and BT have no City representation at all - that's the fucking disgrace!
And what's more disgraceful is that they have rag cnuts like Scholes – who is a shite pundit anyway – commentating on our matches... so we not only have no representation, they get one of our rivals in for his 'fair and unbiased' views!
I look forward to the day Mike Summerbee is invited on to be a pundit for a rag match!
A large percentage of their audience won't know who he is. That percentage will know who scholes is. That is why he's there.
In a few years that audience will be treated to kompany, who they will know.
That's the game. We have nobody of any worth at present to represent us to that audience, basically because we have been too shit.

What does it matter if people don't know who he is?

It's not like people specifically tune in to hear what Scholes is going to say at half time anyway.

Also why not have a recognisable person and a City representative?
RyanP3609 said:
Pigeonho said:
dario2739 said:
The point is that ITV, the BBC, Sky and BT have no City representation at all - that's the fucking disgrace!
And what's more disgraceful is that they have rag cnuts like Scholes – who is a shite pundit anyway – commentating on our matches... so we not only have no representation, they get one of our rivals in for his 'fair and unbiased' views!
I look forward to the day Mike Summerbee is invited on to be a pundit for a rag match!
A large percentage of their audience won't know who he is. That percentage will know who scholes is. That is why he's there.
In a few years that audience will be treated to kompany, who they will know.
That's the game. We have nobody of any worth at present to represent us to that audience, basically because we have been too shit.

Sorry but that's rubbish.

List of pundits we have the privilege of being subject to on our screens, the well known names such as;

Danny Mills, Clark Carlisle, Garth Crooks to name but a few.

To say he was picked purely as he's a recognizable name/face is a complete cop out. Why wasn't it one of the usuals in the ITV punditry circuit? Ian Wright being one that comes to mind. The point is that he shouldn't have been there as a pundit, I could have understood if he was an ex Roma player who happened to play in the Prem with United. But to have someone on who knowingly hates City (as he's United to the core) is a choice purposely chosen by ITV.

Saying that I can't even remember what the ginger twat said, and nowadays I don't listen to any sort of "punditry" at all, turn it on just before kick off and goes over/mute at half time.
None of who you mentioned do CL matches, as far as my aching memory can recall.
Pigeonho said:
blueinsa said:
Pigeonho said:
FF a few years and we will have a recogniseable face in the pundit team. Until then, who cares? Scholes was right in what he said, after all. Someone had to say it and itv are simply putting faces on who their audience recognise, and as said above, one day we will have someone there who made their name with us. Zabba, kompany most likely.

Pmsl. He was right to have a go at empty seats in a stadium, 45 mins before kick off was he?

Funny because the next game he did was at Old Trafford and guess what? Empty seats on view right up to kick off yet not a fucking word from his rag gob about it!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not surprised in the same way I'm not surprised seeing you play Mr Contrary and defending anything rag!
He was talking about the entire atmosphere and feel of the occasion, I'm not the only city fan to say he was right. Take your silly spectacles off.

You don't even go and watch City pidge, so you can only be basing it on your TV experience.

Still, any excuse to be negative about the club and its supporters. All you do is post negatively about Manchester City. When we won the league and cup not a single peep was heard from you. It's clear from your posts that you have no affiliation to the club and that probably explains the bans/suspensions you've been given on here.

ManCityX said:
Pigeonho said:
blueinsa said:
Pmsl. He was right to have a go at empty seats in a stadium, 45 mins before kick off was he?

Funny because the next game he did was at Old Trafford and guess what? Empty seats on view right up to kick off yet not a fucking word from his rag gob about it!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not surprised in the same way I'm not surprised seeing you play Mr Contrary and defending anything rag!
He was talking about the entire atmosphere and feel of the occasion, I'm not the only city fan to say he was right. Take your silly spectacles off.

You don't even go and watch City pidge, so you can only be basing it on your TV experience.

Still, any excuse to be negative about the club and its supporters. All you do is post negatively about Manchester City. When we won the league and cup not a single peep was heard from you. It's clear from your posts that you have no affiliation to the club and that probably explains the bans/suspensions you've been given on here.

Hahaha, what ana absolute wank post. I wasn't on the forum when we won the league, so that shuts your pie hole up there.

Scholes was right. Some of us are hard enough to admit it. Others are too soft and get all mard about it.
Boo hoo.
Pigeonho said:
RyanP3609 said:
Pigeonho said:
A large percentage of their audience won't know who he is. That percentage will know who scholes is. That is why he's there.
In a few years that audience will be treated to kompany, who they will know.
That's the game. We have nobody of any worth at present to represent us to that audience, basically because we have been too shit.

Sorry but that's rubbish.

List of pundits we have the privilege of being subject to on our screens, the well known names such as;

Danny Mills, Clark Carlisle, Garth Crooks to name but a few.

To say he was picked purely as he's a recognizable name/face is a complete cop out. Why wasn't it one of the usuals in the ITV punditry circuit? Ian Wright being one that comes to mind. The point is that he shouldn't have been there as a pundit, I could have understood if he was an ex Roma player who happened to play in the Prem with United. But to have someone on who knowingly hates City (as he's United to the core) is a choice purposely chosen by ITV.

Saying that I can't even remember what the ginger twat said, and nowadays I don't listen to any sort of "punditry" at all, turn it on just before kick off and goes over/mute at half time.
None of who you mentioned do CL matches, as far as my aching memory can recall.

Ian Wright does doesn't he? If you don't think there's something dodgy (and before you say, I don't mean anything agenda related, just a stupid decision by ITV that they'd never make the other way round) about it then that's your choice.

I'll wait for the day United are at home in a champions league game and a recently retired City player is the pundit who is allowed to slate United to the hilt and it be deemed ok as he's a recognizable face/name. As I'm sure that'll happen at some point......
RyanP3609 said:
Pigeonho said:
RyanP3609 said:
Sorry but that's rubbish.

List of pundits we have the privilege of being subject to on our screens, the well known names such as;

Danny Mills, Clark Carlisle, Garth Crooks to name but a few.

To say he was picked purely as he's a recognizable name/face is a complete cop out. Why wasn't it one of the usuals in the ITV punditry circuit? Ian Wright being one that comes to mind. The point is that he shouldn't have been there as a pundit, I could have understood if he was an ex Roma player who happened to play in the Prem with United. But to have someone on who knowingly hates City (as he's United to the core) is a choice purposely chosen by ITV.

Saying that I can't even remember what the ginger twat said, and nowadays I don't listen to any sort of "punditry" at all, turn it on just before kick off and goes over/mute at half time.
None of who you mentioned do CL matches, as far as my aching memory can recall.

Ian Wright does doesn't he? If you don't think there's something dodgy (and before you say, I don't mean anything agenda related, just a stupid decision by ITV that they'd never make the other way round) about it then that's your choice.

I'll wait for the day United are at home in a champions league game and a recently retired City player is the pundit who is allowed to slate United to the hilt and it be deemed ok as he's a recognizable face/name. As I'm sure that'll happen at some point......
When we are as big as them, having had the same success they've had, and United re-emerge from obscurity then yes, I'm sure that will happen. Why? Because the channel will be pandering to its audience. That's all it is.
Pigeonho said:
Hahaha, what ana absolute wank post. I wasn't on the forum when we won the league, so that shuts your pie hole up there.

Scholes was right. Some of us are hard enough to admit it. Others are too soft and get all mard about it.
Boo hoo.
would you like to contribute to the Royal Society for the Protection of Ginger Piglet Rats?:
Pigeonho said:
KippaxCitizen said:
blueinsa said:
Pmsl. He was right to have a go at empty seats in a stadium, 45 mins before kick off was he?

Funny because the next game he did was at Old Trafford and guess what? Empty seats on view right up to kick off yet not a fucking word from his rag gob about it!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not surprised in the same way I'm not surprised seeing you play Mr Contrary and defending anything rag!
But Scholes' comparison was with our big Champions League games he's seen or been to and ones he's been part of or been to with or to see other clubs. And he was absolutely spot on in everything he said and i'm glad he said it.

I emailed the club the day after the Roma game with complaints about my experience of the Champions League at the Etihad in four seasons so far and i hadn't even heard or read any of this from Scholes at the time. He was just confirming a lot of the complaints i had in the email.

The whole having a pop at Pigeonho about defending Rags is fucking boring, as well, almost as boring as people moaning about agendas!
Small time mentality they have mate.
Anyone who think differently to you is "small time"? I hate to have ago at anyone on the internet and i have no problem with you except for in this regard - you constantly belittle fellow blues who think differently than you, almost non-stop "loons" "crackpots" "foil hats" you say these things all the time as if to add foundation to your own arguments, they don't yours is a valid as anyones but no more. Also lets not forgt the Lesscott/Essien penaties a few years back where you we're caught saying opposite things about virtually the same incident until you we're called on it by the same blues you we're throwing your insults at then. I've never really given must creedence on anything agenda related you say since then as i think your main aim is to position yourself as someone who sees things nore clearer/impartial than your fellow blues on here which what? must make you feel superior? can't think of any other reason you would insult fellow blues so often.
Pigeonho said:
RyanP3609 said:
Pigeonho said:
None of who you mentioned do CL matches, as far as my aching memory can recall.

Ian Wright does doesn't he? If you don't think there's something dodgy (and before you say, I don't mean anything agenda related, just a stupid decision by ITV that they'd never make the other way round) about it then that's your choice.

I'll wait for the day United are at home in a champions league game and a recently retired City player is the pundit who is allowed to slate United to the hilt and it be deemed ok as he's a recognizable face/name. As I'm sure that'll happen at some point......
When we are as big as them, having had the same success they've had, and United re-emerge from obscurity then yes, I'm sure that will happen. Why? Because the channel will be pandering to its audience. That's all it is.

You give the rags too much respect, not many true Blues would use a capital U when typing rags.
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Pigeonho said:
KippaxCitizen said:
But Scholes' comparison was with our big Champions League games he's seen or been to and ones he's been part of or been to with or to see other clubs. And he was absolutely spot on in everything he said and i'm glad he said it.

I emailed the club the day after the Roma game with complaints about my experience of the Champions League at the Etihad in four seasons so far and i hadn't even heard or read any of this from Scholes at the time. He was just confirming a lot of the complaints i had in the email.

The whole having a pop at Pigeonho about defending Rags is fucking boring, as well, almost as boring as people moaning about agendas!
Small time mentality they have mate.
Anyone who think differently to you is "small time"? I hate to have ago at anyone on the internet and i have no problem with you except for in this regard - you constantly belittle fellow blues who think differently than you, almost non-stop "loons" "crackpots" "foil hats" you say these things all the time as if to add foundation to your own arguments, they don't yours is a valid as anyones but no more. Also lets not forgt the Lesscott/Essien penaties a few years back where you we're caught saying opposite things about virtually the same incident until you we're called on it by the same blues you we're throwing your insults at then. I've never really given must creedence on anything agenda related you say since then as i think your main aim is to position yourself as someone who sees things nore clearer/impartial than your fellow blues on here which what? must make you feel superior? can't think of any other reason you would insult fellow blues so often.
I think that's the first time I've used 'small time'. I never say 'foil hats' but I am guilty of the 'crack pot' one, so you can have that. You see it comes from the same kind of posts I have aimed at me, except usually they end with 'rag twat' or some other actual derisory remark. The 'mods' seem to let that go, though nothing they do really surprises me on here. What I say to other folk on here is fucking tepid in comparison.

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