Scholes, ITV disgrace

Shirley said:
Pigeonho said:
RyanP3609 said:
Ian Wright does doesn't he? If you don't think there's something dodgy (and before you say, I don't mean anything agenda related, just a stupid decision by ITV that they'd never make the other way round) about it then that's your choice.

I'll wait for the day United are at home in a champions league game and a recently retired City player is the pundit who is allowed to slate United to the hilt and it be deemed ok as he's a recognizable face/name. As I'm sure that'll happen at some point......
When we are as big as them, having had the same success they've had, and United re-emerge from obscurity then yes, I'm sure that will happen. Why? Because the channel will be pandering to its audience. That's all it is.

You give the rags too much respect, not many true Blues would use a capital U when typing rags.
No, I'm just not 10 years old and know full well that if I use a capital, or capikal for the uneducated, letter or not, it literally makes no difference to how much I support City compared to the insecure on here who go to such lengths as actually miss out letters or replace them with asterisks.
Pigeonho said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Pigeonho said:
Small time mentality they have mate.
Anyone who think differently to you is "small time"? I hate to have ago at anyone on the internet and i have no problem with you except for in this regard - you constantly belittle fellow blues who think differently than you, almost non-stop "loons" "crackpots" "foil hats" you say these things all the time as if to add foundation to your own arguments, they don't yours is a valid as anyones but no more. Also lets not forgt the Lesscott/Essien penaties a few years back where you we're caught saying opposite things about virtually the same incident until you we're called on it by the same blues you we're throwing your insults at then. I've never really given must creedence on anything agenda related you say since then as i think your main aim is to position yourself as someone who sees things nore clearer/impartial than your fellow blues on here which what? must make you feel superior? can't think of any other reason you would insult fellow blues so often.
I think that's the first time I've used 'small time'. I never say 'foil hats' but I am guilty of the 'crack pot' one, so you can have that. You see it comes from the same kind of posts I have aimed at me, except usually they end with 'rag twat' or some other actual derisory remark. The 'mods' seem to let that go, though nothing they do really surprises me on here. What I say to other folk on here is fucking tepid in comparison.
nah mate, you say stuff like that all the time, mostly uncalled for though some of the rag stuff thrown at you is cringeworthy too. But lets be honest pidge, you want to be seen as someone who can see football clearer, unburdened by loyalty and bias then what you percieeve as others on here who are too close to city to be impartial, its the only reason 20 negative articles on city go ignored by you yet you or somebody else posts one positive and its proof of no agenda.
Pigeonho said:
Shirley said:
Pigeonho said:
When we are as big as them, having had the same success they've had, and United re-emerge from obscurity then yes, I'm sure that will happen. Why? Because the channel will be pandering to its audience. That's all it is.

You give the rags too much respect, not many true Blues would use a capital U when typing rags.
No, I'm just not 10 years old and know full well that if I use a capital, or capikal for the uneducated, letter or not, it literally makes no difference to how much I support City compared to the insecure on here who go to such lengths as actually miss out letters or replace them with asterisks.
also while im at it i thought that even you would have thought pigboy was a dick that night, that you might have said that you don't believe in a media wide agenda but that ex rag clearly has one rather than defending him. You would have got alot more credit on here if you did. That week with Shearer and piglet should have been enough to convince anyone.
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Pigeonho said:
Shirley said:
You give the rags too much respect, not many true Blues would use a capital U when typing rags.
No, I'm just not 10 years old and know full well that if I use a capital, or capikal for the uneducated, letter or not, it literally makes no difference to how much I support City compared to the insecure on here who go to such lengths as actually miss out letters or replace them with asterisks.
also while im at it i thought that even you would have thought pigboy was a dick that night, that you might have said that you don't believe in a media wide agenda but that ex rag clearly has one rather than defending him. You would have got alot more credit on here if you did. That week with Shearer and piglet should have been enough to convince anyone.
For me, it's not what he said, but rather the fact he was called upon to say it at all.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Pigeonho said:
No, I'm just not 10 years old and know full well that if I use a capital, or capikal for the uneducated, letter or not, it literally makes no difference to how much I support City compared to the insecure on here who go to such lengths as actually miss out letters or replace them with asterisks.
also while im at it i thought that even you would have thought pigboy was a dick that night, that you might have said that you don't believe in a media wide agenda but that ex rag clearly has one rather than defending him. You would have got alot more credit on here if you did. That week with Shearer and piglet should have been enough to convince anyone.
For me, it's not what he said, but rather the fact he was called upon to say it at all.
Very true. If anyone fails to see that he took the chance to slag us off on national tv most probably with the blessing of itv for the % of rag audience watching then i've some land on Mars to sell them.
Pigeonho said:
ManCityX said:
Pigeonho said:
He was talking about the entire atmosphere and feel of the occasion, I'm not the only city fan to say he was right. Take your silly spectacles off.

You don't even go and watch City pidge, so you can only be basing it on your TV experience.

Still, any excuse to be negative about the club and its supporters. All you do is post negatively about Manchester City. When we won the league and cup not a single peep was heard from you. It's clear from your posts that you have no affiliation to the club and that probably explains the bans/suspensions you've been given on here.

Hahaha, what ana absolute wank post. I wasn't on the forum when we won the league, so that shuts your pie hole up there.
Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:07 am
ITV are fucking dire and we really shouldn't be surprised, I can't for one remember the last time I watched their football coverage and didn't think they were shit.

They are so, consistantly, bad.

Fuck em.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Pigeonho said:
ManCityX said:
You don't even go and watch City pidge, so you can only be basing it on your TV experience.

Still, any excuse to be negative about the club and its supporters. All you do is post negatively about Manchester City. When we won the league and cup not a single peep was heard from you. It's clear from your posts that you have no affiliation to the club and that probably explains the bans/suspensions you've been given on here.

Hahaha, what ana absolute wank post. I wasn't on the forum when we won the league, so that shuts your pie hole up there.
Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:07 am

Oh dear......the mask is slipping!

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