The bit I object to the most is the carrying of a document that contains hate speech now makes you guilty.
This could include a novel, which is utterly ridiculous and is a major encroachment on personal freedom.
Racist abuse and discriminatory harassment is already a crime in the UK, why is this needed?
I disagree with the “I have no intention of committing the crime...” argument, you should give free speech to your most hated enemy if you support it.
I don't think you and I will disagree on free speech, or crime, I fully agree with you, free speech good, crime bad.
I also do agree, there are laws already, and i personally did not really see a need to go further. But there are plenty that did and do.
Perhaps there IS an element od posturing with it by the scottish government (bear in mind it isn't just the snp that passed it, as they have bo majority), of making a point of going an extra step, that perhaps isn't as meaningful as what is already in place.
Can hardly argue with the message however. At a time when hate crime is on a rise across the UK, and we are fed the narrative it is ok to pass judgement on anyone, i think it is a well intended move, and have no issue with the principle at all.
Now, whether the detail is consistent with that, or ill-judged and daft, will come out in the wash. I am yet to see what is so unreaonable in it, but as i say, will happily criticize it when i do. Maybe, it Does get abandoned or paired down or u-turned, wouldn't be the first time with this government.
But to brand it an attack of freedom of speech based on nothing really, too soon for me.
Regarding the specific interpretation you mention, i don't see it as that, it is primarily to stop sharing material that can incite hate, I hink there will be a degree of sense and reasoning in that. I can't see the situations people imagine of someone being busted on a buss for reading harry potter or listening to dr.dre.
It may well raise questions, like flower of scotland, or god save the queen in full, i do see that. Again, havnt seen enough to argue that one way or the other, i'd hope there is enough sense and clarity to be able to determine rights and wrongs without falling between the cracks. Again, issue with implementation rather than the principle.
As for criticism, it is specifically excluded from the bill from what i've seen, so we can all pile on and rant at whatever we want to, myself included.
Time will tell, and more detail as it becomes more widely digested.