Scottish independence

Taxes we'll save?? Care to explain? All of scotlands taxes go to westminster who then decide to take a chunk of it and give us crumbs back. Scotland will keep 90% of oil reserves and keep all our own taxes. Oh and the uk will need to find another £4bn to maintain trident.

Scotland are a burden eh? Enjoy ukip and tories for the next 100 years
Bodicoteblue said:
Mikeyc1986 said:
20% of Europe's fish
 25% of Europe's tidal potential.
The Crown Estate, which owns the sea bed, has awarded leases for just over 1.6 gigawatts of marine projects in the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters - potentially enough to power 750,000 households.
Scotland boasts 25% of Europe's offshore wind resources.
60% of Europe's oil reserves.

Really? Would Europe vote against scotland? They voted in Croatia in 2013 and they can't offer any of this?
Errr- the crown estate?
That would be property owned by the sovereign of the UNITED KINGDOM!
Yes vote = no United Kingdom
Would the sea bed be nationalised by a Scottish government?

Its owned by the queen. And the queen herself takes a cut from it. Independent Scotland will keep the queen as head of state, like the rest of the commenwealth.
Mikeyc1986 said:
Taxes we'll save?? Care to explain? All of scotlands taxes go to westminster who then decide to take a chunk of it and give us crumbs back. Scotland will keep 90% of oil reserves and keep all our own taxes. Oh and the uk will need to find another £4bn to maintain trident.

Scotland are a burden eh? Enjoy ukip and tories for the next 100 years

Your oil is worth £6 Billion a year. Your financial industry who have said to a man that they will fuck off to London as soon you get independence is worth £8 billion a year and employs 7% of the workforce.

At least the £6 billion in oil money will be able to pay for the benefits of all those who will be made unemployed.
Mikeyc1986 said:
Bodicoteblue said:
Mikeyc1986 said:
20% of Europe's fish
 25% of Europe's tidal potential.
The Crown Estate, which owns the sea bed, has awarded leases for just over 1.6 gigawatts of marine projects in the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters - potentially enough to power 750,000 households.
Scotland boasts 25% of Europe's offshore wind resources.
60% of Europe's oil reserves.

Really? Would Europe vote against scotland? They voted in Croatia in 2013 and they can't offer any of this?
Errr- the crown estate?
That would be property owned by the sovereign of the UNITED KINGDOM!
Yes vote = no United Kingdom
Would the sea bed be nationalised by a Scottish government?

Its owned by the queen. And the queen herself takes a cut from it. Independent Scotland will keep the queen as head of state, like the rest of the commenwealth.

Thats the one part of this I really dont understand

Why would the Scots want to keep an English Royal Family ??

As Ive stated on here many time, I cant stand Royalty or anything to do with privilege like the so called landed gentry anfd theyre swathes of Britain

Is Scotland votes yes, to my mind they must take the 80,000 acres of Balmoral and open it up for the Scottish people, it is after all Scotland and at the moment if a Scot sets foot on the place he will be arrested. Wrong Wrong Wrong surely.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Does anyone know what happens if the voting is tied?

A shortbread baking competition hosted and judged by Nick Cairn and shown on more 4
My wife is a sweaty and it's been interesting talking to her family back in the very north of Scotland about it. The majority of her family are very much in the "Better Together" camp, her mother claims to be unsure but she is very anti-England and will no doubt vote yes.

I don't think either side has put forward a very convincing argument. The No campaign seem to be using scare tactics and have all of a sudden started looking very needy.

Salmond on the other hand is an arse and is promising the Scottish people things he can't deliver. I firmly believe the Scottish people know this and there is not even a slight chance that he'd win any general election should they become independent.

If I was Scottish my head would be telling me we should maintain the status quo and stay in the Union as it's safer, but my heart would be saying that this is a chance we'll never have again and that come what may, Scotland will be it's own nation.

For what it's worth, from this English man on the other side of world, I hope you vote Yes and good luck to you.
mcmanus said:
If the jocks do decide to fuck us off are we then allowed to take the piss out of them more?

Hopefully we will have rounded em all up and England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be a "Scots free zone" So there will be no-one left to take the piss out of.

However there's no chance that normal middle of the road Scots are going to vote yes imo.

We'll be stuck with em for another 350 years or whatever it is!!!!lol

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