For about 2 years I was undecided but leaning towards no. This was until around a year ago - or maybe less - and at the current time I can't figure out why I would even be so fucking stupid to even contemplate voting no.
Better together campaign has been an absolute disaster from the beginning. Scaremongering after scaremongering.
We'll keep the pound (confirmed by Alistair Darling), our pensions will be secured, and we can afford it. This has all been covered in detail.
All with the added bonus that we will get to make decisions which suit our own bloody country rather than London and the South East.
No more Tories (unless of course, WE actually vote for them!!).
Since 1942 142 countries have voted for independence. Not one of them has ever wanted to give it up yet neither one of the 142 countries have been in such a position to vote for independence as Scotland are at the current time.
There's more to fear in the event of a no vote (Tories, Ukip, EU referendum etc etc) than anything in a yes vote.
"Of course Scotland could be a successfull independent nation" - Even David fucking Cameron admits it.
Vote yes!