Scottish independence

hgblue said:
Ducado said:
RP2 said:
I predict a huge 'No' vote - by 70% or more

Maybe not by that much but I agree with you on the outcome

The funny thing is that at the start of the process I was pro-union and hoping for no vote, but listening to the 'it's our pound', 'it's our oil', 'we're better off without the English', debate that's taken place up there, I'm now actually hoping for a yes.
Get back to work, Kates waiting for you:)
Cameron, Clegg and Miliband are going on the campaign trail in Scotland tomorrow, looks like desperation time
SWP's back said:
Len Rum said:
SWP's back said:
You've stated this many times and I really don't understand the logic.
Cameron - disastrous No campaign by Tories, not fighting for the Union with any conviction, devo max not on voting paper, timing of vote terrible. Now handing over the reins to Brown.To lose the Union is a massive loss of prestige to Britain and he would have overseen it. As Adam Boulton said it will be written on his tombstone.
Milliband - has really been invisible in the campaign and has been complacent and yet his party has more to lose politically than the Tories.i.e labour out of power for the foreseeable future.
I think Cameron and the Tories will, from a political point of view, more than see the silver side of that particular cloud as Labour lose 40 seats.

As stated, the Tories would have needed no coalition this time around and the results of 4 post war elections would have changed.

The Prime Minister who lost the Union will " more than see the silver side of that particular cloud"

He will?

Thank you, I find it a comfort to be reminded why the Tories are known as the Stupid Party
blue underpants said:
Cameron, Clegg and Miliband are going on the campaign trail in Scotland tomorrow, looks like desperation time

should be fun, cant see them having any popularity up their 'any of them'
The perfect fumble said:
SWP's back said:
Len Rum said:
Cameron - disastrous No campaign by Tories, not fighting for the Union with any conviction, devo max not on voting paper, timing of vote terrible. Now handing over the reins to Brown.To lose the Union is a massive loss of prestige to Britain and he would have overseen it. As Adam Boulton said it will be written on his tombstone.
Milliband - has really been invisible in the campaign and has been complacent and yet his party has more to lose politically than the Tories.i.e labour out of power for the foreseeable future.
I think Cameron and the Tories will, from a political point of view, more than see the silver side of that particular cloud as Labour lose 40 seats.

As stated, the Tories would have needed no coalition this time around and the results of 4 post war elections would have changed.

The Prime Minister who lost the Union will " more than see the silver side of that particular cloud"

He will?

Thank you, I find it a comfort to be reminded why the Tories are known as the Stupid Party

Why? Does anyone think less of Gorbachev because he was in charge when the USSR broke up? Of course not. Things change and if the scots want to go then fine. How can one man, or party prevent the will of the people?
marco said:
blue underpants said:
Cameron, Clegg and Miliband are going on the campaign trail in Scotland tomorrow, looks like desperation time

should be fun, cant see them having any popularity up their 'any of them'
Campaigning independently apparently, interesting to see who gets 'egged' first
Ronnie the Rep said:
The perfect fumble said:
SWP's back said:
I think Cameron and the Tories will, from a political point of view, more than see the silver side of that particular cloud as Labour lose 40 seats.

As stated, the Tories would have needed no coalition this time around and the results of 4 post war elections would have changed.

The Prime Minister who lost the Union will " more than see the silver side of that particular cloud"

He will?

Thank you, I find it a comfort to be reminded why the Tories are known as the Stupid Party

Why? Does anyone think less of Gorbachev because he was in charge when the USSR broke up? Of course not. Things change and if the scots want to go then fine. How can one man, or party prevent the will of the people?

Millions of Russians despise the man, his policies led directly to the coup to oust him by his own party, which in turn led to the break up of the Soviet Union and years of misrule by the drunken oaf Yeltsin.

When the Soviet Union disintegrated, the economy collapsed, to be replaced by crony capitalism, war, terrorism and gangsterism.

I think it is fair to say that many millions of Russians would happily see him roast in hell.
The perfect fumble said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
The perfect fumble said:
The Prime Minister who lost the Union will " more than see the silver side of that particular cloud"

He will?

Thank you, I find it a comfort to be reminded why the Tories are known as the Stupid Party

Why? Does anyone think less of Gorbachev because he was in charge when the USSR broke up? Of course not. Things change and if the scots want to go then fine. How can one man, or party prevent the will of the people?

Millions of Russians despise the man, his policies led directly to a coup to oust him by his own party, which in turn led the break up of the Soviet Union and years of misrule by the drunken oaf Yeltsin.

When the Soviet Union disintegrated, the economy collapsed, to be replaced by crony capitalism, war, terrorism and gangsterism.

I think it is fair to say that many millions of Russians would happily see him roast in hell.

And millions think he did the right thing
Ronnie the Rep said:
The perfect fumble said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Why? Does anyone think less of Gorbachev because he was in charge when the USSR broke up? Of course not. Things change and if the scots want to go then fine. How can one man, or party prevent the will of the people?

Millions of Russians despise the man, his policies led directly to a coup to oust him by his own party, which in turn led the break up of the Soviet Union and years of misrule by the drunken oaf Yeltsin.

When the Soviet Union disintegrated, the economy collapsed, to be replaced by crony capitalism, war, terrorism and gangsterism.

I think it is fair to say that many millions of Russians would happily see him roast in hell.

And millions think he did the right thing

Outside of Russia, yes.

Gorbachev was always more popular abroad than he was at home. Inside Russia, even those broadly sympathetic, see him as a sad figure, none of the things he tried to achieve came about. Glasnost led to dissolution and failure and the destruction of the things he wanted to save.

History has not been kind and with good reason, we are all still living with the consequences of his failure.

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