Scottish independence

malg said:
Blue Til Death said:
Despite all the waffle and media hype, the NO vote will romp it, much to my dismay it has to be said, hope I am wrong.
I have spoken with 4 mates up there today, and 3 family members, and all are voting no. They have many reasons, including being proud to be British (I know the English press won't like that view), hating Salmond, believing they are better being part of the Union, and not believing that the 'Yes' camp have made a good case.

One of the guys is from Aberdeen, where he works in the oil industry. He said most of those he speaks to are voting Yes, including the English guys who live and work there! I couldn't believe the bit about the English guys, but he said they were definitely voting that way.

Why would you be dismayed if they voted 'No'?

Despite the fact that economically in the long term, it appears that they will be worse off, I think the Scots should go it alone, as it stands they will be devolved more an more powers anyway as times goes by, until they are virtually independent in all but name.
I worked on the rigs off Aberdeen for 10 years and almost to a man they wanted out of the union and that was in the 90's.
Its time for them to go alone now, I think they will regret it but, then again maybe they wont.
We shall find out soon mate..!
If the vote is YES I trust it means true independence and self-financing.

Also I hope we alter our national flag (even though I like it) because they as now will fly the Saltire.

I presume they want the oil revenue but surely it was taxpayers money that financed the exploration and building of the rigs, can we have our money and rigs back please.

The British Isles are small enough without splitting them up, I am sure that Alex Salmond is just a megalomaniac power seeker who would like to be King of Scotland.

I hope for a NO vote but am not holding my breath.
Gray said:
If the vote is YES I trust it means true independence and self-financing.

Also I hope we alter our national flag (even though I like it) because they as now will fly the Saltire.

I presume they want the oil revenue but surely it was taxpayers money that financed the exploration and building of the rigs, can we have our money and rigs back please.

The British Isles are small enough without splitting them up, I am sure that Alex Salmond is just a megalomaniac power seeker who would like to be King of Scotland.

I hope for a NO vote but am not holding my breath.
This is pretty much my view too
Ronnie the Rep said:
The perfect fumble said:
SWP's back said:
I think Cameron and the Tories will, from a political point of view, more than see the silver side of that particular cloud as Labour lose 40 seats.

As stated, the Tories would have needed no coalition this time around and the results of 4 post war elections would have changed.

The Prime Minister who lost the Union will " more than see the silver side of that particular cloud"

He will?

Thank you, I find it a comfort to be reminded why the Tories are known as the Stupid Party

Why? Does anyone think less of Gorbachev because he was in charge when the USSR broke up? Of course not. Things change and if the scots want to go then fine. How can one man, or party prevent the will of the people?

ERRRRRR.........8.9% of the total UK Population are being 'allowed' to vote the country out of the 'union'. They won't even give a vote to scots living outside Scotland let alone the rest of us......Not really Democratic methinks
If it's a Yes vote then I say we invade the next day and rename the whole bloody country Whiskyshire and absorb it into England!

Seriously though even a stupid person can see that separating the 2 nations is akin to trying to separate Siamese Twins that share the same brain and expecting both twins to survive!

In fact anyone preaching the supposed benefits of the fiasco needs sectioning under the mental health act!
I too live in aberdeen and have not come across one fellow englander who will vote yes. The jocks who are voting no have no idea what a mess Scotland will be in and dont care that salmond cannot give a straight answer to any question. I think if its a yes,the rest of the uk will squeeze the pips put of scotland over the Next ten years and rightly so. The yesser mob are by and large anti english and that is the real reason they are voting yes.
I see sky have picked one of nick cleggs better pictures :)
On a positive note, if they do go independent, we might be able to repatriate Alan Brazil as an undesirable.
blue cigar said:
I too live in aberdeen and have not come across one fellow englander who will vote yes. The jocks who are voting no have no idea what a mess Scotland will be in and dont care that salmond cannot give a straight answer to any question. I think if its a yes,the rest of the uk will squeeze the pips put of scotland over the Next ten years and rightly so. The yesser mob are by and large anti english and that is the real reason they are voting yes.
I agree that Salmond is a huge tit, and is more than likely just trying to cement his place in history. However, the sentiment that those voting 'Yes' are by and large juzt anti-English is wrong. It's very simplistic and the kind of thing that monumental prick Kelvin MacKenzie would say.

As for the English guys voting Yes is concerned, I'm only going off what I'm being told by a very good mate. Maybe his English work colleagues are just fucking around with their votes as they don't particularly care, or are just saying they'll vote Yes as most of their work colleagues are voting that way? God only knows. All I know is that Great Britain is better together, and is nothing if we split. If Scotland votes Yes, then I can only see it being a bad thing for the whole of the UK/GB. What next? Londoners voting for self governance, as going it alone would mean they'd all be better off not sharing their wealth with the rest of the country?

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