Scottish independence

Matty said:
willy eckerslike said:
Matty said:
If Scottish independence was a vote being undertaken based upon the facts, and with a sensible assessment of what makes the most sense for Scotland as a country then the no vote would absolutely walk this and independence wouldn't even be a remote possibility. However that's not how this is working. The yes vote is one which is being ruled by the heart and not the head, Salmond has repeatedly failed to argue successfully that Scotland would be "better off" as an independent country and his statements and assertions have been demonstrated to be wild conjecture and pie in the sky thinking with no actual basis in reality. Yet still the vote is too close to call. The Scottish people are not morons, so if this was a purely fact driven, intellectual matter then Salmond's campaign would have faltered long ago, the very fact it hasn't is a demonstration of the emotions behind this decision. The Scots need to realise though that, after the emotions have died down, if they do vote for yes then it's the realities that they have to deal with. The currency issues, the taxation issues, the debt, all the future financial, social and political changes that will need to take place, these are the things they'd actually need to figure out because make no mistake about it, Salmond is winging it at present in the hope he can play on the emotions enough to get him over the line. Once the votes are cast, and the decision is made, then he's got his way, and then he can worry about what happens next. Even if all his assertions turn out to be false, which is a distinct possibility, Scotland will still be on the road to independence so, ultimately, he gets his way without having to actually back up any of his promises/statements.

The best analysis I've seen anywhere was on another forum where someone described that most Yes voters are people disillusioned with their own lives and fancy a roll of the dice to see if they can improve their lot. Of course there's as much chance of hitting a snake as there is a ladder.
I've got to say, I think the amount of snakes far exceeds the ladder quota when it comes to Scottish independence, and they're fucking big snakes too.

So if the SNP win, does that mean the Scottish government post independence could be described as snakes with tits?
For those of you who cannot understand why anyone would vote Yes, perhaps you might think, if someone belongs to a place which they feel has been dominated, annexed, occupied or simply fucked over by another place for 800 years, they might just vote Yes for emotional reasons.

Do you think the Irish would like to come back into the Union, as an article recently asked?

In a sense, England are the scum - successful and arrogant for many years - and Scotland is an increasingly noisy neighbour . The most memorable game I ever saw was the semi-final when we stuck it right up them. Consider what that might mean on a national level.

Refusing the right to self-determination is the act of an institutionalised slave.
hackneyslim said:
For those of you who cannot understand why anyone would vote Yes, perhaps you might think, if someone belongs to a place which they feel has been dominated, annexed, occupied or simply fucked over by another place for 800 years, they might just vote Yes for emotional reasons.

Do you think the Irish would like to come back into the Union, as an article recently asked?

In a sense, England are the scum - successful and arrogant for many years - and Scotland is an increasingly noisy neighbour . The most memorable game I ever saw was the semi-final when we stuck it right up them. Consider what that might mean on a national level.

Refusing the right to self-determination is the act of an institutionalised slave.

personally i think that its everyones right to self determination and if the scots want to go for it then good luck t them.
However i dont like the lies and misrepresentation that SNP are putting forward
baildon blue said:
Good news for the Tories if Scotland does go it alone .
It will be the end of democracy in the UK .
We will be like North Korea .

The methodology of political parties is fluid. Labour will simply move to the right to capture the median voters.
pirate said:
hackneyslim said:
For those of you who cannot understand why anyone would vote Yes, perhaps you might think, if someone belongs to a place which they feel has been dominated, annexed, occupied or simply fucked over by another place for 800 years, they might just vote Yes for emotional reasons.

Do you think the Irish would like to come back into the Union, as an article recently asked?

In a sense, England are the scum - successful and arrogant for many years - and Scotland is an increasingly noisy neighbour . The most memorable game I ever saw was the semi-final when we stuck it right up them. Consider what that might mean on a national level.

Refusing the right to self-determination is the act of an institutionalised slave.

personally i think that its everyones right to self determination and if the scots want to go for it then good luck t them.
However i dont like the lies and misrepresentation that SNP are putting forward

What about the people of Stockport? Do they have the right to self determination? Or Wales? What about Cornwall?
denislawsbackheel said:
What about Eckersley Street, ad infinitum...

Yup. Ridiculous, isn't it.

And the other thing is, since at the moment we are all part of the UK, why does EVERYONE in the UK not have a vote on whether Scotland should become independent? It affects all of us.
Chippy_boy said:
denislawsbackheel said:
What about Eckersley Street, ad infinitum...

Yup. Ridiculous, isn't it.

And the other thing is, since at the moment we are all part of the UK, why does EVERYONE in the UK not have a vote on whether Scotland should become independent? It affects all of us.

Fuck me, I'd hate to see how many posts you make when you do care about something - you're doing a very poor impression of nonchalance, disinterest and ambivalence!
Chippy_boy said:
pirate said:
hackneyslim said:
For those of you who cannot understand why anyone would vote Yes, perhaps you might think, if someone belongs to a place which they feel has been dominated, annexed, occupied or simply fucked over by another place for 800 years, they might just vote Yes for emotional reasons.

Do you think the Irish would like to come back into the Union, as an article recently asked?

In a sense, England are the scum - successful and arrogant for many years - and Scotland is an increasingly noisy neighbour . The most memorable game I ever saw was the semi-final when we stuck it right up them. Consider what that might mean on a national level.

Refusing the right to self-determination is the act of an institutionalised slave.

personally i think that its everyones right to self determination and if the scots want to go for it then good luck t them.
However i dont like the lies and misrepresentation that SNP are putting forward

What about the people of Stockport? Do they have the right to self determination? Or Wales? What about Cornwall?

if the majority want it then yes they do.
hackneyslim said:
For those of you who cannot understand why anyone would vote Yes, perhaps you might think, if someone belongs to a place which they feel has been dominated, annexed, occupied or simply fucked over by another place for 800 years, they might just vote Yes for emotional reasons.

Do you think the Irish would like to come back into the Union, as an article recently asked?

In a sense, England are the scum - successful and arrogant for many years - and Scotland is an increasingly noisy neighbour . The most memorable game I ever saw was the semi-final when we stuck it right up them. Consider what that might mean on a national level.

Refusing the right to self-determination is the act of an institutionalised slave.

No, we think that the Irish should remain in the European union, where the cost of supporting their economy is shared out amongst all the other nations, including this one, unless we decide otherwise, by leaving the EU. This noisy neighbour that that was last 'Fucked over' was at at Culloden,prior to which the Scots decided to invade us, using an effete Italian playboy as pretender to the throne. We 'Scum' English eventually conjoined the two nations with considerable success, in that we became, allies in virtually every scenario ever since, having an inate admiration for the Scots, which now, to some means much less, which is sad, really.

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