Scottish independence

Balti said:
now we apparently have to offer even more concessions if they vote No

like they don't get enough through the Barnett formula already

I hoped they would vote to stay in but now I think they should just fuck off

they're trying to hold us over a barrel

fuck that

no doubt we'll be fighting again within a century or two

Goodness me. Where do you even start with that?
laserblue said:
One point I haven't heard that uber-smug twat Salmond address is EU membership. He seems to be assuming an independent Scotland would be welcomed into the EU with open arms, completely missing the point that all existing members of the EU vote on new member countries' applications to join and each one has a veto. With Spain already having to deal with secessionist movements of its own in Catalonia and the Basque country you can bet your house they will veto the application of an independent Scotland. There are also rumblings that Belgium would veto it too as there are Flemish militants who want Flanders to secede and that's the region where most of Belgium's wealth is.

As Barroso himself stated on Andy Marr's show, when pushed hard, it would be difficult for Scotland to rejoin the EU. However, he never said it would be impossible. Moreover, with a political perspective that is more in tune with other EU Members than say, England, I suspect Scotland would not be kept out of the fold for too long. As the centre of horse trading par excellence, Brussels would likely see deals cut to satisfy all parties.
JackFlash74 said:
Why is everyone getting so het up? Scotland is a drain on resources is it not?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 2366460928</a>
The Queen will remain the head of state, apparently, so you'll be like Samoa and Pitcairn Island and places like that.
I for one hope Scotland stay but at the moment I really think they will be on their own this time next month. Every Scot I have spoken to doesn't really want to leave but none of them can think of a reason why they should stay. It's a scandal that there is no massive campaign explaining why they should stay in. Maybe that is the problem though, maybe they really are better off out after all.
JackFlash74 said:
laserblue said:
Miliband must be shitting himself more than anybody. If Scotland splits from the UK Labour will automatically lose 40 seats in the Westminster parliament compared to the Tories one and Lib Dems 11. Although the Lib Dems will be hit hard it will make it considerably more difficult for Labour to win a future (rump) British general election.

Only 2 elections since the war (2010 being the last one) have been influenced by scottish voters.

But the next one would most likely be the third - which I cannot get my head around why there should be inclusion of Scottish votes in the 2015 election in the event of a 'Yes' vote - they could negatively impact our economy at no impact to themselves
Gabriel said:
laserblue said:
One point I haven't heard that uber-smug twat Salmond address is EU membership. He seems to be assuming an independent Scotland would be welcomed into the EU with open arms, completely missing the point that all existing members of the EU vote on new member countries' applications to join and each one has a veto. With Spain already having to deal with secessionist movements of its own in Catalonia and the Basque country you can bet your house they will veto the application of an independent Scotland. There are also rumblings that Belgium would veto it too as there are Flemish militants who want Flanders to secede and that's the region where most of Belgium's wealth is.

As Barroso himself stated on Andy Marr's show, when pushed hard, it would be difficult for Scotland to rejoin the EU. However, he never said it would be impossible. Moreover, with a political perspective that is more in tune with other EU Members than say, England, I suspect Scotland would not be kept out of the fold for too long. As the centre of horse trading par excellence, Brussels would likely see deals cut to satisfy all parties.
I very much doubt that. Spain is and always has been, vehemently anti secessionist and it would take monumental bribes from Brussels to calm them down, something that they would probably feel is way too much trouble. In common with others on here, I cannot understand how the Jocks are thinking of taking such a monumental decision, when currency, EU membership, defence etc; questions have not been answered at all.
However, now that it looks like they'll be getting even more concessions if they vote no, I fervently hope the yes vote wins by a landslide.
mcfc1632 said:
JackFlash74 said:
laserblue said:
Miliband must be shitting himself more than anybody. If Scotland splits from the UK Labour will automatically lose 40 seats in the Westminster parliament compared to the Tories one and Lib Dems 11. Although the Lib Dems will be hit hard it will make it considerably more difficult for Labour to win a future (rump) British general election.

Only 2 elections since the war (2010 being the last one) have been influenced by scottish voters.

But the next one would most likely be the third - which I cannot get my head around why there should be inclusion of Scottish votes in the 2015 election in the event of a 'Yes' vote - they could negatively impact our economy at no impact to themselves

Probably because the Westminster elite hadn't countenanced the idea of a 'Yes' victory; the fixed term agreement between the Coalition and date of the referendum have also served to throw up a peculiar situation.
Gabriel said:
laserblue said:
One point I haven't heard that uber-smug twat Salmond address is EU membership. He seems to be assuming an independent Scotland would be welcomed into the EU with open arms, completely missing the point that all existing members of the EU vote on new member countries' applications to join and each one has a veto. With Spain already having to deal with secessionist movements of its own in Catalonia and the Basque country you can bet your house they will veto the application of an independent Scotland. There are also rumblings that Belgium would veto it too as there are Flemish militants who want Flanders to secede and that's the region where most of Belgium's wealth is.

As Barroso himself stated on Andy Marr's show, when pushed hard, it would be difficult for Scotland to rejoin the EU. However, he never said it would be impossible. Moreover, with a political perspective that is more in tune with other EU Members than say, England, I suspect Scotland would not be kept out of the fold for too long. As the centre of horse trading par excellence, Brussels would likely see deals cut to satisfy all parties.

They want to go in 'cos it looks like we'll be pulling out.......yet another reason for them to leave the UK
Ancient Citizen said:
Gabriel said:
laserblue said:
One point I haven't heard that uber-smug twat Salmond address is EU membership. He seems to be assuming an independent Scotland would be welcomed into the EU with open arms, completely missing the point that all existing members of the EU vote on new member countries' applications to join and each one has a veto. With Spain already having to deal with secessionist movements of its own in Catalonia and the Basque country you can bet your house they will veto the application of an independent Scotland. There are also rumblings that Belgium would veto it too as there are Flemish militants who want Flanders to secede and that's the region where most of Belgium's wealth is.

As Barroso himself stated on Andy Marr's show, when pushed hard, it would be difficult for Scotland to rejoin the EU. However, he never said it would be impossible. Moreover, with a political perspective that is more in tune with other EU Members than say, England, I suspect Scotland would not be kept out of the fold for too long. As the centre of horse trading par excellence, Brussels would likely see deals cut to satisfy all parties.
I very much doubt that. Spain is and always has been, vehemently anti secessionist and it would take monumental bribes from Brussels to calm them down, something that they would probably feel is way too much trouble. In common with others on here, I cannot understand how the Jocks are thinking of taking such a monumental decision, when currency, EU membership, defence etc; questions have not been answered at all.
However, now that it looks like they'll be getting even more concessions if they vote no, I fervently hope the yes vote wins by a landslide.

Part of being in the European Union is stomaching unpalatable decisions, and Spain really isn't in the strongest position to oppose Scottish entry. At heart, the EU prefers to include rather than exclude, so Scotland would probably be more welcome than unwelcome. For Eurocrats, there would also be the added piquancy of having Scotland in the EU at a time when England is considering a position of self-isolation. On the matter of defence, I posted a link earlier which sets out potential scenarios, though I agree the immediate currency matter remains the most nettlesome. Perhaps the 'Jocks' simply want to determine their own destiny henceforth.

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