scouse derby - who do you want to win?

SalfordCityBlue said:
Haven't read the thread, but assume everyone is discussing 'how the fuck do Everton still have eleven men on the field'?

Lucky not to be down to 9, or maybe even 8!

Dirty fuckers.

Not that I'm complaining too much - anything but a red dipper win will do here. But still... Moyes and his 'players' are perhaps the most hateful bunch of ***** in football - starting to give United a run for their money on that score!

They are utter wank and I hate wanting them to win.
BingoBango said:
mike channon´s windmill said:
And people wonder why we do nowt at international level!

Seriously, that was a horrendous half of football, one of the worst I've seen all season. Endeavour over skill, eh?

Can't see our match at Hull being a game for football purists either.
Not so long ago many ppl on here were calling for the signing of Arteta,, I also think he is a gifted player but for all those who come on here and give out about stevies passing, Pls focus your attention on arteta in this game (i know hes just back)

Creative midfielders give the ball away more then others because they try harder passes....thats what you have to allow for in order to get that one moment of magic that changes a game
calculated said:
shut up you pansy fucks compalining about everton. Harden the fuck up, some of you zombies actually want liverpool to win, our top 4 challengers. fuck off

Totaly agree with you. I´m not English but I like what was English football some years ago. Hard tackles very fast physical direct football and yet people here are whining about a few hard tackles. Jesus go watch some Spanish/Italian football instead of an English derby then.

And before any of you start I do support and go watch my hometown team that gets massive crowds of around 300...

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