scouse derby - who do you want to win?

An Evton win would be better for us and since i can remember i have always favoured Evton over the Reds, but over the last couple of years of listening(i live in St.Helens btw) to the bile and watching fellow blues get treated like shit at their tinpot shithole of a ground a few weeks ago i fukin despise the horrible bastards. Only tonight i was in the Gym and this one horrible tw*t always has a pick at me, hes called us shite, says our manager is a nobody, our fans are glory hunters(inc. me ffs) and we get twatted werever we go (the team) and says they will fuk us when we play the game in hand at coms.
Now i normally just leave it with the odd go back but tonight i bit; he normally starts when there is a bit of an audience9his mates) as he did tonight but i stood up and let him have it, i said i'd bet him a months wage that we finish above them and his grounds a shitpit, the fans are fukin scum and they are a load of kid murdering bagheads, i know i shouldnt have bit but i thought fuk em, ive had enough, and yes we are minted and his teams a feeder club and when that bogeyed twat fuks off they will be back to 10,000 crowds, all this with my hand firmly held out wanting to bet him.
He started going red in the face and just fukd off with his bumboys doing some weights and eyeballing me over the next half hour, he got it back btw, fuk em.
Its a boxing club so the rings there if he fancies it, just one nod and i'll nail him.

PS, i'm 38years old and fuk all but i'm sick of being verbally assaulted and not retaliating, so i did and will continue from this day to be on my front foot, shithouses to a man.
Boring 0.0 Draw. At least one Everton and Liverpool player sent off .Moyes fined and banned for 3 games. Then watch MOTD to hear the excuses from 2 biased Liverpudlians + sidekicks. No class anymore down there,pretty hard to build up enthusiasm or interest,2 teams losing it this season.Who cares?
jamiegrimble said:
Boring 0.0 Draw. At least one Everton and Liverpool player sent off .Moyes fined and banned for 3 games. Then watch MOTD to hear the excuses from 2 biased Liverpudlians + sidekicks. No class anymore down there,pretty hard to build up enthusiasm or interest,2 teams losing it this season.Who cares?

Haha, doesn't sound that boring!

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