scouse derby - who do you want to win?

Hate both of them, but for me Everscum are by far the worst. So Red bindippers for me.
BTW - I hate the shit of 'we want this result, or that result' we'll be okay for 4th on our own!

Edited - Because why not 3rd, 2nd or 1st!!!!!!!!!
Freestyler said:
why are some people saying Liverpool? are you daft or something, we need Everton to win to help us!

I hate Everton but i'll be supporting them tomorrow.
Best outcome is definitely a blue win. Next best is a draw. We certainly could do without a red win. We need those deluded scouse reds down and out.

Everton fans are such bitter twats want united to win every match. I would want them both to lose the 'melted' derby, however we have the home games to finish where we need to without worrying about stuff like this.
I don't really understand why the question is being asked. In our fight for 4th spot, a Liverpool victory would be easily the worst outcome, surely?
From our point of view i hope L'pool are beaten, on the other hand
i dislike moyes so much i don't want Everton getting 3 pts either.
Our destiny is in our own hands so fuck the pair of 'em.
0-0 and hope it's a shit game.

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