Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
blue underpants said:
foxy said:
You are right, I was thinking about it from a cost saving perspective as opposed to extreme retribution.
That my friend is the price we pay for being a civillised country

...and in my opinion a price well worth paying.
You can't take the moral high ground by acting exactly like the fundamentalist basket cases we oppose.
A self-evident truth that appears to be lost on some folk.
Certainly is the price worth paying.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Pablo1 said:
Hope his family can try and move forward with their lives now. Truly horrendous, heartbreaking incident. Thoughts are with them.
Well said mate.
Even though I didn't know him personally, he's off my estate and I've a fair few friends of friends who know the family well. The world can be an awful place mate, you've just got to take solace in the fact that there are still good people out there, the outpouring of support for Lee's family and friends is testament to this. I know a few lads who spend their time trying to be "lads" who were shook to the core by this and have since changed their attitudes to life given the ease in which it can be taken away. It also brought Middleton together as one, which can only be a good thing.
Lets hope that this continues, as finding positives in such a despicable act is what helps separate us from the extremists of the world.
Solitary confinement for the rest of their lives with zero human interaction or notoriety. Even beating the scum would make them feel like people are thinking of them. A single lightbulb and no window....disgusting mother*****rs
ancoats said:
they are seen as GODS and I bet they will be used to push this bullshit Muslim faith to alia crap

hang the ***** in the middle of London then cut them open and let the insides drop out to the floor
They will be seen as Gods in some parts of the world
Sky have just ran an interview with one of these Islamic war lords sat somewhere on the Somalia border where these 2 went training or whatever they do
He said that it was a case of soldiers of Islam fighting a soldier of Christianity, hang on am i missing a trick here, did these 2 soldiers of Islam front up Lee Rigby face to face like soldiers should do, no did they fuck, they ran him down in a car from BEHIND, then and only then did these brave soldiers of Islam set about butchering him with clevers, fucking shithouses the pair of them
I truly hope that we never ever come down to their level
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
blue underpants said:
foxy said:
You are right, I was thinking about it from a cost saving perspective as opposed to extreme retribution.
That my friend is the price we pay for being a civillised country

...and in my opinion a price well worth paying.
You can't take the moral high ground by acting exactly like the fundamentalist basket cases we oppose.
A self-evident truth that appears to be lost on some folk.

I agree, I also think the prospect of spending the rest of their lives banged up is worse to them than death in a few years time they will realise that
blue underpants said:
ancoats said:
they are seen as GODS and I bet they will be used to push this bullshit Muslim faith to alia crap

hang the ***** in the middle of London then cut them open and let the insides drop out to the floor
They will be seen as Gods in some parts of the world
Sky have just ran an interview with one of these Islamic war lords sat somewhere on the Somalia border where these 2 went training or whatever they do
He said that it was a case of soldiers of Islam fighting a soldier of Christianity, hang on am i missing a trick here, did these 2 soldiers of Islam front up Lee Rigby face to face like soldiers should do, no did they fuck, they ran him down in a car from BEHIND, then and only then did these brave soldiers of Islam set about butchering him with clevers, fucking shithouses the pair of them
I truly hope that we never ever come down to their level

'Ljke soldiers do'my arse.

And if ancoats had his way then we would have gone past their level.
How many more of our own will be lost by these fanatical killings before we actually as a country do something about it though? Its all well and good saying you can't sink to the same level but what if it was your son that had been hacked to death for being a soldier?

Counting down the years for the civil war within this countr to begin in fact it is already happening in places where Sharia law is being dictated and it makes me sick to the stomach as we are letting these people shit on our forefathers memories and everything they fought for.

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