Scum Hunter Shoots Cecil the Lion

I'd set one of these hunts up.

Then just before the sad fuck sets off, I'd inform them that they are also being hunted by a top marksman, and the challenge is to kill the animal before being killed themselves.

I'd also make sure there were no animals to actually kill.
feel sorry for some cowardly twat with big weapons killing an endangered animal for fucking fun ??

i feel sorry for you.

Yes I feel sorry for him. Thousands of animals get hunted every day, yet this bloke is plastered all over the worlds media. I've already said what he did was wrong, im not disputing that, I don't agree with hunting at all and I think wildlife in Africa is brilliant. But whys he different to all the over hunters out there?
Yes I feel sorry for him. Thousands of animals get hunted every day, yet this bloke is plastered all over the worlds media. I've already said what he did was wrong, im not disputing that, I don't agree with hunting at all and I think wildlife in Africa is brilliant. But whys he different to all the over hunters out there?

Got caught.
I'd set one of these hunts up.

Then just before the sad fuck sets off, I'd inform them that they are also being hunted by a top marksman, and the challenge is to kill the animal before being killed themselves.

I'd also make sure there were no animals to actually kill.
Reading the story the big issue seems to be that this lion was lured out of the game reserve by the approved hunter who accompanied him so it is him who has broken the law not the dentist.
How so? It's a tourist's responsibility to know the local laws before they go there. Ignorance isn't and never has been an excuse. This is especially true when you're doing something like hunting wildlife. What next? "It's not my fault your honour. Her pimp told me she was 18. It's him that broke the law, not me."

The claims that he's some ignorant tourist also don't really hold up when you discover that he's got previous for hunting illegally in his own country. Whatever you think about hunting, there's absolutely no defending this wanker. There's absolutely no way he didn't know what he was doing. The price to hunt a male lion in Zimbabwe is £20k. So why would he pay £55k unless he knew he was going to hunt a "special" lion? The one with the black mane.
As humans we need to look after our environment, totally agree but this guy has been hung drawn and quartered. The media have gone overkill on him as has the general population. There's murderers and rapist who've had less public exposure.
Any knob who takes pleasure in hunting wild animals for sport in this day and age should be left in the serengeti see how they get on, Huntings alright if you are doing it for food or as a genuine necessity for the local ecology, but big game hunting? why? just so you can have a picture to wank over like the tosser you are. Lions are a vulnerable to endangered species, he has hunted Rhino, Wilderbeast and other animals in danger and finds that fun I find that just wierd.

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