Scum Hunter Shoots Cecil the Lion

This is reminding me of youtube comments were PETA enthusiasts share how mentally unstable and irrational they are with the world wide web, we've all seen the type: "he made the dog stand on it hind legs for a treat... omg my eyes, thats cruel... kill him kill himmm!" some people need to get a fucking grip sometimes. This guy is a saddo yes(all trophy hunters are trying to prove they are men imo which is sad) but doesn't deserve death or violence, why don't people direct their emotions at the authorities and ask for a ban on US citizens hunting lions full stop(they aren't endangered but considered vulnerable at the moment), make it illegal.

its not showing anyone being mentally unstable at all. its called emotion people are disgusted by it and it would be weird if people didn't react the way they have. i dont know why he doesn't deserve violence tbh, did that lion deserve to die in a horrific way ? his life will be ruined now, so at least thats something
This is reminding me of youtube comments were PETA enthusiasts share how mentally unstable and irrational they are with the world wide web, we've all seen the type: "he made the dog stand on it hind legs for a treat... omg my eyes, thats cruel... kill him kill himmm!" some people need to get a fucking grip sometimes. This guy is a saddo yes(all trophy hunters are trying to prove they are men imo which is sad) but doesn't deserve death or violence, why don't people direct their emotions at the authorities and ask for a ban on US citizens hunting lions full stop(they aren't endangered but considered vulnerable at the moment), make it illegal.

Making a dog stand on its hind legs. Murdering a lion. About the same thing.

Also, it is possible to direct your attention/emotion towards more than one thing at once.
Fancy calling yourself Cecil. That lion sounds like right a pretentious ****. Probably better off without his kind.
its not showing anyone being mentally unstable at all. its called emotion people are disgusted by it and it would be weird if people didn't react the way they have. i dont know why he doesn't deserve violence tbh, did that lion deserve to die in a horrific way ? his life will be ruined now, so at least thats something

Calling for his life to be ruined or threatening with violence isn't rational, not doing that doesn't mean you dont care! Is that hard to understand? People seem to think they have to act that way to show they care, which is crazy.

a)Lions are not endangered, they are considered vulnerable(maybe that's up to the governments to change the terms) b) Why is Cecil more important than any other lion just because he's famous in our world? c) People often say animals only kill for food, never for fun... wrong they most certainly do(we should be better than that as a species though by now), wolves, lions, I've even seen killer whales at it. Watch enough documentaries and you'll see, the problem is because of human encroachment most of them don't have much time for fun these days, so most of their time is spent just surviving.

If Cecil wasn't wild and had a trust of humans then that would make this very unfair and wrong in anyone's eyes but that would be the guides fault who set this up. I'm a nature lover and lions are one of my favorite animals(look at them, a male lion looks boss, so majestic) and I've never hunted any game(likely never will) but I know such animals don't have conscious thought, if it was quick then I'd be asking why the fuss over this one in particular(40hours to track a wounded lion though?). People still hunt for food or to protect their livestock in the world and I see nothing wrong with that(they are living by the laws of nature themselves there you cannot claim its wrong), trophy hunting(and Chinese medicine hunting) I don't see the point of at all, there's no reason for it to exist or be legal imo.
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Making a dog stand on its hind legs. Murdering a lion. About the same thing.

Also, it is possible to direct your attention/emotion towards more than one thing at once.

Yep because my line of reasoning was that they were infact exactly the same thing, you got my point totally. ;)
2) Why fly all that way? There must be hundreds of lions for him to kill in the good ol US of A.

If we could get half the outrage from this towards warlords committing genocide we'd be on the right track. Please don't get me wrong, this is terrible, and the dude is a scumbag, but it's humanities "outrage of the week" for this week. Sadly, 2 weeks from now, no one will remember this and move on to the next terrible thing to type on the internet about.
Yep because my line of reasoning was that they were infact exactly the same thing, you got my point totally. ;)
No, your line of reasoning was that they were in some way similar. I pushed them further together to show just how far apart they are.

And nothing makes this lion "more special", but the media surrounding this will hopefully raise more awareness towards this sort of thing, so it can hopefully be eradicated.
Anyway I was in no way defending what he did, just trying to inject some rationality into some of the "more emotional" responses.

Besides look at this quote:

"Both the professional hunter and landowner had no permit or quota to justify the offtake of the lion and therefore are liable for the illegal hunt,” the Zimbabwean parks authority said in a statement on Tuesday.

So it wasn't legal and he knew it wasn't legal?

Sounds like justice will be done.
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