Scum Hunter Shoots Cecil the Lion

I have zero problems with hunting when it's done in a regulated environment, through the correct channels. Where hunters work with Wildlife officers, etc. The way Cecil was killed was idiotic, inappropriate, and selfish. It is one of most glaring reasons people have a problem with hunting (and I completely understand, this is an awful situation). I can say I am all for hunting, but for responsible, ethical hunting. Not this shit, this guy is selfish and a *unt from what I can tell.
Yes I feel sorry for him. Thousands of animals get hunted every day, yet this bloke is plastered all over the worlds media. I've already said what he did was wrong, im not disputing that, I don't agree with hunting at all and I think wildlife in Africa is brilliant. But whys he different to all the over hunters out there?
They all deserve the exact same treatment. Cunts.
He deserves all he is getting, why the hell would anyone want to hunt and kill a lion just for fun the poor thing was alive for 40 hours after he shot it with a crossbow
Even the cunts who hunt elephants and rhinos for their horns are doing it for the money, this twat paid money just to kill the lion. Has anyone seen his statement?

"I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion."

You paid to kill the thing, you can't then say you regret it being "taken". And by "taken", you mean killed for sport, by you
Yes I feel sorry for him. Thousands of animals get hunted every day, yet this bloke is plastered all over the worlds media. I've already said what he did was wrong, im not disputing that, I don't agree with hunting at all and I think wildlife in Africa is brilliant. But whys he different to all the over hunters out there?
He's not, they're all twats.
Even the cunts who hunt elephants and rhinos for their horns are doing it for the money, this twat paid money just to kill the lion. Has anyone seen his statement?

"I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion."

You paid to kill the thing, you can't then say you regret it being "taken". And by "taken", you mean killed for sport, by you
He will most probably get off with fuck all punishment though, because he'll be able to afford the best brief out there. Not sure about his accomplices though, reckon they're fucked. This Palmer guys fucked in other ways though, even if he gets no sentence, someone will make sure of that.
This is reminding me of youtube comments were PETA enthusiasts share how mentally unstable and irrational they are with the world wide web, we've all seen the type: "he made the dog stand on it hind legs for a treat... omg my eyes, thats cruel... kill him kill himmm!" some people need to get a fucking grip sometimes. This guy is a saddo yes(all trophy hunters are trying to prove they are men imo which is sad) but doesn't deserve death or violence, why don't people direct their emotions at the authorities and ask for a ban on US citizens hunting lions full stop(they aren't endangered but considered vulnerable at the moment), make it illegal.

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