Scum v Manchester City: Official Match Thread

We fooked up end of - they were clearly there for the taking but Silva left his shooting boots on somewhere in fookin Spain and Carlos didn´t show in the most important game of the season. I broke a plastic bin lid and the Mrs is upset ffs!
WELL DONE CITY - to say I´m fookin fed up is a fookin understatement of enormous proportions. That scum got away with it again and their even scummier fans know it but they are laughing ONCE AGAIN
I hope the filthy fookin granny shagging scouse mercenary dies a horrible death from an STD!! coont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Balti said:
HellasLEAF said:
without analyzing too deeply and going on with rants, this is the basic feeling I have. we should all have.

this was not away to Arsenal today.

Sometimes in football you lose when you dont deserve to

I'm actually quite proud of City today

Lets not forget who those twats are. They are close to the top of the pile in world football. The gap is getting narrower and narrower.

i see the team improving every game as far as cohesiveness. our defence made one mistake today (the first goal) and we made a coulpe chances. even when we are at the peak of form (still a year OR TWO away) as far as a unit, it will still be close when we play United. They are a top team.

I thought our efforts between them deserved a goal today, and that their first goal was well-taken. The second goal, get real, we couldnt have done anything about it. We deserved a point, but you can't say anything negative about that second goal. We're getting closer, and because of that, I am behind Mancini.
mike channon´s windmill said:
We fooked up end of - they were clearly there for the taking but Silva left his shooting boots on somewhere in fookin Spain and Carlos didn´t show in the most important game of the season. I broke a plastic bin lid and the Mrs is upset ffs!
WELL DONE CITY - to say I´m fookin fed up is a fookin understatement of enormous proportions. That scum got away with it again and their even scummier fans know it but they are laughing ONCE AGAIN
I hope the filthy fookin granny shagging scouse mercenary dies a horrible death from an STD!! coont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spot on. end of.
City played well today and were unlucky, the difference was very small. At the end of the day we came into this season with a top 4 finish as the target, we are on course to do that. Next season is the season that City should really push for the title, a couple of additions are obviously needed in the summer, I think those additions will be made and City will be even stronger next season. Anyone here thats moaning and bitching is obviously a johnny come lately who became a City fan the moment the sugar daddys came in, compared to where City were a few years ago, a mid table club that was going nowhere, we should thank our lucky stars for the position the club is in now.
We deserved to get beat today, our shot for the goal wasn't even gonna hit the corner flag ffs.

Tevez no show was biggest let down :(
Terrible miss by silva early doors and beaten by a wonder goal.

Still fear we are frightened of the scum, they were there for the taking if we had really believed we could beat them
Banana Rama said:
City played well today and were unlucky, the difference was very small. At the end of the day we came into this season with a top 4 finish as the target, we are on course to do that. Next season is the season that City should really push for the title, a couple of additions are obviously needed in the summer, I think those additions will be made and City will be even stronger next season. Anyone here thats moaning and bitching is obviously a johnny come lately who became a City fan the moment the sugar daddys came in, compared to where City were a few years ago, a mid table club that was going nowhere, we should thank our lucky stars for the position the club is in now.
Most incorrect and nieave post of the century.
I think you will find that the majority of fans who are dissatisfied with continued failure are those fans who have watched city for many years. I first sat in Platt lane end in '77, a drab 1-1 draw with derby County and instantly fell in love with everything City. Now we have the resources to be something bigger, better but we aren't fulfillling the potential our owners have handed us.
As for thanking our lucky stars as to the clubs position now, I doubt the owners are as relaxed as you are. We are seriously in danger of finishing 5th this season. Take a look at the coffee my friend, smell it and see what's going on because compared to what COULD be happening, it ain't all that good.
I realy have that feeling that Tevez is playing for himself, for HIS glory, for his succes and not for the team ... and as long as it stays like that, City wont be able to finish above likes of Chelski, Arsenal, Utd ... Messi plays for the team, even cryronaldo plays for the team ( or at least as much as he can ) .. so Mancini have to change that .. becouse his ( tevez ) hunger for glory will at the end destroyed any chance City have to become No 1 in EPL ... my personal opinion is that player even with less quality tahn Tevez, but willing to do, in every moment, whats best for the TEAM, would do more good than Tevez ... City is becoming his playground for his own goals ... and one who wants to become best, cant alowed that to heppend.
United were there for the taking but at the same time they looked relaxed at the back. The message is out there.... City play a lot of tippy-tappy football which looks good but produces nothing gainst well organised teams and the object is to score goals not have 55% of the match possession. City were inert up front and simply did not look like scoring ever. United did not either but they resorted to accurate kick and run and it beat our attempts to try and play like Arsenal (but still without any end product).

Sorry but with all the money we have had, we have to be expecting better than nearly scraping a draw. You cannot look backwards and say how far we have come ...because the present has been purchased and unfortunately too much wasted. There is no more money left now. I hope to God Chelsea slip up somewhere because Spurs look strong. 5th place and Mancini is clearly out and so is the money. Qualifying for the real Euro competition is worth about £55m. This is going to be a worrying run-in. The city Spurs game is going to be as important as last year.

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