Season ticket has arrived!

Jamie23 said:
when is the open day at coms?

This Friday.

Following the success of last summer's Family Fun Day, City are to stage a repeat this Friday, the 6th August with Mancio putting his squad through their paces inside the Stadium...

City owner His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan has maintained all along that the club must pursue an 'evolution being on every level and borne out of a sustainable approach that has its foundations in the club's academy; it's fans and the relationship with the Manchester community' and it is staging events like this that can only help to continue to build bridges with a City faithful reknowned for it's previous long suffering.

Entrance is free again with the Eastlands turnstiles starting to rotate at 14h00 East Manchester time. The training session, which should follow a light hearted theme should kick off an hour later following live entertainment and a first viewing of the newly-extended and revamped Family Stand.

Last year's event realised an attendance of 10,000 Blues and this year's figure is highly likely to surpass that as Mancio's revamped squad will be introduced to City fans for the first time.

The likes of Kolarov, Tevez, Boateng, De Jong and Silva are now back in town so get weaving down there Blues and give them a cheer!

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;">http://www.manchestercity.vitalfootball ... z0vUzfk7aX</a>
1.618034 said:
Jamie23 said:
when is the open day at coms?

This Friday.

Following the success of last summer's Family Fun Day, City are to stage a repeat this Friday, the 6th August with Mancio putting his squad through their paces inside the Stadium...

City owner His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan has maintained all along that the club must pursue an 'evolution being on every level and borne out of a sustainable approach that has its foundations in the club's academy; it's fans and the relationship with the Manchester community' and it is staging events like this that can only help to continue to build bridges with a City faithful reknowned for it's previous long suffering.

Entrance is free again with the Eastlands turnstiles starting to rotate at 14h00 East Manchester time. The training session, which should follow a light hearted theme should kick off an hour later following live entertainment and a first viewing of the newly-extended and revamped Family Stand.

Last year's event realised an attendance of 10,000 Blues and this year's figure is highly likely to surpass that as Mancio's revamped squad will be introduced to City fans for the first time.

The likes of Kolarov, Tevez, Boateng, De Jong and Silva are now back in town so get weaving down there Blues and give them a cheer!

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;">http://www.manchestercity.vitalfootball ... z0vUzfk7aX</a>

cheers appriciate it.
a few years ago city sent mine without the envelope being sealed.

amazingly it arrived despite going through the thieving hands of the royal mail.

nothing surprises me with our fucking ticket office.
I'm now officially raging. Still no fucking sign of it, so I envisage them having to reprint and send a new one — for the fourth year in a row.
I held off getting a family ticket for the Valencia friendly because in my experience, if they can't send a ticket that was paid for (in person and in cash) two months ago, what chance have they got of competently sending something ordered within a week or so?
If I had paid for Valcencia on my season card, I would be well fucked on Saturday when it didn't arrive. More time wasted queuing, explaining etc.
The ticket office is a joke. Always has been and always will be.
The most important focal point between club and supporter has let me down time after time, year after year, going back tot he Maine Road days. Tickets and payments going missing etc, being told one thing when the other is true.
Anyone got the email address for that Danny Wilson character who is 'head of supporter interface' or some other grand title? It's either venting my spleen on him or else carrying out my previous threat of marching down there on Friday and windmilling through the fucking lot of them.
This has just been said to me on the phone "If it doesn't come by Friday, then contact us and we will arrange for one to be printed for you to collect on Saturday above the club shop"

Now I have spend another £2 on a call to get them to do that, I'm absoloutely raging now. I paid with money I'd saved up over a number of months to see the club I love, and they can't even send me a card.

They promised Monday last Friday
They promised Today on Monday
They promised Friday. TODAY!

I'm not happy with this, who the hell should I make an official complaint too?
Know where you're coming from, Project. I love how we get charged premium rate phone time and are expected to take yet more time out of our lives queuing up at the ticket office on a matchday to get something we have already shelled out for, and which should have been delivered weeks ago.
So we have to go out of our way to make up for the rank incompetence of this department of the club.
Someone has PM'd me a number to call. Haven't had time to do so yet, but I will be doing today so I'll let you know how I get on
LongsightM13 said:
Know where you're coming from, Project. I love how we get charged premium rate phone time and are expected to take yet more time out of our lives queuing up at the ticket office on a matchday to get something we have already shelled out for, and which should have been delivered weeks ago.
So we have to go out of our way to make up for the rank incompetence of this department of the club.
Someone has PM'd me a number to call. Haven't had time to do so yet, but I will be doing today so I'll let you know how I get on

I have sent this e-mail.
whether it gets me anywhere is another question.

For whom it may concern.

I as you may be aware have purchased a seasoncard for this what promises to be an exciting season to be a Manchester City fan, and with all the excitement that is going around about the obvious bit and bobs that goes with our club these days. Under the skin of what the media gets a sight of it is very apparant that there is a problem.

I ordered my seasoncard and paid for it in full as requested with my hard earned money, for a 21 year old £300 is a lot of money, and I'd expect the slightest bit of co-operation when I am dumbstruck as to why almost everyone has received their season card but a select few, the rest of my family ordered theirs 2 days before I did, and they received theirs when the main bulk was sent out (from what I'm to believe from what I am being told by ticket office staff, this was 2 weeks ago).

I have phoned your supporter services 3 times and each time I've been given the "wait 2 more days" fob me off story.

On Friday (30/07) I called and they said Mondays post.
On Monday (02/08) I called and they said Wednesdays post.
TODAY (04/08) I called and was told this "If it doesn't come by Friday, then contact us and we will arrange for one to be printed for you to collect on Saturday above the club shop"

Now I spend 10p a minute calling your phoneline each time I'm trying to chase something I have paid for, this is ridiculous that I have to call you to get it sorted.
I have supported this club from the minute I was born and it's very sad for me to see that something so simple can't be done properly, we can get the likes of David Silva and Yaya Toure to sign a contract without the lure of Champions League football, but we can't get the seasoncards out to the people that make the club, the supporters.

I would appreciate a human reply to this e-mail.

Thank you

Ryan Anthony Gladwell

I did put my 'info' on there obviously took that out..pah

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