Season ticket prices 2016/17

My biggest gripe is the fucking £50 being spunked on platinum, to do nothing but make sure I keep up with the pack for away tickets, what an absolute rip off. Thanks for your loyalty following us away, can we have another £50 to make sure you do it next year too..

Yep the reward for being loyal is you need to pay more, otherwise your loyalty is worth only half the points.

I think there will be a drop Millwall, especially with the poor away performances for the majority of the season, but if the club wanted reward loyal fans they would scrap it completely.
Just read a youth team player (who I have yet to see have a good game) has had £20,000 pounds worth of trainers pinched in a burglary!

Makes you despair doesn't it.

I try and defend City as much as possible but when you hear of people scrimping to watch us and you have kids spending 20k on trainers it makes you ask if it is worth it.

The Kiev game should be £20 quid. we struggle to fill midweeks and it is on the TV. I think the season tickets are pretty decent value to be fair but I think I have now missed 5 or 6 this season due to other commitments but if I was paying individually for me, my dad and the 3 kids for where we sit It would be crazily expensive, at the moment I am paying nearly £500 a month direct debit ever month over the year and have not even been since the Leicester game. They need to expand and lower the on the day prices.

Good for Andy H though!

When you put it like that, it is scandalous. Some of us don't even make 20k a year, yet Brandon who's barely played for us can afford 10 pairs of 2 grand trainers, with shit loads of money to spare. I don't mind proven players wages, because I think with the amount of money on football they deserve the fair share of it, seeing as they're the entertainers. Paying youth players that much just shows the difference between us and them.

I hope the club gets these prices right.
I think it's inevitable that the prices go up. The sad truth is that the people running the club don't care about the fans.
I can't see them missing the trick with Pep turning up next season. I reckon a 5-10% increase for the most.
Part of the problem is that they make it easy for you to renew if you're on direct debit. You don't have to put a penny up front and only begin to feel the cost once the payments come out each month.

The cynic in me suggests many complaining will still renew because they always do so. Only a deeply unacceptable increase (i.e. 50%) will turn their hand. Prices have been creeping up slowly but surely and will again. It's the unfortunate side of success...
Well mine will either stay the same or be reduced because 1 thing is for sure this season I'm binning platinum of
I have 14500 points 2 but I've had enough no more away days for me
I'm gonna become a happy telly clapper a lot more.
And if they take the piss AGAIN!! Well for the first time since 83-84 it will be bye bye season ticket pep or no fucking pep!
£299 season tickets, regular trophy wins, world class players and facilities and people still moan. Un fucking believable.

How many Seasoncards go on sale at £299? They're at the back of the new 3rd tier and, when I last heard, were also value seats dotted around the stadium. These are the ones laden with conditions.

Do you genuinely believe the current prices all around the stadium are fair?
£299 season tickets, regular trophy wins, world class players and facilities and people still moan. Un fucking believable.

Tell that to the fans where they put up prices from 700 to over a grand last season
What you have to remember is not everyone want to or indeed can sit up in the gods
If you think our ground is still fairly priced you are way of pal fucking way
There is a tipping point with a lot of people and they are fast approaching it that's for sure

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