Season Ticket Waiting List | Sold Out

It's because ST holders were abusing the reasonably cheap offers and not attending that this situation has come about.

Do other clubs have the same problem even though the London clubs are far more expensive?
Looking at some of Arsenals attendances last season I would say they have a problem.
Listed mine twice last season. Once when it clashed with a rearranged pre-covid concert and the other for a holiday booked before the fixtures arranged.

First game West Ham at home there were no takers, second game Villa at home went in two days. I agree the club should be looking at people’s non-attendance, but if you offer your seat for sale and nobody wants it there is nothing they can do.
At least you made the effort to list your tickets on the exchange, there’s nothing more you can do.
At least you made the effort to list your tickets on the exchange, there’s nothing more you can do.
I’ve not used it, but would if I could get a couple of seats together, not individual seats, and if they were listed in good time eg two or three weeks in advance.

I’d also like to see the exchange better publicised by the club on their app, website and social media (for buyers).
Genuinely interested to know how many called the ticket office & weren’t successful ? I’ve read many posts on here about beings scree in the thousands for the queue online, did people not try both ? I know there isn’t a great deal of faith in the ticket office on ere but it may of been the right call
I called the ticket office about 9.20am in the hope of joining a queue as a back up, having logged on. I got to the front well before 10am and was told to ring back then because the ‘event’ wouldn’t be ‘live’ until then. The guy said everyone had been trying to queue on the phone and was a bit arsey about it.

I rang back at about ten to and was 216th in the queue, but stayed in it while queued on the computer, where I was 2250. By the rate the numbers in all queues were falling I had a sinking feeling it wasn’t because tickets were being processed quickly, and that everything was gone within minutes.

By 10.20am I got to the front online and got the sold out message. Stayed in the phone queue until about 12pm just in case, all through my first work meeting, and then got the same guy who had bounced me out in the morning confirming that everything had gone.
Let's make this clear as people still don't seem to get it. They announced Silver BEFORE the renewal process started. They didn't have a clue at that point how many would or wouldn't renew, particularly those who'd deferred. They said there would be a limited number, as an experiment. We don't know the number but I'd guess it's around 1,000 at the very most and people, either new or existing season ticket holders, bought all of them. It's an effort to fill the stadium, in order to make the atmosphere better. If people who buy these tickets then don't use them, the experiment will probably be discontinued, and we'll try something else. We've been looking at various ways to encourage the use of Ticket Exchange, which there will be some changes to next season, and we'll continue to do that.

We have far more season ticket holders than Liverpool, in a similar sized stadium, which means more fans can have a cheaper option than paying matchday prices. We offer cheap tickets at the back of SS3. We offer Value Gold tickets. While I'm not thrilled about aspects of our matchday pricing, you can get a PL ticket for £30 occasionally. We have category pricing, where Cat C games are over 30% cheaper than Cat A games, whereas at Anfield or OT, you'd pay the same price to watch us, as you would to watch Bournemouth on a Wednesday night. We also offer cheap cup tickets.

As a result our matchday income is significantly lower than Liverpool's. About £30m lower off the top of my head. That's equivalent to buying a Haaland. The club could simply say that they won't offer any new seasoncards, regardless of the number who don't renew, until we get down to the same 25k as Liverpool. Then people would have something to moan about.
Thanks again for your reply but there is one main point I need answering.

I’m a SC holder so I’ve not had to try to buy one for the first time but from all the posts in this thread it seems that full Gold or Platinum SCs were not offered for sale this time but instead there was a single option of the Silver ticket bundle.

If that is incorrect then I apologise for wasting your time but if it is the case then all of your counter-arguments are meaningless.

Edit: the above is regarding potential new members and not existing SC holders.
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With so many season ticket holders not turning up for games and not listing their tickets for resale then the club really need to start getting tough on them.

I recall reading Bayern have a threshold that must be met to meet otherwise fans lose their seasoncard.

Maybe doesn’t have to be that strict - but give supporters only turning up for big games warnings first and provide help with guidance on how to list their tickets for resale.

If it doesn’t change then they lose the right to renew.
Surely no shows are a symptom not a cause? Of course there are people who buy STs because they are desperate to reserve a seat for the big games and like the continuity, but let’s be honest, if matches were priced more reasonably far fewer people would buy STs.

It’s families who are getting stiffed the most. We can make all kinds of justifications for adult ticket prices considering the modern game, the quality of our football etc. But charging 7-year-olds thirty odd quid to get in for a Cat C fixture is much harder to defend.

I know there’s an argument that the match day family audience is small. But surely that’s an argument for growing it? You’re not going to grow it with only 500 silvers while calling £35 a kids price as we go into a recession but it’s OK because an overseas tourist will take that seat. Really? For Brentford? Regularly for the next 50 years through thick and thin?
Thanks again for your reply but there is one main point I need answering.

I’m a SC holder so I’ve not had to try to buy one for the first time but from all the posts in this thread it seems that full Gold or Platinum SCs were not offered for sale this time but instead there was a single option of the Silver ticket bundle.

If that is incorrect then I apologise for wasting your time but if it is the case then all of your counter-arguments are meaningless.
The club makes a decision every season on how many new season cards will be made available. There's never been a commitment or guarantee any year that new cards would be made available or, if they were, that these would be the exact number not renewed. There could be 2,000 cancellations and only 500 new cards offered. That's the club's decision and none of us can really have any influence on that. U til we go through with the North Stand expansion, our capacity to offer new season cards is very limited.

What I do know is that they did commit to offer a limited number of new Silver season cards before the renewal process started. It's of course possible that they took the view that a few hundred wouldn't renew, as always happens, but even if they were wrong, and every single person, including deferrals, renewed, those cards would still have been offered.

And if you're already a season ticket holder, as you say, and had no interest in these new cards, then why the hell are you bothered? How does it affect you so much that there is something on these that you "need" answering?

You're behaving like the poster who asked me why I didn't get one if City Matters supported their introduction.
Let's make this clear as people still don't seem to get it. They announced Silver BEFORE the renewal process started. They didn't have a clue at that point how many would or wouldn't renew, particularly those who'd deferred. They said there would be a limited number, as an experiment. We don't know the number but I'd guess it's around 1,000 at the very most and people, either new or existing season ticket holders, bought all of them. It's an effort to fill the stadium, in order to make the atmosphere better. If people who buy these tickets then don't use them, the experiment will probably be discontinued, and we'll try something else. We've been looking at various ways to encourage the use of Ticket Exchange, which there will be some changes to next season, and we'll continue to do that.

We have far more season ticket holders than Liverpool, in a similar sized stadium, which means more fans can have a cheaper option than paying matchday prices. We offer cheap tickets at the back of SS3. We offer Value Gold tickets. While I'm not thrilled about aspects of our matchday pricing, you can get a PL ticket for £30 occasionally. We have category pricing, where Cat C games are over 30% cheaper than Cat A games, whereas at Anfield or OT, you'd pay the same price to watch us, as you would to watch Bournemouth on a Wednesday night. We also offer cheap cup tickets.

As a result our matchday income is significantly lower than Liverpool's. About £30m lower off the top of my head. That's equivalent to buying a Haaland. The club could simply say that they won't offer any new seasoncards, regardless of the number who don't renew, until we get down to the same 25k as Liverpool. Then people would have something to moan about.

The club makes a decision every season on how many new season cards will be made available. There's never been a commitment or guarantee any year that new cards would be made available or, if they were, that these would be the exact number not renewed. There could be 2,000 cancellations and only 500 new cards offered. That's the club's decision and none of us can really have any influence on that. U til we go through with the North Stand expansion, our capacity to offer new season cards is very limited.

What I do know is that they did commit to offer a limited number of new Silver season cards before the renewal process started. It's of course possible that they took the view that a few hundred wouldn't renew, as always happens, but even if they were wrong, and every single person, including deferrals, renewed, those cards would still have been offered.

And if you're already a season ticket holder, as you say, and had no interest in these new cards, then why the hell are you bothered? How does it affect you so much that there is something on these that you "need" answering?

You're behaving like the poster who asked me why I didn't get one if City Matters supported their introduction.
My point about not getting one is if everybody thinks they are a great idea, why did current season ticket holders not downgrade? I am extremely confident very few, if any would have done so. They won’t really know the demand for silver tickets when it’s al that’s offered and not a choice. So if there is 1k silver offered yesterday, they could have gone on as good or silver and see what the uptake is. The seats and tickets are there otherwise silver isn’t an option either.

Why not reach out to cityzen members as it’s them on the make believe “waiting list” and see what demand there is for silver, do a survey that if gold and silver was on offer and they was eligible, what would they go for. Asking existing season ticket holders with no intension of downgrading to silver is just mad to me. Silver was offered on renewal wasnt it, see how many wanted it at that point. Would be interesting as I say to see the figures but I’m sure we know the answer that very few, if any would have gone from full to silver.

If the numbers aren’t there to offer gold then surely they aren’t for silver. Instead they want to get more bums on seats for the shit games whilst knowing they’ll have no issues for the big games (making more money) silver was sold as a cheap option for families also, sporadic singles available would suggests otherwise. Large chunks of the overly sized family stand would have been better. They’ve taken £35 plus a season from “members” to be on a “waiting list” which was a scramble. The best comparison I seen yesterday was like queuing up at Maine road in the good old days, then thousands of people just cut in. It wouldn’t happen in person but virtually it’s ok.

I think all these points need feeding back to the club, that is of course if they even care and any experiments in future, be professional and research on the people you are experimenting on to begin with, not others who it doesn’t affect.
My point about not getting one is if everybody thinks they are a great idea, why did current season ticket holders not downgrade? I am extremely confident very few, if any would have done so. They won’t really know the demand for silver tickets when it’s al that’s offered and not a choice. So if there is 1k silver offered yesterday, they could have gone on as good or silver and see what the uptake is. The seats and tickets are there otherwise silver isn’t an option either.

Why not reach out to cityzen members as it’s them on the make believe “waiting list” and see what demand there is for silver, do a survey that if gold and silver was on offer and they was eligible, what would they go for. Asking existing season ticket holders with no intension of downgrading to silver is just mad to me. Silver was offered on renewal wasnt it, see how many wanted it at that point. Would be interesting as I say to see the figures but I’m sure we know the answer that very few, if any would have gone from full to silver.

If the numbers aren’t there to offer gold then surely they aren’t for silver. Instead they want to get more bums on seats for the shit games whilst knowing they’ll have no issues for the big games (making more money) silver was sold as a cheap option for families also, sporadic singles available would suggests otherwise. Large chunks of the overly sized family stand would have been better. They’ve taken £35 plus a season from “members” to be on a “waiting list” which was a scramble. The best comparison I seen yesterday was like queuing up at Maine road in the good old days, then thousands of people just cut in. It wouldn’t happen in person but virtually it’s ok.

I think all these points need feeding back to the club, that is of course if they even care and any experiments in future, be professional and research on the people you are experimenting on to begin with, not others who it doesn’t affect.
And if they hadn't offered them to existing season ticket holders, people would then be moaning that they would have liked the chance of a cheaper ticket. No one is in a position to judge other people's financial situation. There may well have been people with season cards who were worried about how they would afford to pay for them, when living costs are rocketing and wages/benefits aren't keeping track of those costs.

And you've quoted my post where I talked about the numbers of tickets available yet clearly haven't understood it.

We'll get the exact figures when we next meet with the club but my belief is that the majority of these tickets will have been taken by existing season card holders. All the games that aren't included will be on TV anyway so many will have been tempted by an offer that means they'll be able to see all the games that are less likely to be televised.

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