Season Ticket Waiting List | Sold Out

[mention]Prestwich_Blue [/mention]

Just out of interest, and for nothing more than curiosity, would you be able to give a rough figure for the average number of ST no shows each game?
We obviously need to increase capacity. Maybe the club are waiting for Pep to leave before having to reduce capacity during the building work.
The club makes a decision every season on how many new season cards will be made available. There's never been a commitment or guarantee any year that new cards would be made available or, if they were, that these would be the exact number not renewed. There could be 2,000 cancellations and only 500 new cards offered. That's the club's decision and none of us can really have any influence on that. U til we go through with the North Stand expansion, our capacity to offer new season cards is very limited.

What I do know is that they did commit to offer a limited number of new Silver season cards before the renewal process started. It's of course possible that they took the view that a few hundred wouldn't renew, as always happens, but even if they were wrong, and every single person, including deferrals, renewed, those cards would still have been offered.

And if you're already a season ticket holder, as you say, and had no interest in these new cards, then why the hell are you bothered? How does it affect you so much that there is something on these that you "need" answering?

You're behaving like the poster who asked me why I didn't get one if City Matters supported their introduction.
I’m ‘bothered’ because if this is the new sly, underhand way of the club treating supporters then I can see a situation where no new full SCs will be sold in future and there will be a two tier system in place.

I didn’t demand an answer but as you replied I pointed out the inconsistencies in your responses. Of course the club can choose how many SCs they want to sell but the fact is if Silver can be sold for 14 games then they could be sold for all 19. You appear to be backing the club on this disgraceful (in my opinion) money grab.
I’m ‘bothered’ because if this is the new sly, underhand way of the club treating supporters then I can see a situation where no new full SCs will be sold in future and there will be a two tier system in place.

I didn’t demand an answer but as you replied I pointed out the inconsistencies in your responses. Of course the club can choose how many SCs they want to sell but the fact is if Silver can be sold for 14 games then they could be sold for all 19. You appear to be backing the club on this disgraceful (in my opinion) money grab.
I take your point but you've got a season ticket and will presumably have one until you decide otherwise. The club is a commercial business and will make decisions in what it sees as its best interests. At City Matters we have to look at things from all sides. We talked through Silver cards very thoroughly with the club and among ourselves and felt that it was something worth trying.

One of the great things about doing City Matters is that you do get to hear all sides of the argument, and that it's not just black and white. But actions have consequences and there will rarely be a situation that benefits all without any negative impact.

I'm planning on standing down this summer so there will be at least one seat available. I'd encourage people like you, who appear to have a considered view on things, to put themselves forward so that you can see the full picture.
I'd like to see if the number of no shows has increased during covid compared to pre covid. I know loads of people who couldnt attend games last season either due to having covid or family members having covid. Also this season i'd expect the return of the tourists (whether you like that or not). Finally I think the Haaland affect you wont see many games where we have noticable empty seats due no shows he's a superstar that everyone will want to see play.

They really need to make the ticket exchange easier to access.
The "No shows" are just a part of Manchester City. If you don't have a season ticket you are likely to miss out on crucial home games, Wembley Tickets, away games, champions league fixtures etc. Not only that, if you wanted to buy match tickets individually you have to arse around, download it to your phone, not sit with your family, get stuck at the front or back, etc. All of our matches are on the telly too.

So if someone is planning on attending more than about 60% of our games it makes no sense whatsoever not to buy a season ticket. It's probably cheaper too.

If matchday demand increases then people will pass these tickets on if the club make it easy. which they seem to be trying to do. Mobile ticketing had the opposite effect to this but you'd hope this should improve with time.
I'd like to see if the number of no shows has increased during covid compared to pre covid. I know loads of people who couldnt attend games last season either due to having covid or family members having covid. Also this season i'd expect the return of the tourists (whether you like that or not). Finally I think the Haaland affect you wont see many games where we have noticable empty seats due no shows he's a superstar that everyone will want to see play.

They really need to make the ticket exchange easier to access.
Ticket exchange online is quite easy really, are you meaning for those that can’t work it? Perhaps a telephone option might be worth it, if there isn’t already?
Personally I think it’s fair that the silvers were offered to existing holders, and I don’t mind that they excluded the ‘big’ games since for many seats that was baked into a liveable price.

The disappointment for me lies in the fact that so few were made available to non SCs and that families didn’t really get a look in. If the club had offered them alongside the usual options, and managed expectations with a bit more transparency about just how limited the offer was and how arbitrary the buying process was going to be, it might have prevented some of the anguish.

At the same time, us fans who have decided it’s time to get or go back to an SC for ourselves or our loved ones will have to be patient. We know that and it’s only right. It’s just easier said than done when ticket prices, along with everything else, are only going one way!
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Travelling from Edinburgh I try to get to every game big or Man U
But sometimes ko time train disruption hotel prices Real Life get in the way.
Would be pissed off if the club held that against me

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