Season Tickets 2014/15

Are people seriously complaining about out season ticket prices? We have the cheapest season tickets in the league, have the best players, challenging for titles, in the champions league and people are moaning it may be going up a little bit? Get a grip FFS. Compare our prices to the other teams in the top 4, or top 6, actually fuck it, the top 10 and you will realise our season tickets are an absolute bargain. If it's too much, simple, don't renew. There are plenty of people waiting.
KippaxCitizen said:
bainy said:
malg said:
If we don't win the league, then I'll definitely not renew, unless I get guarantees from the club that we are signing players good enough to deliver it in the 2014/15 season.

i think this is a clarkie
I can half see where he's coming from.

I never supported City because I wanted us to win things, ever before. City were my team through a long family history, my locality to the club and my pride in my town. Me and a large group of friends used to go home and away everywhere, and a lot of my family used to go to all home games. I never cared that we didn't win things, it could have been 55 years for all I cared, never mind 35. That's not what being a City fan was about. Being a City fan was a fucking buzz and there were many great times and many laughs had.

Now I can't afford to go home and away everywhere. In fact it's getting to the point where the tickets are getting so expensive I'm having to cut right down on away games just to be able to afford the SC and all the extra home games. In the last five years I've gone from home and away everywhere, to home and away once a month, and now home and away only if we don't have extra home games in other comps that month. And from a large group of friends and family that all used to go there are now less than a handful of us left.

Atmospheres are abysmal, almost always at home, and it's creeping in more and more away from home too. Plus loads of things about the match day are a far less enjoyable or should I say, more annoying, experience.

Everything away from the pitch as a match going fan has got worse, for me. This has made me a dam sight more demanding. Where in the past I'd happily go to the game, sing with all my mates and have a great piss up afterwards...I now sit on my own and often drive to games as nobody else is there to go out with afterwards. And that has made me want to see success on the pitch. Not just a hope. I'm almost demanding it now. I'm that disillusioned with this middle class sport as a whole that I think the only thing that will make up for that is City winning big trophies.

It pains me to say it. But that's how I feel.

Great post, but cant see how 'you half see where he is coming from'?
you also agree with the, win, win!
Malg is saying he wont renew if we dont win the prem unless he gets a guarantee we will sign god (messi?)
I asked if this was a clarkie as it is arrogant....i think it is a clarkie
He is not arguing about expense.
I hate the prices and the corporate rubbish
However, You cant demand sucess and threaten to bail out otherwise because your social circumstances have changed!?
Thats not what being a supporter is about.
I love the footy and love the away atmosphere (most of the time!)
i will not miss anfield tomorrow for the world......and the day tomorrow....... win, loose or draw will be great! ( a win will be good)
For 90% of away games we have a good drink, we sing loud and proud and you get to sit with your mates
goater1978 said:
Georgian Maestro said:
goater1978 said:
If you signed up to the DD you signed up to auto renewals

I wasn't aware of that. Is this a wind up?

No. It auto renews. If you don't want a season ticket next year make sure to tell the club

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rect-debit</a>

"By signing up to the Direct Debit scheme, the supporter is agreeing to an automatic renewals scheme, this means that next season the supporter’s Seasoncard will automatically be renewed (including any add-on product purchased the previous year) and they will once again be enrolled in the Direct Debit scheme."

Good.I'll renew like this just cos i can't be arsed.
de niro said:
goater1978 said:
Georgian Maestro said:
I wasn't aware of that. Is this a wind up?

No. It auto renews. If you don't want a season ticket next year make sure to tell the club

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rect-debit</a>

"By signing up to the Direct Debit scheme, the supporter is agreeing to an automatic renewals scheme, this means that next season the supporter’s Seasoncard will automatically be renewed (including any add-on product purchased the previous year) and they will once again be enrolled in the Direct Debit scheme."

Good.I'll renew like this just cos i can't be arsed.

yeah same, one less thing to worry about
KippaxCitizen said:
bainy said:
malg said:
If we don't win the league, then I'll definitely not renew, unless I get guarantees from the club that we are signing players good enough to deliver it in the 2014/15 season.

i think this is a clarkie
I can half see where he's coming from.

I never supported City because I wanted us to win things, ever before. City were my team through a long family history, my locality to the club and my pride in my town. Me and a large group of friends used to go home and away everywhere, and a lot of my family used to go to all home games. I never cared that we didn't win things, it could have been 55 years for all I cared, never mind 35. That's not what being a City fan was about. Being a City fan was a fucking buzz and there were many great times and many laughs had.

Now I can't afford to go home and away everywhere. In fact it's getting to the point where the tickets are getting so expensive I'm having to cut right down on away games just to be able to afford the SC and all the extra home games. In the last five years I've gone from home and away everywhere, to home and away once a month, and now home and away only if we don't have extra home games in other comps that month. And from a large group of friends and family that all used to go there are now less than a handful of us left.

Atmospheres are abysmal, almost always at home, and it's creeping in more and more away from home too. Plus loads of things about the match day are a far less enjoyable or should I say, more annoying, experience.

Everything away from the pitch as a match going fan has got worse, for me. This has made me a dam sight more demanding. Where in the past I'd happily go to the game, sing with all my mates and have a great piss up afterwards...I now sit on my own and often drive to games as nobody else is there to go out with afterwards. And that has made me want to see success on the pitch. Not just a hope. I'm almost demanding it now. I'm that disillusioned with this middle class sport as a whole that I think the only thing that will make up for that is City winning big trophies.

It pains me to say it. But that's how I feel.

What a load of rose tinted tripe
KippaxCitizen said:
bainy said:
malg said:
If we don't win the league, then I'll definitely not renew, unless I get guarantees from the club that we are signing players good enough to deliver it in the 2014/15 season.

i think this is a clarkie
I can half see where he's coming from.

I never supported City because I wanted us to win things, ever before. City were my team through a long family history, my locality to the club and my pride in my town. Me and a large group of friends used to go home and away everywhere, and a lot of my family used to go to all home games. I never cared that we didn't win things, it could have been 55 years for all I cared, never mind 35. That's not what being a City fan was about. Being a City fan was a fucking buzz and there were many great times and many laughs had.

Now I can't afford to go home and away everywhere. In fact it's getting to the point where the tickets are getting so expensive I'm having to cut right down on away games just to be able to afford the SC and all the extra home games. In the last five years I've gone from home and away everywhere, to home and away once a month, and now home and away only if we don't have extra home games in other comps that month. And from a large group of friends and family that all used to go there are now less than a handful of us left.

Atmospheres are abysmal, almost always at home, and it's creeping in more and more away from home too. Plus loads of things about the match day are a far less enjoyable or should I say, more annoying, experience.

Everything away from the pitch as a match going fan has got worse, for me. This has made me a dam sight more demanding. Where in the past I'd happily go to the game, sing with all my mates and have a great piss up afterwards...I now sit on my own and often drive to games as nobody else is there to go out with afterwards. And that has made me want to see success on the pitch. Not just a hope. I'm almost demanding it now. I'm that disillusioned with this middle class sport as a whole that I think the only thing that will make up for that is City winning big trophies.

It pains me to say it. But that's how I feel.

Surprise, surprise
Season tickets expensive at the Etihad???? You have got to be shitting me?!

So, I guess booze, fags and takeaway have been off the menu for the last few decades then, too, eh?

Soooooo tired of hearing this argument EVERY FUCKING YEAR!

There are 36,000 season tickets and the ground is being made bigger just so the people WAITING FOR ONE can get one, yet people are whinging as if they are somehow entitled to one because they have been a fan for a while and don't like the club moving up in the world or attracting to "middle class" fans?!

In case you didn't see it, the City Season Ticket is the BEST VALUE IN THE PREMIER LEAGUE, and the quality of the football you have been treated to the past few seasons has been some of the best, if not THE BEST, I have seen in the 40 odd years I have been going.

Step back and grab some perspective. The best seat in the stadium is about £700. Over 52 weeks, that is less than £15 a week. Cheapest season ticket is £300, or less than £6 a week!!

So, back to my first sentence!

But, if you don't drink, don't smoke and don't eat out, and that's still too much for you, I understand your dilemma and hope you are able to get to a game or two when able.
bainy said:
KippaxCitizen said:
bainy said:
i think this is a clarkie
I can half see where he's coming from.

I never supported City because I wanted us to win things, ever before. City were my team through a long family history, my locality to the club and my pride in my town. Me and a large group of friends used to go home and away everywhere, and a lot of my family used to go to all home games. I never cared that we didn't win things, it could have been 55 years for all I cared, never mind 35. That's not what being a City fan was about. Being a City fan was a fucking buzz and there were many great times and many laughs had.

Now I can't afford to go home and away everywhere. In fact it's getting to the point where the tickets are getting so expensive I'm having to cut right down on away games just to be able to afford the SC and all the extra home games. In the last five years I've gone from home and away everywhere, to home and away once a month, and now home and away only if we don't have extra home games in other comps that month. And from a large group of friends and family that all used to go there are now less than a handful of us left.

Atmospheres are abysmal, almost always at home, and it's creeping in more and more away from home too. Plus loads of things about the match day are a far less enjoyable or should I say, more annoying, experience.

Everything away from the pitch as a match going fan has got worse, for me. This has made me a dam sight more demanding. Where in the past I'd happily go to the game, sing with all my mates and have a great piss up afterwards...I now sit on my own and often drive to games as nobody else is there to go out with afterwards. And that has made me want to see success on the pitch. Not just a hope. I'm almost demanding it now. I'm that disillusioned with this middle class sport as a whole that I think the only thing that will make up for that is City winning big trophies.

It pains me to say it. But that's how I feel.

Great post, but cant see how 'you half see where he is coming from'?
you also agree with the, win, win!
Malg is saying he wont renew if we dont win the prem unless he gets a guarantee we will sign god (messi?)
I asked if this was a clarkie as it is arrogant....i think it is a clarkie
He is not arguing about expense.
I hate the prices and the corporate rubbish
However, You cant demand sucess and threaten to bail out otherwise because your social circumstances have changed!?
Thats not what being a supporter is about.
I love the footy and love the away atmosphere (most of the time!)
i will not miss anfield tomorrow for the world......and the day tomorrow....... win, loose or draw will be great! ( a win will be good)
For 90% of away games we have a good drink, we sing loud and proud and you get to sit with your mates

After decades of winning nothing you don't want to win things??
Winning is what it is all about. I hope we win everything and piss everyone off along the way.
KippaxCitizen said:
bainy said:
malg said:
If we don't win the league, then I'll definitely not renew, unless I get guarantees from the club that we are signing players good enough to deliver it in the 2014/15 season.

i think this is a clarkie
I can half see where he's coming from.

I never supported City because I wanted us to win things, ever before. City were my team through a long family history, my locality to the club and my pride in my town. Me and a large group of friends used to go home and away everywhere, and a lot of my family used to go to all home games. I never cared that we didn't win things, it could have been 55 years for all I cared, never mind 35. That's not what being a City fan was about. Being a City fan was a fucking buzz and there were many great times and many laughs had.

Now I can't afford to go home and away everywhere. In fact it's getting to the point where the tickets are getting so expensive I'm having to cut right down on away games just to be able to afford the SC and all the extra home games. In the last five years I've gone from home and away everywhere, to home and away once a month, and now home and away only if we don't have extra home games in other comps that month. And from a large group of friends and family that all used to go there are now less than a handful of us left.

Atmospheres are abysmal, almost always at home, and it's creeping in more and more away from home too. Plus loads of things about the match day are a far less enjoyable or should I say, more annoying, experience.

Everything away from the pitch as a match going fan has got worse, for me. This has made me a dam sight more demanding. Where in the past I'd happily go to the game, sing with all my mates and have a great piss up afterwards...I now sit on my own and often drive to games as nobody else is there to go out with afterwards. And that has made me want to see success on the pitch. Not just a hope. I'm almost demanding it now. I'm that disillusioned with this middle class sport as a whole that I think the only thing that will make up for that is City winning big trophies.

It pains me to say it. But that's how I feel.

It's worth every penny
I was getting a bit tired of being shite
Going to old Trafford and humiliating them,still favourites for the league in April and watching the best players I've ever seen in a City shirt,absolutely worth it
ChicagoBlue said:
Season tickets expensive at the Etihad???? You have got to be shitting me?!

So, I guess booze, fags and takeaway have been off the menu for the last few decades then, too, eh?

Soooooo tired of hearing this argument EVERY FUCKING YEAR!

There are 36,000 season tickets and the ground is being made bigger just so the people WAITING FOR ONE can get one, yet people are whinging as if they are somehow entitled to one because they have been a fan for a while and don't like the club moving up in the world or attracting to "middle class" fans?!

In case you didn't see it, the City Season Ticket is the BEST VALUE IN THE PREMIER LEAGUE, and the quality of the football you have been treated to the past few seasons has been some of the best, if not THE BEST, I have seen in the 40 odd years I have been going.

Step back and grab some perspective. The best seat in the stadium is about £700. Over 52 weeks, that is less than £15 a week. Cheapest season ticket is £300, or less than £6 a week!!

So, back to my first sentence!

But, if you don't drink, don't smoke and don't eat out, and that's still too much for you, I understand your dilemma and hope you are able to get to a game or two when able.


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