Season Tickets 2014/15

bobmcfc said:
My lad turns 16 in February, how will this affect the price of his season ticket ?

If you mean Feb 2015, then he gets the whole of next season (and cup games before his birthday) at under 16 rates. Any cup games after his birthday are at 16-17 rates or whatever it is called.
rickmcfc said:
Are people seriously complaining about out season ticket prices? We have the cheapest season tickets in the league, have the best players, challenging for titles, in the champions league and people are moaning it may be going up a little bit? Get a grip FFS. Compare our prices to the other teams in the top 4, or top 6, actually fuck it, the top 10 and you will realise our season tickets are an absolute bargain. If it's too much, simple, don't renew. There are plenty of people waiting.

You mean, there's a few tickets sold at a cheaper price which are only any good to people going on their own, who don't care where they sit.

Having a quick look I'd say prices are on a par with United now, so City is not the shining beacon of hope to the working class fans some make it out to be.

Of course, football is expensive and it's up to people to choose to pay it, is it value for money?

As you've pointed out though, fuck those who are struggling a bit and have been going for years, there's plenty waiting. I remember a similar attitude at a ground not too far away from us and I now hear their forever on the phone mithering people to come back, but guess what, those people have moved on and found better things to spend their money on than sitting in an over sanitised football stadium next to Timmy from the Home Counties and his auditioning to become a sky camera man.

Just be careful what you wish for and maybe a little more understanding from other fans for those blues who can't keep up for whatever reason wouldn't go a miss, yes we're playing great football, yes our prices are OK in comparison and fingers crossed with the expansion the club will see the fans right and be that beacon I mentioned and the sounds so far are encouraging, but at the moment for some that £600 or whatever isn't as easy to find as it is for others and any big rises only make that more difficult.
willy eckerslike said:
bobmcfc said:
My lad turns 16 in February, how will this affect the price of his season ticket ?

If you mean Feb 2015, then he gets the whole of next season (and cup games before his birthday) at under 16 rates. Any cup games after his birthday are at 16-17 rates or whatever it is called.

Yes, feb 15

ChesterRdBlue said:
rickmcfc said:
Are people seriously complaining about out season ticket prices? We have the cheapest season tickets in the league, have the best players, challenging for titles, in the champions league and people are moaning it may be going up a little bit? Get a grip FFS. Compare our prices to the other teams in the top 4, or top 6, actually fuck it, the top 10 and you will realise our season tickets are an absolute bargain. If it's too much, simple, don't renew. There are plenty of people waiting.

You mean, there's a few tickets sold at a cheaper price which are only any good to people going on their own, who don't care where they sit.

Having a quick look I'd say prices are on a par with United now, so City is not the shining beacon of hope to the working class fans some make it out to be.

Of course, football is expensive and it's up to people to choose to pay it, is it value for money?

As you've pointed out though, fuck those who are struggling a bit and have been going for years, there's plenty waiting. I remember a similar attitude at a ground not too far away from us and I now hear their forever on the phone mithering people to come back, but guess what, those people have moved on and found better things to spend their money on than sitting in an over sanitised football stadium next to Timmy from the Home Counties and his auditioning to become a sky camera man.

Just be careful what you wish for and maybe a little more understanding from other fans for those blues who can't keep up for whatever reason wouldn't go a miss, yes we're playing great football, yes our prices are OK in comparison and fingers crossed with the expansion the club will see the fans right and be that beacon I mentioned and the sounds so far are encouraging, but at the moment for some that £600 or whatever isn't as easy to find as it is for others and any big rises only make that more difficult.

Absolutely. For someone to post "get a grip" because the prices of tickets have risen to possibly unaffordable levels (10% rise in each of the last 5 years) is quite stunning.

It's irrelevant what prices are at other clubs. We are ALL ripped off by ALL clubs. And frankly, justifying it by pointing to how good the City team is, is missing the point entirely.
ChesterRdBlue said:
rickmcfc said:
Are people seriously complaining about out season ticket prices? We have the cheapest season tickets in the league, have the best players, challenging for titles, in the champions league and people are moaning it may be going up a little bit? Get a grip FFS. Compare our prices to the other teams in the top 4, or top 6, actually fuck it, the top 10 and you will realise our season tickets are an absolute bargain. If it's too much, simple, don't renew. There are plenty of people waiting.

You mean, there's a few tickets sold at a cheaper price which are only any good to people going on their own, who don't care where they sit.

Having a quick look I'd say prices are on a par with United now, so City is not the shining beacon of hope to the working class fans some make it out to be.

Of course, football is expensive and it's up to people to choose to pay it, is it value for money?

As you've pointed out though, fuck those who are struggling a bit and have been going for years, there's plenty waiting. I remember a similar attitude at a ground not too far away from us and I now hear their forever on the phone mithering people to come back, but guess what, those people have moved on and found better things to spend their money on than sitting in an over sanitised football stadium next to Timmy from the Home Counties and his auditioning to become a sky camera man.

Just be careful what you wish for and maybe a little more understanding from other fans for those blues who can't keep up for whatever reason wouldn't go a miss, yes we're playing great football, yes our prices are OK in comparison and fingers crossed with the expansion the club will see the fans right and be that beacon I mentioned and the sounds so far are encouraging, but at the moment for some that £600 or whatever isn't as easy to find as it is for others and any big rises only make that more difficult.

Spot on post that. Well done.
ChicagoBlue said:
goater1978 said:
ChicagoBlue said:
Season tickets expensive at the Etihad???? You have got to be shitting me?!

So, I guess booze, fags and takeaway have been off the menu for the last few decades then, too, eh?

Soooooo tired of hearing this argument EVERY FUCKING YEAR!

There are 36,000 season tickets and the ground is being made bigger just so the people WAITING FOR ONE can get one, yet people are whinging as if they are somehow entitled to one because they have been a fan for a while and don't like the club moving up in the world or attracting to "middle class" fans?!

In case you didn't see it, the City Season Ticket is the BEST VALUE IN THE PREMIER LEAGUE, and the quality of the football you have been treated to the past few seasons has been some of the best, if not THE BEST, I have seen in the 40 odd years I have been going.

Step back and grab some perspective. The best seat in the stadium is about £700. Over 52 weeks, that is less than £15 a week. Cheapest season ticket is £300, or less than £6 a week!!

So, back to my first sentence!

But, if you don't drink, don't smoke and don't eat out, and that's still too much for you, I understand your dilemma and hope you are able to get to a game or two when able.

Best seat in the stadium is about £1400-1500. They are doubling the prices of many of the tickets around the half way line as they are trying to sell them to the richer fans. I think that's a bit out of order as some people have sat in their seat for well over 10 years.

East Stand, 202, cushy seat, ~£700, and about the best seat in the house! Always had FIVE season tickets together there since when we moved from Maine Road. Best deal in football!!

And, lest ANYONE thinks City are minting off the Season Tickets, they cover a FRACTION of the overhead of running the place and don't cover anything close to the salaries we give all those players we love!

You're cocky now but give it a couple of years and that seat will double in cost.

They've not put the cushy seat in for your benefit it's for when they sell the seat at a higher price to help justify the cost.
rickmcfc said:
Are people seriously complaining about out season ticket prices? We have the cheapest season tickets in the league, have the best players, challenging for titles, in the champions league and people are moaning it may be going up a little bit? Get a grip FFS. Compare our prices to the other teams in the top 4, or top 6, actually fuck it, the top 10 and you will realise our season tickets are an absolute bargain. If it's too much, simple, don't renew. There are plenty of people waiting.

Don't think it is that simple. Pricing long standing supporters out is never a good thing.
KippaxCitizen said:
goater1978 said:
it'll be end of the season as always and as always I expect a £40-50 rise.
Inflation recently has been around 1.7-1.9%

My SeasonCard has increased by about 36.36% in five years. That is, quite frankly, scandalous! Dividing the total by the 19 games you get and you're edging towards what an individual match ticket should cost, max.

You could get three, and in some cases four, SCs at Bayern München for the price of our SCs.

I think next season may well be my last ever SC. I am absolutely gutted to think that could be the case.

yeah... it was great when we were playing Wycombe, Stockport & York eh?

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