Season Tickets - 2023/24

I wish the club would just be honest rather than everything being so cloak and dagger. Just come out and say “we currently have x amount of season ticket holders, our business model means we need to get this figure down by x amount so until then no new season tickets will be put on sale.”
At least then everybody hoping to get one in the future knows where they stand.
Thats what a lot of rag season ticket holders have been doing for years,keeping the ticket for their family or friends after someone had croked.
go to the big games and flog the others at a big profit or flog them all.
they had an amnesty a few years ago .

Wouldn't any newly available S.T.s go straight to the 1st on the waiting list??
its self explanatory.
someone dies,the family keep it,for whatever reason,to go,or to sell .
A few issues with that, the majority will be over 65 or approaching, and they would need to share passwords before hand.
On the new downloaded ticket i cannot see the barcode which was showing for each game last year as on a few occasions showing this let me into the ground ?
I think I read recently that Liverpool have an official policy where you can arrange to pass season tickets down to family members when you die.

Only realistic chance of getting one there. The 1,000 who’ve just got them in their new stand have been on the waiting list about 25 years. And no one has been allowed to even join the waiting list for about 10 years.

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