Season Tickets - 2024/25

I said yesterday that the 600 would go more or less straightaway. It was obvious that thousands would meet the criteria so the 600 released were massively oversubscribed.

If my tips earlier helped anyone I'm happy about that.

Dunno, if the responses on here are proportionate, it seems the vast majority who qualified and wanted one, were successful.
Im glad so many Bluemooners got season cards. There should be more available next season and the year after for the unlucky ones.

It was more than a token effort IMHO so credit to Colin Savage and City who seemed to set the ball rolling on this idea. Plus credit to more recent City Matters contributions. They get stick so credit is due when something positive happens.

Couldn't agree more. For once they've been sensible with the criteria too. Averaging 7.5 PL games for the last two seasons it was reaching out to those that were likely to already be doing the minimum of 10 games a season anyway and giving them a realistic chance of securing one. Feel a bit sorry for those in and around that criteria. Some may have done more than 15 games over the course of two seasons if cup games were included. At least it's a move in the right direction and happy to see a number of the regulars on here have been rewarded.

If it wasn't for the £150 surcharge the 'opt in' to games option might have been a tempting proposition to existing holders too. I imagine most ST holders are cautious about seeing how this works out in practice before ever considering doing that though. Especially how they mugged off those degrading to Silvers recently.
After I secured my ticket, it sent me back into the queue and my spot was at around 6000, which means only 1 in 10 got lucky
And not everyone who wanted one would have been able to get on at 10. Many would have hoped there would be some left when they could log in.
For anyone interested, I've DMed the club on Twitter regards Matchday membership already being renewed and they are refunding this.

I am so grateful to those that liaised with the club around the introduction of these. So relieved not to have the stress (and expense!) of all 19 matches going on sale at once.

I imagine that the 600 that went on sale are very likely STs that weren't renewed so the overall proportion of ST holders hasn't increased but the club could easily have turned those into matchday tickets as they did last year which makes them more revenue (in more ways than one if a tourist gets hold of them).

The criteria also works from the clubs POV as not only can these tickets not be transferred, those keen on purchasing a ST in future now know they need to be buying tickets directly from club to meet criteria. Less existing STs being shared between friends and family = more on the exchange for City to sell on for more money!
I am reading on Man City Face Value Tickets & Travel that the odd flexi gold keeps popping up on City's site so don't give up hope yet. One poster bought there's at 11.30am

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