Seasoncard - 2021/22

My android phone is still showing the Norwich details in my G pay app. Not too stressed about it yet. Might feel a bit different if it hasn't updated by Friday night.
So my son has transferred his ticket to a family member. Email has arrived but when try to download we get a full page error message
"message": "An error has occurred.",
"exceptionMessage": "An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'MobilePassController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor.",
"exceptionType": "System.InvalidOperationException",

Any idea what the issue is? Have tried from the link and from the account but no joy.
iPhone 12, sent my Arsenal ticket to a Friend, it has appeared in his wallet on a Android phone, and a Man City v Southampton ticket has appeared in my Apple Wallet
My android phone is still showing the Norwich details in my G pay app. Not too stressed about it yet. Might feel a bit different if it hasn't updated by Friday night.
Does it matter what game it shows?
Surely the app should recognise that the season card and the code relates to all league games?
My android still saying Norwich match

City sent a message out today saying they will update automatically

I not arsed, when I get to the turnstile if it works fine, if not the steward there will let me in

People behind will have to waitScreenshot_20210824-103305_Twitter.jpg
Does it matter what game it shows?
Surely the app should recognise that the season card and the code relates to all league games?
I wondered if the code changed when the details changed (from Norwich to Arsenal) or if the code relates to the entire season?

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