Apparently some people haven't realised this virus is here forever.
It's effects will be lessened as more people pick up immunity by catching it and producing antibodies or eventually being vaccinated. However that period won't be a few weeks or a few months. We may also come up with some treatments which may inhibit cell penetration or virus reproduction levels to lessen the effects and prevent so many deaths.
What effects this will have on current lock down procedures and social distancing god only knows. I doubt that it will be safe to go to a football match in proximity to so many people for a very long time. Will people want to take the risk?
Even if you consider only post disease people or those tested corona -ve should be allowed you can bet nobheads will borrow their mates corona passport or circumvent any procedure put in place (jibbers delight). Will you want to put you or your family in danger?
Football will be a very different place when it eventually returns. Bayern returning to training with an expectation of the season recomencing....what fucking irresponsible arseholes. What happens when the 1st high profile footballer gets this and dies because of such negligent actions of clubs! Expect a fucking shitstorm!
As for next season and renewing SC's. A bleak outlook.