Season's Over For Me

Damocles I completely agree with your post. I only just joined recently, but regret it already as you can't have a proper disscusion on here. Even tho 606 is infested with wums you have some really good posters who I thouroughly enjoy debating with. This place seems to be full of teenage kids jumping on a bandwagon as soon as we draw a fukin game.
Damocles, I hope getting it off your chest and venting had got it all out of your system. We're all gutted tonight. Having been ahead twice, that feels like a defeat to many.
The thing is, none of us were playing and nowadays I try not to get wound up by things I cannot personally affect.
A good night's kip is in order, for me at least Few things seem worse in the morning.
sibierski express said:
Damocles I completely agree with your post. I only just joined recently, but regret it already as you can't have a proper disscusion on here. Even tho 606 is infested with wums you have some really good posters who I thouroughly enjoy debating with. This place seems to be full of teenage kids jumping on a bandwagon as soon as we draw a fukin game.

Do I detect a family member ???
LongsightM13 said:
Damocles, I hope getting it off your chest and venting had got it all out of your system. We're all gutted tonight. Having been ahead twice, that feels like a defeat to many.
The thing is, none of us were playing and nowadays I try not to get wound up by things I cannot personally affect.
A good night's kip is in order, for me at least Few things seem worse in the morning.

time to go down to off topic, view the gratuitus pics of lasses thread, have a stress-reducing wank and call it a night. It'll all be better in the morning, and best part is, WBA is only 2 in days time
Damocles said:
LongsightM13 said:
Damocles, separate to your role as a mod, you are normally a very good poster on here. But the last couple of weeks or so, you have been uncharacteristically aggressive and insulting to anyone who looks at you the wrong way.
I don't know why that is, shit at work or home or something, or maybe you're just as desperately disappointed in the 2011 City as I am.
One of the things I like about your Off Topic stuff is your tolerance and patience. Where has that gone? You're unrecognizable these days.
Come on fella. You're better than this.
Chill out and come back as you were a few weeks ago. This is most unlike you.

It's because I severely dislike this place now. It's either filled with agenda driven wankers, whose posts are so predictable that I'm pretty sure that I could write them myself, as well as all of the replies to them, or it's filled with a bunch of people shouting at tolmie because despite the fact that most of the mods have stood up for his info other people think they know better, or it's filled with a bunch of people who thinks the world is ending every time we drop a point, and we should sack our manager, sell all of our players and spend the remainder of the week telling everyone that we need to buy the latest starlet of FIFA or Football Manager. There's no room for discussion on here any more, because as I put in another thread before, nobody wants to hear it. This isn't a forum any more, people don't want replies to their points, this is turning into Twitter where it is all about the people who make the points rather than the points themselves.
Tolerance and patience only goes so far. It's got to the point that all I need to do know is look at the name of a thread starter and 75% of the time, I know what the thread will be.
Dave/Billy/PB start self righteous threads with their "oh so clever" persecution complexes without seeming to realise that nobody actually fucking cares. People argue with them because they are bored, not because they have something interesting to say. Shame as well, Billy seems quite decent on the PM, and PB and me have had some good debates about Israel; I just hate this whole thing that they've had going on since the late Hughes period that's continued to this day.
Bombo, PaulPowre and a few other post some intolerably kneejerk shit about how the world is caving in around us and we need to sell everyone right now.
I could go on, but I won't as I end up naming most of the forum.

Point is, discussion is dead now, sniping is all that's left. Why fight against the current any longer?

I am sorry, but this thread has been more of a rant and debate, pages of it in fact - not a statement, WUM or attention seeking twitter-esqe statement to court attention. No arguing really either, just people expressing views. If you know by the poster that the thread isn't going to be to your liking, then don't read it. Failing that, make your point and leave it at that. Your point/question/threat to me tonight wasn't constructive. Although on the whole I think the thread has been fairly interesting and orderly. I don't tend to agree to much with what you write, do we argue much? No, I stay out of it, concentrate on things I have an opinion on. It is all about opinions you know, don't forget that. Nobody (well not me anyway) is out to just wind you up, you know?
Damocles said:
LongsightM13 said:
Damocles, separate to your role as a mod, you are normally a very good poster on here. But the last couple of weeks or so, you have been uncharacteristically aggressive and insulting to anyone who looks at you the wrong way.
I don't know why that is, shit at work or home or something, or maybe you're just as desperately disappointed in the 2011 City as I am.
One of the things I like about your Off Topic stuff is your tolerance and patience. Where has that gone? You're unrecognizable these days.
Come on fella. You're better than this.
Chill out and come back as you were a few weeks ago. This is most unlike you.

It's because I severely dislike this place now. It's either filled with agenda driven wankers, whose posts are so predictable that I'm pretty sure that I could write them myself, as well as all of the replies to them, or it's filled with a bunch of people shouting at tolmie because despite the fact that most of the mods have stood up for his info other people think they know better, or it's filled with a bunch of people who thinks the world is ending every time we drop a point, and we should sack our manager, sell all of our players and spend the remainder of the week telling everyone that we need to buy the latest starlet of FIFA or Football Manager. There's no room for discussion on here any more, because as I put in another thread before, nobody wants to hear it. This isn't a forum any more, people don't want replies to their points, this is turning into Twitter where it is all about the people who make the points rather than the points themselves.
Tolerance and patience only goes so far. It's got to the point that all I need to do know is look at the name of a thread starter and 75% of the time, I know what the thread will be.
Dave/Billy/PB start self righteous threads with their "oh so clever" persecution complexes without seeming to realise that nobody actually fucking cares. People argue with them because they are bored, not because they have something interesting to say. Shame as well, Billy seems quite decent on the PM, and PB and me have had some good debates about Israel; I just hate this whole thing that they've had going on since the late Hughes period that's continued to this day.
Bombo, PaulPowre and a few other post some intolerably kneejerk shit about how the world is caving in around us and we need to sell everyone right now.
I could go on, but I won't as I end up naming most of the forum.

Point is, discussion is dead now, sniping is all that's left. Why fight against the current any longer?

I see it as so repetitive and predictable its pointless getting involved in certain debates, I'm sure I'm not the only one who simply looks on in amusement..

Plus I'm confident that plenty of others will get my point across, and even save me the time of posting "this ^^^^..." 'n that.
Come on, it's not that bad. I'll take 4th and a cup final for this season. And let's face it, we may as well try and win the Europa this season as we'll not be in it again! Champions League from here on in. said:
Come on, it's not that bad. I'll take 4th and a cup final for this season. And let's face it, we may as well try and win the Europa this season as we'll not be in it again! Champions League from here on in.

Got any good jokes Jase mate ? God knows we could do with a laugh on here

No gallows stuff mind ;)
ManCityFC said:
Seasons over for me, we have been getting steadily worse for a while now. Arsenal was shite and it's been down hill since. At this rate I don't think 4th is possible. No gusto in their performances and the defence is a zonal shambles. Starting to seriously lose faith. Spuds and dippers will be rubbing their hands together, and rightly so.

Looking at us now, last few minutes and no urgency at all, not interested, any of them. Think the Tevez shite might not have helped either.

All that money, you'll win fuck all they chant, yep, that's about it in a nut shell.

It was nice while it lasted though.

I think this is a bigger chicken than we thought and it's coming home to roost!
seasons not over but dreams of the title are.
i think weve got a real squeek in the uefa cup.
the shithole city of brum has cost us bad, 1 point from the two away games.
just hope we put ina shift against the scum( especially as ive managed to get a ticket) be great to end their well published fookin unbeaten run and therfore hand the arse the title.

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