Selfish slobs on public transport

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
citykev28 said:
I got tutted at by a woman on a bus in Paris who was sat across two seats because I asked her to move onto one to allow my pregnant partner to sit down.

Tutted at I tell thee!

I hope you tutted back in fluent French!

In my experience, the French don't really tut as such - instead they tend to simply fix you with a glare that suggests you are a particularly large turd they have just stepped on, whilst inclining the head slightly and making an incredibly annoying clicking sound.
Of course that could just be the way they treat me.
On the upside, they tend to fuck off out shortly after, so it has a happy ending.

It may well have been a clicking sound thinking back. I didn't want to create a scene though. We were on the Disneyland Paris free bus. Whatever the sound, she clearly wasn't impressed.
On train to London recently I very politely asked a bloke to move his bag so I could sit down. After a lengthy exchange in which he explained the difficulty in moving his bag of hipster crap, I shoved it into the luggage compartment for him. He then looked really upset and the old lady opposite told me off ! That's London for you.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I've not had the pleasure of using buses for years, although I do trains, and in the main find them fine, other than charging £15-25 for a bottle of ice cold Shiraz, that is when they actually trundle into the station and aren't cancelled due to the guard having to take his library books back, or some such bonkers excuse.
I do remember a very drunk bloke on the 192 throwing up all over his chips and gravy at the Apollo, before falling soundly asleep, and waking up at Mersey Square only to start tucking in again and telling all and sundry that it was the nicest coleslaw he had ever eaten.
Oh, and a girl who stood up to get off, told her mate she was 'busting for a piss' and promptly downed her draws and had on on the top deck.
A veritable smorgasbord of human detritus.
Falling asleep was the best option, or growling at folk like a madman, although I tried that once when I was incredibly pissed and some bloke growled back, before starting to masturbate.

That was your reflection in the fucking window.
On my way into work the bus is usually full of backpackers with their worldly possessions on their backs,it's a fucking nightmare as either they stick them on a seat or stand with a fucking big backpack in the aisle,as it's a busy route by the time we're in the city it's like a third world service.
It's a nightmare getting off as you fight you're way through the throng around the doors,and it's a safety risk ;as for queueing in Sydney it's a bit of a rugby scrum at busy stops.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I hate people who sit next to you when there are other seats available, especially double seats.


That happened to me today, The carriage would have been less than half full, I got into the window seat and some trampy old bloke from Leicester loaded his bags into the overhead and sat down in the aisle seat. Turns out he had lost his credit card and I gave him directions on how to get to the nearest branch in Bristol and he produced a pen from his holdall bag of pants, railway magazines and other junk and I wrote it down for him. Had a little bit of small talk until Templemeads when he got off and offered me his left hand to shake, which I did whilst grimacing internally as I looked at his hand and the dirty great claws attached to it. I was polite and did a good deed, but secretly I was thinking why did this old weirdo have to sit next to me and gross me out.
unicorn said:
On train to London recently I very politely asked a bloke to move his bag so I could sit down. After a lengthy exchange in which he explained the difficulty in moving his bag of hipster crap, I shoved it into the luggage compartment for him. He then looked really upset and the old lady opposite told me off ! That's London for you.

In New York, his hipster shit would have been thrown on the nasty floor.
unicorn said:
On train to London recently I very politely asked a bloke to move his bag so I could sit down. After a lengthy exchange in which he explained the difficulty in moving his bag of hipster crap, I shoved it into the luggage compartment for him. He then looked really upset and the old lady opposite told me off ! That's London for you.

I was on a packed commuter train into London Bridge some time ago. As I went to get off the train I let go of one almighty silent fart... The timing was perfection, the doors closed to the still packed train moments after I got off. The sheer terror that would have overcome them a few moments later knowing they had no escape will accompany me on my deathbed safe in the knowledge I have had a life well lived.
Ronnie the Rep said:
Irritates the tits out of me on short haul flights when the fool in front insists on reclining their seat for a kip even though the flight is a couple of hours max.

It's happened my last three flights.

Inconsiderate arseholes!

Have you seen the latest gadget to come from America (sorry don't have the name of it - something like The Knee Defender) basically you slide it into the back of the seat and it stops them from reclining and denying you space.
Apparently it has caused all sorts of trouble when Miss Selfish (yes the first was a woman) threw water over the bloke who used it.

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