Selfish slobs on public transport

JoeMercer'sWay said:
reclining seats on planes should be banned anyway, outside of business and first class specially designed seats that don't inconvenience another passenger.

100% this. I'm tall to start with so the last thing I need when I'm crammed into an economy seat is for some twat to then decline their chair crushing my legs for the next 6 hours.
Blue Mist said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Irritates the tits out of me on short haul flights when the fool in front insists on reclining their seat for a kip even though the flight is a couple of hours max.

It's happened my last three flights.

Inconsiderate arseholes!

Have you seen the latest gadget to come from America (sorry don't have the name of it - something like The Knee Defender) basically you slide it into the back of the seat and it stops them from reclining and denying you space.
Apparently it has caused all sorts of trouble when Miss Selfish (yes the first was a woman) threw water over the bloke who used it.

We were offered it to sell but it's not worth the hassle our brand would get. Good idea though
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I hate people who sit next to you when there are other seats available, especially double seats.


That happened to me today, The carriage would have been less than half full, I got into the window seat and some trampy old bloke from Leicester loaded his bags into the overhead and sat down in the aisle seat. Turns out he had lost his credit card and I gave him directions on how to get to the nearest branch in Bristol and he produced a pen from his holdall bag of pants, railway magazines and other junk and I wrote it down for him. Had a little bit of small talk until Templemeads when he got off and offered me his left hand to shake, which I did whilst grimacing internally as I looked at his hand and the dirty great claws attached to it. I was polite and did a good deed, but secretly I was thinking why did this old weirdo have to sit next to me and gross me out.

I just think that's really sad actually. Maybe he just saw someone who could help and wouldn't be judgemental?
There's a real 'tramp' near where I work and he made a beeline for me this morning. I was expecting him to ask me for a cig but all he wanted was a light. Very polite he was too. I think he expected me to ignore him.
Doesn't take much to recognise someone who may be a little 'different' but is just wanting a little contact and to be treated like a human being.
I was on a bus in Holland almost thirty years ago, it was packed and some people were already standing. An old lady got on and as she walked down the bus nobody stood to offer her a seat, so I let her have mine being the polite young English lad that I was. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned round to see a beautiful young woman who said that was the most noble thing she'd ever seen, we got talking, exchanged phone numbers and two days later I politely shagged her.
mackenzie said:
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I hate people who sit next to you when there are other seats available, especially double seats.


That happened to me today, The carriage would have been less than half full, I got into the window seat and some trampy old bloke from Leicester loaded his bags into the overhead and sat down in the aisle seat. Turns out he had lost his credit card and I gave him directions on how to get to the nearest branch in Bristol and he produced a pen from his holdall bag of pants, railway magazines and other junk and I wrote it down for him. Had a little bit of small talk until Templemeads when he got off and offered me his left hand to shake, which I did whilst grimacing internally as I looked at his hand and the dirty great claws attached to it. I was polite and did a good deed, but secretly I was thinking why did this old weirdo have to sit next to me and gross me out.

I just think that's really sad actually. Maybe he just saw someone who could help and wouldn't be judgemental?
There's a real 'tramp' near where I work and he made a beeline for me this morning. I was expecting him to ask me for a cig but all he wanted was a light. Very polite he was too. I think he expected me to ignore him.
Doesn't take much to recognise someone who may be a little 'different' but is just wanting a little contact and to be treated like a human being.

I did that though Mack, I have been a soft touch for the homeless before and they can sense that sometimes, I am from a small-ish town so until I lived in Bristol I wasn't that experienced with just ignoring people like beggars in the street (I know it isn't particularly nice to do so but we have to look out for ourselves first, it is still sad when you see people lying in gutter barefooted and out of it during the day time), I was at the queue outside nightclub alone (It was halloween and I had been foolish enough not to get an advance ticket) once and a homeless guy came up to me and offered me rain sodden old magazines and I gave him a couple of quid and he thanked me and remarked that I was only person that acknowledged him,although he did lift up his eye-patch and show his bare eye-socket, which I would rather he hadn't. I give people directions, I am nice in person, I was just expressing my inner thoughts if you had been there you wouldn't have been able to tell that I felt less than comfortable. I can be judgemental, but I do give strangers help, I stopped giving money to begging homeless people because it is cynical to do so, most people only do so to receive a moral pat on the back and as I was a student being frugal and watching my money I don't see why I should give it as hand outs, especially as it is only enabling their destructive lifestyle of drug and alcohol addiction. I can see why some people do the stuff people do- such as a Turkish women begging barefooted on the street in Rhodes with her young infant for company, if it was survive I can see that, I just don't agree that it was the only option and I can't really respect it. I am good at empathising in a general manner but I am not always great in a face-to-face interpersonal level. Though that is a usual trait of my personality type. INTJ/P, I don't know where I fall on the last part probably in between.
Back on topic. What sort of **** does this?
I picked up seven copies of today's metro and put them in the tray. There's still shit on the bus floor. The cunts who pick a paper up still have to walk past where they got it from when they disembark the bus so why they don't put it back really fucking grates on my nerves.

I love Manchester and a lot of the people who live here but it really is a scruffy shithole when you take a look around.

People who are banged up in prison should be put in chainchangs across the city with a brush and shovel and I would drag the lentil knitters crying human rights behind them to wash away the dust with their tears.

Would it stop litterers littering though?
idahoblues said:
I was on a bus in Holland almost thirty years ago, it was packed and some people were already standing. An old lady got on and as she walked down the bus nobody stood to offer her a seat, so I let her have mine being the polite young English lad that I was. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned round to see a beautiful young woman who said that was the most noble thing she'd ever seen, we got talking, exchanged phone numbers and two days later I politely shagged her.

Out of interest, how does one "politely shag"? ;)
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Henkeman said:
I've always found travelling first class keeps me away from such things...

Nah - you simply get a better class of nutter.
One bloke I sat next to on the way to Cheltenham got out a bag of Charlie and started chopping lines out on the table.
Fortunately he was kind enough to offer me some, so I let his clear faux pas go unchallenged.

Fetters, I must take a trip on public transport with you at some point, never a dull moment it seems. My forays usually only get as exciting as the usual pissed up cunts mouthing off, or bus nutters trying to converse with me through the medium of barking.

I presume from your 192 references that you're Stockport based?

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