sell robinho today

black mamba said:
Does anyone REALLY believe that Robinho has been 'mis-interpreted' here?

As much as i'd like to believe it's just the media distorting things i really believe that these are the type of things Robinho WOULD say ........ he doesn't seem to 'smile' as much at this club these days ...... if he's been mis-quoted , or if he hasn't said anything , why hasn't he come out and said so?

i think im started to feel this. its happened to many times to be a coincidence. messi please barca
mcfc1632 said:
Neil McNab said:
One side of this debate are right and the other side are gullible, which is which is not yet clear but every time Robinho opens his mouth it goes against your way of thinking!

But that is the issue is it not - people attributing the comments in the press to Robinho opening his mouth - that is not necessary for the shit press to make things up - they just ask loaded questions and then twist the answers to fit

Then why hasn't he come out and said so. He is taking the piss and he is giving the likes of poxy SSN negative headlines to gloat over.
black mamba said:
he doesn't seem to 'smile' as much at this club these days

I haven't seen him personally so no idea if he's smiling or not.

bbc said:
Manchester City's Brazilian forward Robinho is pleased about being linked with a move to Barcelona but insists he is not engineering a return to La Liga.

There has been speculation Barca will try to sign Robinho in January.

And the former Real Madrid star, 25, told Brazilian radio station Radio Bandeirantes: "I'm very happy about the interest that Barcelona have in me."

But he added: "I'm not forcing a hypothetical exit from England and nor do I have problems with my coach."

Robinho joined City from Real in August 2008 for a British record £32.5m, but has been closely linked with a move to Barcelona since the summer.

He has often spoken of his admiration of Barcelona and explained that, by playing for Pep Guardiola's side, he would have a better chance of realising his ambition of becoming the greatest player on the planet.

Robinho added: "Playing in the Nou Camp it is much easier to be the best player in the world than at City."

The Brazil international is currently sidelined with an ankle injury and, on 22 October, City manager Mark Hughes revealed he may not return until his side face Liverpool on 21 November.

At the same time, Hughes played down reports of Barca's interest, saying: "Nothing has changed in respect of Robi. He won't be leaving us, and that's the top and bottom of it."
I have no idea why he hasn't come out and said anything and maybe that he was misquoted. Maybe he will tomorrow who knows. I am fairly sure even if he did there would be plenty who wouldnt believe him and perhaps he has been told by his agent it's best to say nothing else. Hughes has said he is going nowhere and many don't believe what he said.

It's all about Barca doing whatever they can to destablise a situation.The whole destabilising thing doesnt mean that everybody who talks about it is a rep of Barca. All it needs is somebody to create the story and all the vultures come flocking in for a piece of it and that includes all the English press and media. If it looks as though it's going quiet somebody just starts it up again and it doesnt need another story or interview as the old stuff can easily be rehashed. Whether it's all true or not it will get people talking and within a club fanbase it gets believed by some and not others.It becomes inevitable that those who choose to believe it get all worked up and start slagging him off and like a cancer it spreads .Those who started the story off in the first place can just sit back ,smile and watch it all unravel in front of their eyes and if they are very lucky watch the clubs fans turn against him..

And of course it seems the best time to do all this is when he isn't playing so he can't do his talking on the field.
black mamba said:
Does anyone REALLY believe that Robinho has been 'mis-interpreted' here?

As much as i'd like to believe it's just the media distorting things i really believe that these are the type of things Robinho WOULD say ........ he doesn't seem to 'smile' as much at this club these days ...... if he's been mis-quoted , or if he hasn't said anything , why hasn't he come out and said so?

Wouldn't be the first time its happened to a City player.

Remember the whole Micah to Arsenal transfer all because Micah said he supported Arsenal as a young boy.
No use selling unless we getter a better player(S) coming the other way.

Hughes is not going to sell any of the current squad unless they want to go and the deal is right for us.

We don't have to sell anybody simple as and why would we.

If he wants to go and Barca have a couple of good replacements then we may do a deal but otherwise lets see what Robby has to offer when he actually plays before passing judgement.

All that matters is a good 3 points against Birmingham and thats what the players and we have to focus on.
Dear Fellow Blues,

It is I, Robinho writing to you from tinternet. No once have i said me wanted a move to Barca, i am reasonable happy in Manchester. I say reasonable because me have problemo's outside of club like,

My bush is really overgrown round the front and my back passage has fungus growing in it, and me have noisy neighbours and their 18 year old son is continually banging his balls against my fence.

I phone council other day about workmans out house and say, 'Workman has got this huge tool that vibrates the whole house and I just can't take it any more,' but they joost laugh.

Also, me go to Ekia for new kitchen and i have more problemo's with smoke in my new drawers. I call Ekia to complain and say 'send a man round with a big tool to finish the job and satisfy my wife', but they joost laugh.

So you see, my time in Manchester is no good, but i will not be going to Barca, because me in love with da fans.

Robby will come back into the team, turn it on big time, reminding us [who need reminding ffs!] what a world class player he is and Barca can swivel for as long as we want them to... Robby speaks about Barca to some random radio station translated into a spin that suits the media agenda = big deal, those who are turning against Robby are basically fukin laughable..

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