sell robinho today

I hate to say I told you so. I predicted this long ago, I said top Brazillians never come to england because they are not hard enough and can not settle into our culture both on and off the field. It's obviously more important for him to be 'the best in the world' (something that he'll never achieve as they are at least 10 much better player than him I can think of off the top of my head) than to be part of a TEAM.
TheMightyQuinn said:
twinkletoes said:
Why doesn't TMQ do his own thread and argue with his alter ego?

My own thread?

My alter ego?

I'm sick of this place, there's about 5 posters who have more about them than slagging off everyone and everything and about 10 who actually understand football.

If people have a problem with me being a proper fan and not just a moaning, whinging, sat down for 90minutes twat then they can suck my balls and fuck off, I'm not arsed anymore, people need telling - the Shiekh bought Robinho as a present and here we are throwing it back at him, well fuck you if I don't join in with the anti Robinho circle jerk.

Having seen a picture of you and what I know about your lifestyle I seriously doubt you have ever played football at any standard since you were 8 in the playground. So if you don't mind I'd like to see your credentials......
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
My own thread?

My alter ego?

I'm sick of this place, there's about 5 posters who have more about them than slagging off everyone and everything and about 10 who actually understand football.

If people have a problem with me being a proper fan and not just a moaning, whinging, sat down for 90minutes twat then they can suck my balls and fuck off, I'm not arsed anymore, people need telling - the Shiekh bought Robinho as a present and here we are throwing it back at him, well fuck you if I don't join in with the anti Robinho circle jerk.

Having seen a picture of you and what I know about your lifestyle I seriously doubt you have ever played football at any standard since you were 8 in the playground. So if you don't mind I'd like to see your credentials......

You want to see his penis?
TheMightyQuinn said:
twinkletoes said:
Why doesn't TMQ do his own thread and argue with his alter ego?

My own thread?

My alter ego?

I'm sick of this place, there's about 5 posters who have more about them than slagging off everyone and everything and about 10 who actually understand football.

If people have a problem with me being a proper fan and not just a moaning, whinging, sat down for 90minutes twat then they can suck my balls and fuck off, I'm not arsed anymore, people need telling - the Shiekh bought Robinho as a present and here we are throwing it back at him, well fuck you if I don't join in with the anti Robinho circle jerk.

You've done nothing else apart from slag people off throughout this thread. Just because they don't match your opinion.
Worst thread I have ever seen - and that's saying something.

When he does return to the pitch for us I pray to whatever higher being is out there that the fans don't give him the Sturridge treatment when he touches the ball. That was a disgrace last year no matter the circumstances and it better not happen to Robbie who has done nothing but say good things about our club and move us forward since his arrival -- AS WELL as performing on the pitch.
I haven't read the entire thread but thought I would chuck my opinion in.
Robbie is a world class player and I would be gutted if he left.
I'm hoping all this "I'd love to play for Barca" stuff is just a media spin with his quotes being taken out of context.
But he does have prior behaviour doesn't he?
His get away from RM stance/behaviour while benefitting us, was quite appaulling.
Like I said, don't want him to leave but if he's going to act towards us like he did to RM down the road, then get rid and buy other world class players instead.
GaudinoMotors said:
twinkletoes said:
Robinho should call a press conference and clarify what his position is.

If he doesn't then...
oh yes!

Hello, I`d like to clarify that I want to go to Barcelona. Thank you.

This is why this thread is pointless because of crass statments like this.

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