Semi Tickets....

tasker said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
cleavers said:
As good a reason as any, I hope he loves it, and being amongst 5000 blues I'm sure he will. My problem with this sort of thread is that you shouldn't have to justify yourself to anyone, why you choose to go or not go to a City game is entirely up to you.

The biggest reason this thread is here at all is the insecure ones who's rag mates might laugh because they saw a few empty blue seats, and they can't cope with it, unlike those of us who are a bit more mature and can turn it round by asking if they were still there when Dzeko scored the 6th (if they go at all, which in my experience most don't).

Cleavers you are wrong. This is fuck all to do with what they think or say for me-heard it all before from them and I just laugh at them because that's all they got. This is a defence of mcfc and peoples constant berating of so called unfair prices.

-- Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:56 pm --

tasker said:
some people have to pick witch games they go to. not everyone is like you and can afford to go every game. calling people a DISGRACE for not being able to afford it is sad

I take it by the comment under your name,you like a flutter on the nags? Scoop 6 champion? How many ten folds do you do on a saturday then?
i put money on what i can afford, by the way i will be there tomorrow and the return leg in 2 weeks, and at the final if we get there

When I said DISGRACE I only meant it in the fact that people who can go or can afford to go who decide not to go should hang their head in shame just because it is on tv or the carling cup.My whole issue is not about peoples disposable income,it's the "LETS BLAME CITY" again for me not being able to go. It gets to the point of why some fans even bother when all they see is another £40 ETC ETC. I am sorry but since when has being successful ever been cheap?
80s Shorts said:
Scotty76 said:
cleavers said:
Its gard for quite a lot who don't have kids too, what I was getting at is its unfair you judging others who you know nothing about.

Which I'm not doing, I'm clearly having a go at those that make excuses that are shite...
I see someone out all over xmas, then using the prices as an excuse. I think that's poor. My opinion, you don't have to like it.

They are giving reasons not excuses. How on earth do you know how much somebody drank over christmas, what their financial situation is or what commitments they have other than children. I am happy for you that you can afford to go. Pity you cannot afford a smidgen of understanding for those that cannot, for whatever reason.

Whats wrong, are you worried about getting ribbed by rags if its not a full house. I think thats it and that is your inadequacy not the fault of others pal.

I know people that went on the piss over xmas and use prices as excuses for not going, that's why I posted it. I am not having a go at everyone that isn't going, just the ones that have done what I've said. Am I not aloud to have an opinion? I have not put everyone in the same bracket, have I???

Why would I be arsed about rags??? I don't know any that do as many games as I do. In fact, most of the rags I know don't go. So I don't worry about them???
80s Shorts said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
I was happy with that too but you have got to tone down your attacks on people. You generalise too much. Some people who follow city already do prioritise over nights out etc.... I am sure there are some who dont like you say but you have to be careful not to group everyone in the same category.

I loved Wembley last year and want another taste of that. What a fcking great couple of days out they were.

However I chose Liverpool over Wigan which is an away I do every year. Was that the right decision based on the fact that almost everyone would choose the Prem over the Carling Cup? I bet we have no more than 3000 at Wigan this year when we normally have 5000. If we lose was I wrong to choose CC over Prem? I dont know.

It's not an attack on people and if it sounds that way then it isn't . It is a defence of the club and telling people that city are not a charity case and they owe our fans fuck all when it comes to cheap tickets. We have (and still are) very competative but comments such as "the club has fucked up here" or "city need to sort this out" are just plain fucking stupid and uncalled for! We couldn't sell out when tickets were frigging £10,£20 in times gone by.

But why are you so upset that it will not be sold out tomorrow ? You keep going on about people pissing their money up the wall etc etc. but you do not know that is the case at all. In fact you have no clue at all why the 10 to 15 thousand that were there on sunday will not be there tomorrow night.

Perhaps wednesday night is the AA meeting night.

Who's upset? I am only upset at the fact the so called fans blame the club for it not being a sell out due to them "fucking up again" or "outpricing the normal fan"....I was there when we never sold out and I will always be there.Not a Johnny come lately mate and the fans who are bothered about what the rags think need to get a grip.
Semi final- I'm there with bells on the sheik may leave at any time I want my fill of semi's and finals thanks!
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Cleavers you are wrong. This is fuck all to do with what they think or say for me-heard it all before from them and I just laugh at them because that's all they got. This is a defence of mcfc and peoples constant berating of so called unfair prices.
Funny that the only bit of my post(s) you bothered to quote, was the bit about the rags.
cleavers said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Cleavers you are wrong. This is fuck all to do with what they think or say for me-heard it all before from them and I just laugh at them because that's all they got. This is a defence of mcfc and peoples constant berating of so called unfair prices.
Funny that the only bit of my post(s) you bothered to quote, was the bit about the rags.

Cleavers. It seems you are more arsed by even mentioning the rag fans. That never has and never will come into my mind. People worry about a little song they sing.For fucks sake man.And I only quoted you as it appeared you were inferring I was bothered about what they had to say?

I have 3 mates who are rags-all season ticket holders,never once mention our attendances.Why the frig would I be bothered.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Cleavers you are wrong. This is fuck all to do with what they think or say for me-heard it all before from them and I just laugh at them because that's all they got. This is a defence of mcfc and peoples constant berating of so called unfair prices

we get it you can afford it, but if you couldnt youd be saying the same a most city fans who cant, just because someone cannot afford it and cant go or chose not to doesnt make them a disgrace or less loyal, I think youve got the im a bigger blue then you disease :)
cleavers said:
Oils said:
I knew i'd regret getting involved in this...its my sons first away game so whilst Wigan away for most of us isnt the him it will (hopefully) be magic.
As good a reason as any, I hope he loves it, and being amongst 5000 blues I'm sure he will. My problem with this sort of thread is that you shouldn't have to justify yourself to anyone, why you choose to go or not go to a City game is entirely up to you.

The biggest reason this thread is here at all is the insecure ones who's rag mates might laugh because they saw a few empty blue seats, and they can't cope with it, unlike those of us who are a bit more mature and can turn it round by asking if they were still there when Dzeko scored the 6th (if they go at all, which in my experience most don't).

Forgot to mention...I was there........<br /><br />-- Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:13 pm --<br /><br />
cleavers said:
Oils said:
I knew i'd regret getting involved in this...its my sons first away game so whilst Wigan away for most of us isnt the him it will (hopefully) be magic.
As good a reason as any, I hope he loves it, and being amongst 5000 blues I'm sure he will. My problem with this sort of thread is that you shouldn't have to justify yourself to anyone, why you choose to go or not go to a City game is entirely up to you.

The biggest reason this thread is here at all is the insecure ones who's rag mates might laugh because they saw a few empty blue seats, and they can't cope with it, unlike those of us who are a bit more mature and can turn it round by asking if they were still there when Dzeko scored the 6th (if they go at all, which in my experience most don't).

Forgot to mention...I was there........
Scotty76 said:
I know people that went on the piss over xmas and use prices as excuses for not going, that's why I posted it. I am not having a go at everyone that isn't going, just the ones that have done what I've said. Am I not aloud to have an opinion? I have not put everyone in the same bracket, have I???
You did though, "Piss poor effort by City fans". People have a right to decide how they spend their money, its not for you to decide. You decide what you do, let others make their own mind up without judging them was all I was getting at.

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