Semi Tickets....

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
tasker said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Cleavers you are wrong. This is fuck all to do with what they think or say for me-heard it all before from them and I just laugh at them because that's all they got. This is a defence of mcfc and peoples constant berating of so called unfair prices.

-- Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:56 pm --

I take it by the comment under your name,you like a flutter on the nags? Scoop 6 champion? How many ten folds do you do on a saturday then?
i put money on what i can afford, by the way i will be there tomorrow and the return leg in 2 weeks, and at the final if we get there

When I said DISGRACE I only meant it in the fact that people who can go or can afford to go who decide not to go should hang their head in shame just because it is on tv or the carling cup.My whole issue is not about peoples disposable income,it's the "LETS BLAME CITY" again for me not being able to go. It gets to the point of why some fans even bother when all they see is another £40 ETC ETC. I am sorry but since when has being successful ever been cheap?

Your changing your tune a little mate. You spent most of your posts slagging fellows blues for spending their money on things other than that which you believe they should and therefore not being in a position to afford to go. Now you are turning your attention to those "disgraces" (your words) that can afford to go but choose not to. My dad can afford to go but will be watching on tv tomorrow and desperate for us to win. I am not pleased you think him shameful and a disgrace.

What a silly little man you are.

Goodnight and enjoy the game you superfan you x
The people who moan about the club over-charging are completely unfair in their criticism of the club, in my opinion - our prices are cheaper than the other 5 members of the top 6, our owners have invested their own money in our club by the bucket load (almost by the billion) and I do not see anything like that from the owners of scum, liverpool, arsenal, spurs and chelsea (yes they spend but they are VERY fucking expensive) and yet a lot of our fans slag the club about ridiculous ticket prices - £15 for a derby, £40 for a semi final, hardly ridiculous prices in this day and age.

Let's also forget that the benevolence of our owners has been attacked by the actions of mr twatini - they simply have to increase revenue or we cannot continue to enjoy the standard of football and footballers that we have been blessed with by our owners. Criticise twatini, but not our owners.

Also if we are to compete long term with the likes of scum, bayern, madrid, barcelona etc we have to generate bigger crowds and bigger gate receipts - based on a likely piss poor crowd for a semi final I am not sure how we could ever hope to fill a 60k or 70k capacity stadium, and therefore I struggle to see how we can long-term sustain being a big club with medium club attendances - for me I welcome the JCL glory hunters - come along guys and gals, help us full the ground cos we cannot do it with traditional Blues - I would rather have 15k JCL's than 15k empty seats

And to the poster gloating about watching it on telly for free, by all means do that but do not gloat about it in here - cos you will be one of the first to moan in a few years if the Sheikh goes away and invests elsewhere due to the indifference of large sections of our fan base (and the smugness of a few)
bluebannana said:
cleavers said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Cleavers you are wrong. This is fuck all to do with what they think or say for me-heard it all before from them and I just laugh at them because that's all they got. This is a defence of mcfc and peoples constant berating of so called unfair prices

we get it you can afford it, but if you couldnt youd be saying the same a most city fans who cant, just because someone cannot afford it and cant go or chose not to doesnt make them a disgrace or less loyal, I think youve got the im a bigger blue then you disease :)

Not at all-As the op said,I also know blues who spent loads over the festive period not even thinking about it,yet are moaning to me regarding ticketing prices.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
tasker said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Cleavers you are wrong. This is fuck all to do with what they think or say for me-heard it all before from them and I just laugh at them because that's all they got. This is a defence of mcfc and peoples constant berating of so called unfair prices.

-- Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:56 pm --

I take it by the comment under your name,you like a flutter on the nags? Scoop 6 champion? How many ten folds do you do on a saturday then?
i put money on what i can afford, by the way i will be there tomorrow and the return leg in 2 weeks, and at the final if we get there

When I said DISGRACE I only meant it in the fact that people who can go or can afford to go who decide not to go should hang their head in shame just because it is on tv or the carling cup.My whole issue is not about peoples disposable income,it's the "LETS BLAME CITY" again for me not being able to go. It gets to the point of why some fans even bother when all they see is another £40 ETC ETC. I am sorry but since when has being successful ever been cheap?

I read your original post again. It just seems like your attacking anyone who can't go and placing this strawman argument on them that they spend, spend, spend and then blame city.

But seriously, how many people are you talking about, then eh? With the specific situation you're talking about, I'm guessing a tiny handful in comparison to how many people actually can't afford to go (for whatever reason.)

So expect people to get at you when you're posting what appears, first-read, to be a load self-righteous generalisations, because most city fans aren't a disgrace. We have bloody class fans
xenon_ said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
tasker said:
i put money on what i can afford, by the way i will be there tomorrow and the return leg in 2 weeks, and at the final if we get there

When I said DISGRACE I only meant it in the fact that people who can go or can afford to go who decide not to go should hang their head in shame just because it is on tv or the carling cup.My whole issue is not about peoples disposable income,it's the "LETS BLAME CITY" again for me not being able to go. It gets to the point of why some fans even bother when all they see is another £40 ETC ETC. I am sorry but since when has being successful ever been cheap?

I read your original post again. It just seems like your attacking anyone who can't go and placing this strawman argument on them that they spend, spend, spend and then blame city.

But seriously, how many people are you talking about, then eh? With the specific situation you're talking about, I'm guessing a tiny handful in comparison to how many people actually can't afford to go (for whatever reason.)

So expect people to get at you when you're posting what appears, first-read, to be a load self-righteous generalisations, because most city fans aren't a disgrace. We have bloody class fans

Yes we do-but some of those class fans with the "cant be fucked" attitude make excuses up and blame the club-THAT MY FRIEND-IS A FACT.
Scotty76 said:
80s Shorts said:
Scotty76 said:
Which I'm not doing, I'm clearly having a go at those that make excuses that are shite...
I see someone out all over xmas, then using the prices as an excuse. I think that's poor. My opinion, you don't have to like it.

They are giving reasons not excuses. How on earth do you know how much somebody drank over christmas, what their financial situation is or what commitments they have other than children. I am happy for you that you can afford to go. Pity you cannot afford a smidgen of understanding for those that cannot, for whatever reason.

Whats wrong, are you worried about getting ribbed by rags if its not a full house. I think thats it and that is your inadequacy not the fault of others pal.

I know people that went on the piss over xmas and use prices as excuses for not going, that's why I posted it. I am not having a go at everyone that isn't going, just the ones that have done what I've said. Am I not aloud to have an opinion? I have not put everyone in the same bracket, have I???

Why would I be arsed about rags??? I don't know any that do as many games as I do. In fact, most of the rags I know don't go. So I don't worry about them???

You are expecting people to prioritize their spending in a manner that you see fit. If somebody cannot afford to go because they wanted to have a good christmas with their family and friends then i suggest it is no business of yours. That is my point. Enjoy the game.<br /><br />-- Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:19 pm --<br /><br />
Scotty76 said:
80s Shorts said:
Scotty76 said:
Which I'm not doing, I'm clearly having a go at those that make excuses that are shite...
I see someone out all over xmas, then using the prices as an excuse. I think that's poor. My opinion, you don't have to like it.

They are giving reasons not excuses. How on earth do you know how much somebody drank over christmas, what their financial situation is or what commitments they have other than children. I am happy for you that you can afford to go. Pity you cannot afford a smidgen of understanding for those that cannot, for whatever reason.

Whats wrong, are you worried about getting ribbed by rags if its not a full house. I think thats it and that is your inadequacy not the fault of others pal.

I know people that went on the piss over xmas and use prices as excuses for not going, that's why I posted it. I am not having a go at everyone that isn't going, just the ones that have done what I've said. Am I not aloud to have an opinion? I have not put everyone in the same bracket, have I???

Why would I be arsed about rags??? I don't know any that do as many games as I do. In fact, most of the rags I know don't go. So I don't worry about them???
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
xenon_ said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
When I said DISGRACE I only meant it in the fact that people who can go or can afford to go who decide not to go should hang their head in shame just because it is on tv or the carling cup.My whole issue is not about peoples disposable income,it's the "LETS BLAME CITY" again for me not being able to go. It gets to the point of why some fans even bother when all they see is another £40 ETC ETC. I am sorry but since when has being successful ever been cheap?

I read your original post again. It just seems like your attacking anyone who can't go and placing this strawman argument on them that they spend, spend, spend and then blame city.

But seriously, how many people are you talking about, then eh? With the specific situation you're talking about, I'm guessing a tiny handful in comparison to how many people actually can't afford to go (for whatever reason.)

So expect people to get at you when you're posting what appears, first-read, to be a load self-righteous generalisations, because most city fans aren't a disgrace. We have bloody class fans

Yes we do-but some of those class fans with the "cant be fucked" attitude make excuses up and blame the club-THAT MY FRIEND-IS A FACT.

Sometimes people like massaging each others egos on here. Its easy to say your a top lad etc etc but in reality if someone with a different opinion voices anything slightly controvertial then the blue moon mafia are out in force.

Bottom line is its easy to blame the club. And to quote WE HAVE CLASS FANS-Oh yes those same fans who threw rocks at vehicles with 7yr old kids in on Sunday-Yeah,well classy some of our fans. Take the blue blinkers off just for a second mate
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
xenon_ said:
I read your original post again. It just seems like your attacking anyone who can't go and placing this strawman argument on them that they spend, spend, spend and then blame city.

But seriously, how many people are you talking about, then eh? With the specific situation you're talking about, I'm guessing a tiny handful in comparison to how many people actually can't afford to go (for whatever reason.)

So expect people to get at you when you're posting what appears, first-read, to be a load self-righteous generalisations, because most city fans aren't a disgrace. We have bloody class fans

Yes we do-but some of those class fans with the "cant be fucked" attitude make excuses up and blame the club-THAT MY FRIEND-IS A FACT.

Sometimes people like massaging each others egos on here. Its easy to say your a top lad etc etc but in reality if someone with a different opinion voices anything slightly controvertial then the blue moon mafia are out in force.

Bottom line is its easy to blame the club. And to quote WE HAVE CLASS FANS-Oh yes those same fans who threw rocks at vehicles with 7yr old kids in on Sunday-Yeah,well classy some of our fans. Take the blue blinkers off just for a second mate

sorry so are you saying that due to the actions of a couple of stone throwing pricks we do not have class fans? Grow fucking up
80s Shorts said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
tasker said:
i put money on what i can afford, by the way i will be there tomorrow and the return leg in 2 weeks, and at the final if we get there

When I said DISGRACE I only meant it in the fact that people who can go or can afford to go who decide not to go should hang their head in shame just because it is on tv or the carling cup.My whole issue is not about peoples disposable income,it's the "LETS BLAME CITY" again for me not being able to go. It gets to the point of why some fans even bother when all they see is another £40 ETC ETC. I am sorry but since when has being successful ever been cheap?

Your changing your tune a little mate. You spent most of your posts slagging fellows blues for spending their money on things other than that which you believe they should and therefore not being in a position to afford to go. Now you are turning your attention to those "disgraces" (your words) that can afford to go but choose not to. My dad can afford to go but will be watching on tv tomorrow and desperate for us to win. I am not pleased you think him shameful and a disgrace.

What a silly little man you are.

Goodnight and enjoy the game you superfan you x

Dont worry-I will<br /><br />-- Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:25 pm --<br /><br />
BringBackSwales said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Yes we do-but some of those class fans with the "cant be fucked" attitude make excuses up and blame the club-THAT MY FRIEND-IS A FACT.

Sometimes people like massaging each others egos on here. Its easy to say your a top lad etc etc but in reality if someone with a different opinion voices anything slightly controvertial then the blue moon mafia are out in force.

Bottom line is its easy to blame the club. And to quote WE HAVE CLASS FANS-Oh yes those same fans who threw rocks at vehicles with 7yr old kids in on Sunday-Yeah,well classy some of our fans. Take the blue blinkers off just for a second mate

sorry so are you saying that due to the actions of a couple of stone throwing pricks we do not have class fans? Grow fucking up

No - Not at all,but the few who did are a fucking disgrace to the club. Sorry,what excuse is there for it,we lost a football match. Jesus wept,I despair at times.
What it boils down to, is a few thinking "I'm a better City fan because I'm going tomorrow", well they're not so just ignore them. I'm going tomorrow, but I don't feel the need to feel superior to anyone else. If you're a blue that's good enough for me, whether you go to every friendly, or whether you never go to a live game. Choose your own life, and ignore those that say otherwise.

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